In Xentral you can define product properties. After you have defined your product properties you can assign them to your products within the product master data.
Color, weight, measurements, screen size - all of those are examples for product properties. For each property you can define a value and, if required, a unit.
Property |
Value |
Unit |
Screen size |
13 |
inch |
Color |
red |
Weight |
1000 |
grams |
App Center > Master data > Item properties
In the Item properties app you can create properties for your products. You can then assign these properties to your product within the product master data or create and use property templates containing several properties.
You can create properties with either a freely selectable value or a value which is to be selected from a pre-defined list in your product master data. By choosing the latter option you can avoid that a wrong or a value not available for a product is selected.
The following must be met in order to display a pre-defined list of values in the product master data:
The property has been created in the Item properties app with the type Selectfeld.
The required values for the property have been defined in the Properties templates app for a specific template.
The template has been assigned to the product.
How you do this is described below in this document.
The selection list with pre-defined values is not displayed when you assign properties directly in the product master data.
To create a product property:
Click +NEW. The Setting form is displayed.
Enter a descriptive name into the Name field, e.g. Color, Volume, Weight, etc.
Make sure to not include any special characters or parentheses in the Name as they may cause problems when synchronized to some online shops like e.g., Shopify.
If the property is only to be used for a certain project, select the relevant project in the Project field. You can find more info about how to create projects here.
In the Type field select whether the property is Einzeilig (freely selectable value) or a Selectfeld (pre-defined selection list of values).
Click Save.
Your new product property is displayed in the overview.
If you have several products with identical or similar properties, you can create a property template and assign the template to these products. This way you can save a lot of time and manual work, as you don't have to assign each property individually.
App Center > Master data > Properties template
To create a new property template:
In the Create section enter a name for your new template in the Designation field.
Tick the Active check box to activate your property template.
Click Save.
Your new property template is displayed in the overview.
Now you can add properties to your template. You can either define new properties directly or use pre-defined properties.
To add properties to your template:
In the Menu column click on xxx for the template you want to edit. The Details tab is displayed.
In the Create section enter the required property into the Property field or select one of the pre-defined properties, if available, by clicking on the magnifying glass . You can create product properties in App Center > Master data > Item properties.
Enter the value for your property in the Value field, e.g. red, green, blue, round, oval, angular, S, M, L, XL, etc. If the selected property is of the type Selectfeld, meaning that the values of the property will later be shown as a pre-selected selection list, enter here one of the desired values. Further down in this documentation we will explain to you how to continue in this case.
If necessary, enter a unit in the Unit (optional) field or select a pre-defined unit using the magnifying glass. You can find more info on how to create units here.
Click Save.
Repeat steps 2 to 5 for all properties you want to add to your template.
The properties are displayed in the Details tab.
For properties which should be displayed with a pre-defined selection list of values in the product master data, repeat the steps just described. In this case always select the relevant property but each time add a new value until you have entered all the required values for your selection list.
The order in which you enter your values for a property is also the order in which the values will be displayed in the selection list. This means that the first entered value will be displayed first in the selection list.
Example for the entry of different values for a property with a selection list in product master data:
When using your template in the product master data, by default the first entered value is displayed. You can edit this value:
You cannot change in what order the values are displayed. The values are displayed in the order in which they were entered.
You can edit a property within your template by clicking the pen icon in the Menu column.
You can delete a property from the template by clicking the cross icon in the Menu column.
App Center > Master data > Product properties translation
With the Product properties translation app you can translate your product properties into other languages. Prerequisite for this is that the language in question does exist in Xentral as document language.
To add a new translation for a property:
Click +NEW. The Setting form is displayed.
If you want to add a generic translation (meaning not product specific), leave the Product field blank. This will add the translation independent of the product. If you want to add a translation only for a specific product, enter the relevant product in the Product field or select it using the magnifying glass.
In the From section select the source language of your property, the required Property and the Value to be translated.
You can also choose to only translate either the property or the value. In this case leave the field not to be translated blank.
In the After section select the target language in which you want to translate your property and the enter the relevant translations in the Property and the Value fields.
If the translation is only to be used for a specific shop, select the relevant shop in the Shop field.
Click Save.
The translation you added is displayed in the overview.
If you added a product specific translation, this translation will only be displayed within the master data of the relevant product in the Properties tab. If you added a generic translation, the translation will be displayed for all products which have the relevant property assigned.