You can maintain your product master data on the following path:
Master data > Product > Open the product master data you want to maintain
All fields described in this documentation are optional if not specifically marked as obligatory. However, we do recommend to fill all fields relevant to you as best as possible as many fields are reused in other functionalities. This will subsequently make your work a lot easier.
Most of the tabs described in this document offer an export option for your product data. The export is possible by using the following buttons which you find under the tables:
You can find more information on how to export product master data in the Exporting product master data article.
Furthermore, most tabs offer various filter and search option.
The following search and filter options are available to you:
Filter slider options above the table which you can activate or deactivate:
Column filters under the column headers, in which you can enter search terms or parts of a search term:
The Search field on the top right above the table, in which you can enter search terms or parts of a search term:
You can also combine the search and filter options described above.
In the Creating product master data article you will find instructions on how to fill this tab and its subtabs.
In Xentral you can create different texts for each product and online shop. Furthermore you can define texts in your document language.
To create a new text in another document language:
Click +Create new text to create a new product text in another language. The Edit form is displayed.
Make sure that the Active check box is selected, otherwise the text can't be used.
From the Language drop-down select the language for which you want to create a text . The text you create will then be added on documents in this language.
In the Shop field select the online shop in which you want to use the text.
Enter the name of the product in the selected target language in the Product field.
Enter a fitting short text in the selected target language in the Short text field.
Enter the product description in the selected target language in the Item Description editor.
Under Online shop texts enter a product description in the Item Description editor.
Enter the relevant information in the fields Meta title, Meta description and Meta keywords.
If the product is a catalog product, select the Catalog item check box under Catalog. Then enter the product name in the Designation field and a description in the Catalog text.
Click Save.
The text you defined is displayed in the overview of the Texts tab.
Under Administration > Shop interface > Online shops > Shop functions tab go to the Foreign languages row in the table to see if your online shop supports other languages.
Legacy module
The module described in this article section has been marked as a legacy module. This means the following:
We don't create new features for this module or fix any bugs.
The module is not available anymore in Xentral instances (demo or licensed) created after 28-Sep-2022. If you as a new user have special requirements that could only be fulfilled by this module, please contact our customer support team to discuss a solution.
For more information, see also Why is Xentral deprecating some modules (Legacy modules) and what does this mean for you?
In the Links tab you can link files and web links to your product, e.g. technical data sheets or a link to the relevant manufacturer page, etc. All links you create will be displayed in the overview.
All entries marked with a small red asterisk have an internal remark.
To create a new link:
Click +New entry. The Edit form is displayed.
Enter a name for your link in the Designation field.
Enter the path to the file you want to link in the File path field.
If required, enter any relevant comments or remarks in the Internal comment field.
Click Save.
The new link is displayed in the overview.
You can open external links by clicking on the file path displayed in the File path column. For local links you click Pfad kopieren (Copy path) for the relevant link. For technical reasons it is not possible to open these links directly in the browser.
In the Files tab you can add files like documents, images and product images. You can display the uploaded product images in the product overview or you can export them to your online shop.
You can find more information on how to upload images in the Using product images article.
To add a new file:
Click Create a new file in the sub tabs.
Use drag & drop to drag your image file into the Insert files here section or click Datei auswählen (select file) and select the relevant file from your computer.
Enter a unique designation for your file in the Title field.
Enter a description for your file in the Description field.
Select a keyword for your file in the keyword field. Available options are:
Standard product image (shop image)
Standard group picture
Label image
Other picture
Data sheet
Print image (300dpi)
Certificate attachment (PDF)
Other file
Cover page
Click Save.
The keyword defines if your file can be processed in other parts of the system.
You can use the bulk batch processing to create a ZIP file containing several files or open the files as one collective PDF.
To create a ZIP file containing several files or open a collective PDF including several files:
Select the check box on the left for all files you want to handle in the batch process. Alternatively click the mark all check box under Bulk Batch Processing.
Click Create ZIP or Open collective PDF.
The Parts list tab is displayed when you select the Parts list check box or the Just-in-time parts list check box on the Details tab. Parts lists are also known as bills of materials.
This tab contains all products which are included in the bill of materials and the quantities required.
You can find more info on bills of materials in the Bill of materials article.
