The following old Xentral Module Inventory will be replaced this year by the Inventory App (released) and other protocol functions. (Last update: 06.11.2024). You can already download the new Inventory with mobile devices (Mobile Inventory App) for free and use it for inventory.
This article explains how the mapping and execution of the inventory is possible in Xentral and which special functions are provided by Xentral for this purpose.
You can access an overview of all documented warehouses in the menu Stock > Warehouse Management > Tab: Inventory. Clicking on the arrow button in the menu column will display an overview of all items that are in the selected warehouse on the first warehouse level in the Inventory subtab. Only quantities larger than 0 are displayed.
In this inventory list, you can now enter the actual counted quantities in the corresponding field in the Inventory column. The values entered are automatically saved, but do not yet result in an stock change. Only the interim results are saved in this list. Interim inventory changes due to delivery or shipping are not taken into account in the temporary storage. Therefore, it is necessary to temporarily suspend operations for this warehouse until the inventory is completed. Changes can be entered and saved again while the operation is ongoing.
An inventory cannot be carried out retroactively, but only on the current date!
In the Inventory tab, you can use various special functions in the Special Functions subtab.
Clicking on the button Inventur für Lager jetzt aus Lagerbestand laden from stock and then clicking on Ok in the box that appears will reveal additional special functions.
Load inventory from stock
Completely reset inventory
This special function calculates the current target stock for this warehouse and can be used when only a few changes are expected or need to be made.
This special feature offers the following advantages:
short inventory intervals
very cleanly maintained stocks
In the Special Functions subtab, click on the Load Inventory from Stock button and click Ok in the box that appears.
By doing this, Xentral prefills the inventory column in the Inventory subtab with the current stock.
This special function resets all saved values. This will delete all entered values. This can be useful in the following cases:
The inventory is to be completely restarted
The time period between the start of inventory and planned completion has become too long, so that too many subsequent inventory changes have occurred
To use this feature, click onReset Inventory (completely) in the Special Functions subtab, and then click on Ok in the box that appears.
After that, the entire inventory column in the Inventory subtab is cleaned up.
Below we explain step by step how the inventory in Xentral is done.
First, enter the inventory changes that have occurred in the warehouse, then save your entries.
To do so, follow these steps:
Count the actual stocks per shelf and enter them in the Inventory column in the Inventory subtab.
The color markings of the individual products have different meanings:
red: This item has not been counted yet. Here the current stock would be preserved when completing the inventory
black: The item has been counted. The actual stock matches the target stock
blue: The item has been counted, but the actual stock differs from the target stock
After entering the stock change, you complete the inventory and post the current stock.
The procedure for this is as follows:
Open the Completion subtab.
Click on Change stock in main warehouse now.
A message appears at the top. Click on Ok to adjust the stocks with a note containing information on the inventory and date.
When carrying out the step described above, you make changes to the stock that you can not reset later!
After you complete the inventory, you can create inventory documents as described above. After you complete the inventory, Xentral will automatically switch to document generation. Alternatively, you can do the following:
Inventory documents are automatically generated for each warehouse during inventory, listed in the Stock > Warehouse Management > Inventory > Details > Inventory menu.
A newly created document is in the Edit status and not yet approved. The document can be deleted if necessary. However, this does not undo the inventory change made to the item inventory.
If you would like to enter additional information, you can enter it and then release the document using the Release button
The Complete Inventory action saves the document permanently and freezes it
An inventory entry is demonstrated here by way of example.
First, open the menu Master Data > Item > Pen icon for each item > Warehouse.
In the Storage Space Movements table, you can view the postings created by the inventory. This entry is automatically created when you click on Customize Stocks in the Completion tab. For more information, see the previous chapters.
If you want the inventory to be displayed in the document without prices, then there is an additional option for this from version 19.3. This can be found in the menu Warehouse > Warehouse Management > Inventory. Check the option Hide prices.
After activating the option and clicking on Save, the inventory document, which can be viewed in the Preview subtab, will look like this: