In Xentral, the "Adjust Inventory via Document Enter and Retrieve" allows you to directly adjust stocks based on the entry and removal operations recorded in a specific document, such as a sales order or a return. This process is used to update the stock according to the actual physical movements of goods within the warehouse. For example, when a sales order for products is completed and the goods are removed from the warehouse, the stock automatically decreases according to the number of units sold. Similarly, the stock is increased when new products are entered into storage, for example, in the case of incoming goods.
This feature allows for seamless stock update in Xentral, ensuring accurate and up-to-date stock management, which in turn improves warehouse management efficiency and reliability.
With this module, it is possible to define which quantities are to be stored or retrieved from which shelf, per line, in a very flexible manner. It is also possible to define multiple stock movements per line. Both lines of delivery notes and purchase orders can be retrieved and stored. For example, if rental products come back, these products can be easily added back to the stock.
Use this manual function for special document postings or small quantities, e.g. sample orders or company-internal products in document booking. For higher warehouse throughput, you should use automation in logistics or the incoming goods processes.
You can find the settings for the module via Settings > Appstore > store receipts or via Smart Search by entering Save documents.
The option to store receipts is enabled by default when the module is active. You can use the function for the following document types and also disable it in the module settings:
Delivery note
Sales Order
Check the relevant document type for deactivation, saving is automatic. If you deactivate the function for a document type, the function in the document is hidden.
You can also manually retrieve the positions of a delivery note if you manually moved an order to the delivery note or created the delivery note directly, for example, you can outsource a product for internal use, make a sample shipment from your desk, or book late and retrieve a forgotten document.
Steps to Retrieve delivery note:
Create a new delivery note, add a customer address and positions.
Approve the receipt via the Approve button.
Click on the tab: Manual storage/ retrieval. The function in the delivery note is set to retrieve (dropdown) per position.
Select a storage location for each position by clicking on the magnifying glass icon.
Optional: If you want to enter two storage locations for a product, you can duplicate the document line by clicking on the plus icon the line. Make sure that the quantities are entered correctly here. (You can delete these newly created positions again via the X icon. Alternatively, you can reload the page to reset the positions back to the original setting).
Click on the button: Perform to retrieve the positions from the warehouses.
The retrieved/ delivered quantity will be displayed in the Quantity (delivered) column immediately updated.
Prior to retrieval, you will see the posted quantities for the positions in the Quantity (delivered) field:
Quantity delivered: 1 (0) means that no position has been retrieved and thus delivered.
Quantity delivered: 1 (1) means that a position has been retrieved and thus delivered.
Steps Storage delivery note:
Create a new delivery note, add a customer address and positions.
Approve the receipt via the Approve button.
Click on the tab: Manual storage/ retrieval. The function in the delivery note is set to storage (dropdown) per position.
Select a storage location for each position by clicking on the magnifying glass icon.
Optional: If you want to enter two storage locations for a product, you can duplicate the document position by clicking on the plus icon the position. Make sure that the quantities are entered correctly here. (You can delete these newly created positions again via the X icon. Alternatively, you can reload the page to reset the positions back to the original setting).
Click on the button: Perform to post the products into the warehouse.
The storage function in the delivery note is only possible if you have already retrieved products and want to return them to the warehouse, or you can manually make the stock movement via the warehouse or the product.
Under the Movments tab, you can view a history of all manual stock retrievals and chargebacks.
For the retrieval of the delivery note positions, you can display the removal shelf on the delivery note by checking the box at Add storage location to the document.
The storage location will only be displayed if you have activated and allowed the option for the logistics process of this project.
You can manually store the positions of a purchase order if you want to post the positions of a purchase order without a stock receipt process.
The function manual storage and retrieval of purchase orders works analogously to the steps in the delivery note see above.