The Raw materials tab is displayed when you select the Raw material list check box in the Details tab. In this tab you can add your raw materials.
The raw material list serves as additional information, as you generally create bills of material for recipes, products etc. You can use this list e.g. for finished goods as description of contents.
To add a new raw material:
Click on Create new element in the sub tab list.
In the Type field select whether this concerns to material or costs.
Select the product, enter the required quantity and add a description in the relevant field.
Select the Include in stock value check box if you want to add the raw material value to the stock value.
Click Save.
The new raw material is displayed in the overview.
In the Free fields tab you can add missing language entries for your free fields.
You can find more information on free fields in the Free Fields article.
In the Properties tab you can find all properties assigned to the product, e.g. weight or color.
Furthermore you can:
Add new product properties
Add translations for your product properties
Apply a product property template
You can create product properties in this tab or import them. You can find more information on how to import product properties in the Properties section of the Import/Export article.
You can transfer product properties to some online shops. Under Administration > Shop interface > Online shops > Shop functions tab go to the Properties row in the table to see if your online shop supports properties.
You can create your product property templates, the properties and property translations in advance in order to be able to assign them more quickly. How you can do that is described in the Creating and maintaining product properties article.
To create a new product property:
Under Actions click +New feature.
Enter the property, value and, if required, the unit or select them using the magnifying glass.
Click Save.
The property you selected or entered is displayed in the Properties tab.
To appy a template with product properties :
Under Actions click the magnifying glass in the Choose Template field and select the template you want to apply.
Click Load.
The product properties that are included in the template are displayed in the overview.
To add translations for product properties:
Click +New translation. The Edit form is displayed. The Product field is filled automatically with the current product.
In the From section select the source language from the drop-down and enter or select the property and/or value in the relevant field.
The magnifying glass for selecting a property or value is only available when properties or values exist in the system for the source language. You can also enter a new property.
In the After section select the target language from the drop-down and enter the translation of your property and/or value in the relevant field.
Select a shop in the Shop field if you want to use the translation for a certain shop.
Click Save.
You can add more than one translation. for each property.
If you've added a translation for an existing property, the translation will be added as separate row in the overview below the existing property in the source language
If you've translated a property which did not exist in the system, two new rows will be added to the overview - one for the source and one for the target language.
In the Purchasing tab you can search for the purchase prices of the product at your various suppliers or define a new purchase price and supplier. You can also define graduated prices by creating several entries for your supplier with the varying prices. This will help you in your order proposals as the entries will be displayed. This way you can immediately see which order quantity is required for a better price.
Furthermore you can calculate the price per item based on the price per packing unit.
You can import purchase prices (subsequently). If purchase prices for this product exist, you can define during the import that existing prices will become invalid on the day before the import. This way you can ensure that purchase prices will not interfere with each other. You can find more information on the import of purchase prices and import templates in the Import of master data and company data (data import) article .
To create a new purchase price for a supplier:
In the Overview subtab click +New purchase price. The Edit form is opened.
In the Supplier section select your Supplier (mandatory). If this is your standard supplier, select the Standard supplier check box.
Enter the name of the product at the supplier in the Designation at the supplier field and the relevant product number in the Item number at supplier field.
In the purchasing price section enter the minimum quantity required for the purchase price in the From quantity field (mandatory).
In the Price per piece field enter the price per item and select the relevant currency from the drop-down (mandatory). Alternatively the price per item can be calculated based on the packaging unit (see step 7). You can use the buttons +19.00 and +7.00 to increase the entered price to include the relevant VAT or the buttons -19.00 and -7.00 to reduce the price excluding the VAT. The price is adjusted directly in the Price per piece field.
Enter the date you requested the price information from you supplier in the Price request from field.
In the Packaging unit (quantity in PU) field enter the quantity of items per packaging unit. If you have not entered a price in the Price per piece field, you can click the Calculate unit price button to automatically calculate the price per item. You are prompted to enter a total price per unit and the system uses this amount to calculate the price per item and fills the Price per piece field with the calculated price.
Select the Price not calculated from currency table check box if you don't want convert the price using the currency table.
Enter the expiration date of the purchase price in the Date of Expiry field.
In the Additional Information section add the following:
Enter the current stock number and the day it way recorded in the fields Inventory supplier and At the.
Enter the standard delivery time for the product in days or weeks in the Delivery time standard field.
Enter the stock number in the security warehouse in the Security warehouse field.
Enter the current delivery time for the product in days or weeks in the Delivery time currently field.
Do you have a framework agreement, select the Framework agreement check box. In the From and Until fields enter the start and end date of the agreement and the agreed quantity in the Quantity field. Framework agreements are recorded in the Framework agreement (Suppliers) app. You can find more information on framework agreements with suppliers in the Abrufmenge und Rahmenvertrag (Lieferant) article.
If there is anything else you want to add for internal processingm, enter the relevant information in the Internal comment field.
Click Save.
The new purchase price is displayed in the overview.
In the Item tree tab you can see, which product categories and subcategories the product is assigned to in the Item tree module.
Here you can assign the product to a certain category or remove the assignment to a category. To do so click Bearbeitung aktivieren (activate editing) and select or clear the check box for the relevant category. Your change is saved automatically.
In the Calculation tab you can generate a calculated purchase price which includes both the purchase price and potential purchase costs. Fore products which represent a bill of materials you can display the purchase costs of the invidiual items and you can create calculations.
The tab contains the following subtabs:
Price development
Details subtab
In this tab you can record any costs incurred:
One-time costs
Costs per item
Costs per lot
Costs per purchase
To record costs:
Under Actions click +Create a new entry.
Enter a name for your cost in the Designation field and the Date the've incurred.
Select the type of cost from the Cost type drop-down.
Click Load Purch. or Load imputed equity to load the purchase price or the calculated purchase price respectively.
Enter the Costs and select the Currency for the cost. Enter the quantity for which the cost incurred in the For quantity field.
If there is any other information you want to add, enter the information in the Internal comment field.
Seelct the Include in purchase price calculation check box, if these costs should be included when calculating the purchase price.
Click Save.
The new cost entry is displayed in the overview.
In the Calculate and adopt the new calculated purchase price section you can include the calculated purchase in your contribution margin calculation.
You can edit your cost entry by click on the pen icon in the Menu column.
You can archive a cost entry by clicking the red traffic sign icon in the Menu column. The archived cost entry will no longer be displayed in the overview. You can display archived cost entries again be selecting the View archived costs filter on top of the overview.
You can delete a cost entry by clicking the cross icon. Once deleted the cost entry can't be recovered.
If your product is a production product the purchase costs of the raw materials can be included as costs in the calculation of the final product by clicking Load Purch. This way you can calculate the contribution margin for your production product and include it in the calculated purchase costs.
Price developtment subtab
In the Price development tab you can manually enter the calculated purchase price and the date of the calculation and create a price history.
To add a calculated purchase price:
Under Actions click +New entry. The Edit form is displayed.
Enter the calculated purchase price and selecte the date this price was calculated.
Click Save.
The price entry is displayed in the overview.
You can edit your calculated price entry by click on the pen icon in the Menu column.
You can delete your calculated price entry by click on the pen icon in the Menu column.
Diagram subtab
The Diagram subtab displays the price development of the product graphically.
Settings subtab
Select the Include purchase price in calculation when completing the order check box if the purchase costs of the purchase items should be recorded when the purchase order is set to complete.
Select the Calculated purchase price automatically recalculate the mean value according to the FIFO principle of the last inputs check box to analyze how much stock of this product is available in the warehouse. Only the last purchase orders are included insofar they add up to the current stock number.
Available stock is 150, Purchase order 1 01.08.2018 was 100, Purchase order 2 02.08.2018 was 200, Purchase order 3 03.08.2018 was 100.
By selecting this check box the prices from purchase order 3 would be calculated with a weighting of 2/3 + prices froum purchase order 2 with a weighting of 1/3.
If this check box is not selected, purchase order 1 would be included in the calculation and the weightings would be 1/4, 1/2 and 1/4 respectively.
In the Sales tab you can add a sales price for your product. You have the option to add different prices for e.g. certain customers or groups or you can add a recommended sales price which is calculated on the basis of certain settings.
To add a new sales price (net price):
Under Actions click +New selling price. The Edit form is opened.
In the Conditions drop-down select whether the sales price should be valid for a customer or a group.
Based on your selection in the Conditions drop-down the Customer or group field is displayed. Select or enter the customer or group for which the sales price should apply. If you want to create a general sales price for all customers, leave this field empty.
Enter the product number at the customer in the Item number at customer field, if known.
In the Selling price section enter the required order quantity for the sales price to apply in the From quantity field (mandatory).
Enter the net sales price for the product in the Price field and select the relevant currency in the Currency field on the right (mandatory). You can use the buttons +19.00 and +7.00 to increase the entered price to include the relevant VAT or the buttons -19.00 and -7.00 to reduce the price excluding the VAT. The price is adjusted directly in the Price field.
Prices are B2B net prices in Xentral. If you need B2C prices calculate the price as gross amount and reduce the tax to net amount.
If you product has a fixed gross price use the -19.00 and -7.00 buttons to calculate the net price. Xentral will record the net price with the required amount of decimal digits. If you enter the net price manually with insufficient decimal digits, this can lead to rounding differences during the ordering process.
Define the time span during which this price should be applicable using the Valid from and Date of Expiry fields.
Enter the packaging unit, that is the product quantity per package, in the Quantity in packaging unit field.
Select the Price not calculated from currency table check box if you don't want convert the price using the currency table.
Select the Hide in bulk prices in documents check box if the price should not be displayed on documents for bulk orders.
If there is any other information you want to add for internal processing add the information in the Internal comment field.
Click Save.
The new sales price is displayed in the overview.
You can edit the sales price by clicking on the pen icon in the Menu column.
You can deactivate the sales price by clicking on the red traffic symbol icon in the Menu column. The deactivated price is no longer displayed in the overview. You can display deactivated sales prices again by selecting the Show old sales prices filter on top of the overview.
You can delete the sales price by clicking on the cross icon in the Menu column. Once deleted there is no way to recover a deleted sales price.
You can copy the sales price by clicking on the double square icon in the Menu column. This option is very useful when you want to use many of the same information.
Based on the margin defined in the basic settings (Administration >System > Basic settings > Tax/currency tab > Currency section) Xentral will calculate a recommended sales price and a markup in relation to the sales price.
Recommended sales price calculation |
Markup calculation |
purchase price x (1+defined margin/100) |
purchase price / (100-margin) x 100 |
Ex.: Purchase price = 10€ Standard margin = 50% Recom. sales price = 10 x (1+50/100) = 15€ |
Ex.: Purchase price = 10€ Standard margin = 50% Markup price = 10 / (100 - 50) * 100 = 20€ |
The calculated sales price and the calculated markup price are displayed below the overview in a yellow info box.
There may be situations where you define a standard price which is lower than a customer price or a group price. If you still want to apply the higher of the two prices, make sure that you clear the Selection of the cheapest sales price check box in the basic settings (Administration > System > Basic settings > System tab > Receipts section).
In the Statistics tab you have an overview of the documents in which the product was included sorted by year.
In the Warehouse tab you can manually take in your product or remove it from stock, adjust the basic settings of the packaging unit of your product or relocate the product to another stock bin.
Furthermore you have an overview over the following:
Stock: This section shows you the amount of stock you have in different warehouses.
Beneath you can also find further data for this product:
Stock: This number represents the quantity of the product you currently have in stock. It is calculated by adding up all the stock you have in different warehouses.
Reserved: This number indicates the quantity of your product that is reserved (e.g., due to sales orders or ongoing productions). You can find more detailed information about these reservations in the Reservations section of this tab.
Open orders (sales): This number shows the quantity you need for your open sales orders, including those where partial deliveries have already been made. Sales orders that have been completed or canceled on the other hand are not included. These sales orders are all still in the 'open' status, regardless of whether they have been delivered or not.
Sold: The key distinction between 'open orders/sold' and 'reserved' is order shipment. Sales order confirmations that appear under 'Open orders' in the 'Inventory' tab have already been sent to customers. Sales orders listed under 'Reservations' have been recorded and approved in the system but have not been shipped yet.
Calculated Inventory: The calculated inventory represents the quantity that would theoretically remain in stock if all open sales orders were fulfilled. This quantity is determined by the formula: Stock - Open orders = Calculated Inventory.
Availability: This represents the quantity you can still sell according to the calculated inventory. This value is calculated the same way as the calculated inventory, but cannot go below zero.
Calculated Inventory with open orders: This reflects the inventory from your calculated inventory and adds your open purchase orders: Calculated inventory + Open purchase orders = Calculated Inventory with open orders). You can use this metric to know whether you should restock
Open orders (sales)
Open productions
Open orders (purchase)
Warehouse movements
You can find further information on reservations and when a product is marked as reserved in the Reservations article.
To adjust the basic settings of your packaging unit:
The adjustment of packaging units is only available when the additional module Amazon Seller App has been booked.
In the Stock section click on the pen icon in the VPE column for the relevant stock. The Change VPEs form is opened.
Enter the quantity per packaging unit, weight and dimensions in the relevant fields or load the required information from a template.
Click Save.
To take your product in or remove it from stock:
In the Stock section click on the green plus icon in the Action column to manually take the product in or click on the red minus icon to remove it from stock.
Enter the product quantity you want to take in or remove in the first pop-up and click OK.
Enter your reason for the take-in/removal in the second pop-up and click OK.
The product taken in or removed from stock is displayed on top ot the tab in a yellow info box. The stock number is adjusted accordingly.
To move your stock to another storage location:
In the Stock section click Store product in new storage location. The Warehouse Inbound form is displayed.
The fields From, Quantity, Product number, Designation, Image and Shelf suggestion are pre-filled by Xentral based on the existing product data record. Adjust the Quantity to the quantity of products you want to move.
Select the new storage location in the Shelf field.
Select a Project and a Reason, if required.
Click Next.
The new storage location with the current product quantities is displayed in the Stock section.
In the Availability tab you can follow the availability of the product on a day/week/Month basis. The display is based on the following documents:
Open offers
Open orders
Purchase orders from orders
By selecting or clearing the relevant check boxes you can add or remove documents from the calendar display.
If the product is part of a bill or materials, the In parts list tab displays the bill of materials in which this product is included and the quantities included.
In the Label tab you can create and print labels for this product and define printer settings.
You can create label templates under Administration > System > Labels and the select these layouts in this tab. You can find out how to create label templates in the Create Label Layout article.
To create a new label:
Under Actions click +New label. The Edit form is opened.
Select the required label from the Label drop-down.
Select the type of label, that is in what circumstance the label is to be printed, in the Type field. The following options are available:
Shipping center: The label is automatically printed on the pre-selected printer after scanning in the shipping center
Goods receipt: The label is printed automatically during goods receipt
Production: The label is automatically taken over into production
Enter the amount of labels to be printed in the Quantity field and select the printer in the Printer drop-down.
Click Save.
The new label is displayed in the overview on the bottom of the form.
To print a new label:
In the Selection labels section select the amount of labels to print in the Quantity field, select the required label template from the Label drop-down and select the printer from the Printer drop-down.
Click Print.
The selected label is printed.
Furthermore you define the following settings in the Setting section:
Auto-print label check box: Is used in combination with the fast goods receipt. The labels are printed directly on the pre-selected printer during take-in of the product.
Auto-print label drop-down: Label selection for automatic printing.
It is possible to print images on the labels. The necessary pre-requisites are described here.
In order for this tab to be displayed you need to define a purchase price for the product first.
In the Orders tab you can find an overview of all the purchase orders you created for the product.
You can download an order to your computer by clicking the PDF icon in the Menu column.
You can open an order by clicking the pen icon in the Menu column.
In the Receipts tab you can find an overview of all documents in which the product is included.
You can download a document to your computer by clicking the PDF icon in the Menu column.
You can open an document by clicking the pen icon in the Menu column.
Legacy module
The module described in this article section has been marked as a legacy module. This means the following:
We don't create new features for this module or fix any bugs.
The module is not available anymore in Xentral instances (demo or licensed) created after 28-Sep-2022. If you as a new user have special requirements that could only be fulfilled by this module, please contact our customer support team to discuss a solution.
For more information, see also Why is Xentral deprecating some modules (Legacy modules) and what does this mean for you?
In the Certificates tab you can find all available certificates for the product and create new certificates.
Use the displayed legend in the Certificate Generator form for information on how to fill out the field.
To create a new certificate:
Click New certificate. The Certificate Generator form ist displayed. The Product field is pre-filled with the current product.
If you want to create the certificate for a customer, select the relevant customer in the Customer field.
Depending on the requirements enter a German and/or English description of the certificate in the relevant fields.
If you want to add a note in relation to the certificate order, enter the note in the Order note German and/or Order note English fields.
If you need to enter any comments for internal processing, enter them in the Internal note field.
Select the With signature check box if the certificate needs a signature.
Select the with date of sale/stamp check box if the certificate requires a sales date or stamp on it.
Select the with attached certificates+parts list check box if you need to attach other certificates or a bill of materials.
Enter the price for the customer in the Price Euros field. Fill the other cost fields according to your requirements.
Enter the sender of the certificate in the Sender field.
Click Save.
The new certificate is displayed in the Certificate tab.
You can edit a certificate by click on the pen icon in the Menu column. From within the Certificate Generator Edit you can also open a PDF preview using the buttons PDF preview (DE) or PDF preview (EN) or save the PDF for the customer using the buttons Save PDF to customer (DE) and Save PDF to customer (EN).
It is not possible to delete a certificate in the Certificates tab. To delete a certificate go to the Certificate Generator App (App Center > System > Certificate Generator) and click the cross icon in the Menu column. Once a certificate is deleted you cannot restore it.
Set the Batch management field in the Other settings section in the Details tab to Active to display the Batches tab.
Select the Best before date check box in the Other settings section in the Details tab to display the Minimum best before tab.
Set the Batch management field in the Other settings section in the Details tab to Active and select the Best before date check box to display the Minimum stop.+Batches tab.
In the mentioned tabs all best before dates and/or batches in relation to the product are displayed. You can add missing entries filling the fields above the overview with the relevant information and clicking Create missing entries.
In the External numbers tab you can find all the external numbers that have been recorded for this product and create new external numbers.
External numbers are used in cases where a product is transferred from a third party system (e.g. online shops) to Xentral with a product number not identical to the product number in Xentral. You can use this number to link the product in Xentral to the product in the third party system.
To create a new external number:
In the Create section above the overview enter or select a Designation for the external number.
Enter the external number from the third party system in the External number field.
Select the online shop from which the external number originates in the Shop field.
Select the Barcode scanner check box if you want to be able to record external numbers using the barcode scanner. This way external numbers can be recognized in POS, the shipping center, when added to documents and in the Product QuickScan app when using a scanner.
Make sure the Active check box is selected, otherwise the external number cannot be used.
Save the external number by clicking Save. Alternatively if you leave one of the fields using the enter key, the external number will be saved too.
The new external number is displayed in the overview.
You can edit the external number by clicking the pen icon in the Menu column.
You can delete the external number by clicking the cross icon in the Menu column.
During import Xentral will first search for the matching external number, then the matching product number, then the manufacturer number and lastly the EAN.
If you want to create many products with external numbers at the same time, use the data import option. You can find more information on the import of master data in the Import of master data and company data (data import) article.
In the Cross-selling tab all links between the product and cross selling products are displayed. Cross selling products are products that are close in nature to the product or represent accessories. You can also create links to cross selling products in this tab.
To create a new link to a cross selling product:
Under Actions click on +Enter new product. The Item settings form is opened.
Select the cross selling product you want to link in the Cross-selling item field.
Select the shop you want to export the link to in the Shop field.
From the Type drop-down select whether the cross-selling item is a similar product or accessory/equipment.
Before you transfer the link to the online shop make sure, that accessories are supported by the shop.
Enter a sequence number in the Sequence field if you want to define the sequence where several cross selling products exist for the product. Enter 0 if the sequence should be created automatically.
If there are other important information, enter them in the Comment field.
Select the Assign to each other check box , if you want to export the link as reciprocal in both directions even if there is only a one-way assigment within Xentral. Not required for accessories.
Make sure the Active check box is selected in order to be able to use the cross selling link.
Click Save.
The new cross selling link is displayed in the overview.
You can edit a cross selling link by clicking on the pen icon in the Menu column.
You can delete a cross selling link by clicking on the cross icon in the Menu column.