The interim storage allows for a quick storage of your products or returns in the goods receipt area and their subsequent distribution to various warehouses. This way, you can perform the goods receipt separately from the later storage and, for example, book the goods onto a mobile cart. By configuring an option in the system settings, the interim storage can be automatically selected as the destination warehouse for purchase orders. In the goods receipt area, products can be either distributed to their final destination warehouse or divided into various storage locations. It is also possible to book products with a best before date (BBD) into the interim storage and distribute them from there. Batches and serial numbers are not transferred during this process.
You activate the interim storage under Settings > Set up your system >System settings in the Goods Receipt section. Select the option Goods receipt with interim storage.
When using this function, the storage location 'Interim Storage' is automatically preselected and booked in the storage location field. You can manually override the storage location 'Interim Storage.' If you choose not to use this function, depending on the workflow, you may see the default storage location of the product or the last booked storage location suggested instead of the interim storage.
Batches and serial numbers are not transferred during this process.
You can access the menu for interim storage by navigating to Stock > Stock in & out > Interim storage.
In the interim storage, you can view the currently booked products along with information about the channel from which they were booked:
INPUT Intermediate storage booth: Here you will find products that have been booked into interim storage in the goods receipt or returns process. You can further process or cancel products in interim storage.
EXIT Intermediate Storage level: Here you will find products that have been booked into interim storage during certain logistics processes in the picking process.
Note: You can not manually book products into the outgoing interim storage.
In the goods receipt process, you can accept products and book them into interim storage.
In the returns process, you can continue a sales order for a return. When creating the goods receipt document, select the storage location for the goods or set interim storage as the default value.
In the goods receipt process, the interim storage is preselected as the destination storage location. The product is booked into the interim storage with the respective quantity, for example, Product: Laptop Bag, Quantity: 1 piece.
You can relocate your products in the interim storage doing the following:
Transfer: Relocate the entire quantity of a product.
Individual Deposit: Relocate a partial quantity of a product.
Delete: Remove a product from interim storage, for example, to correct an erroneous booking.
The product will be permanently deleted and cannot be restored.
By transferring, you can distribute individual products to the destination storage locations:
Click Transfer.
Select the destination storage location by Input or Click on the suggested default storage location, for example, "HL-Lagerplatz2".
You can optionally specify a project or a reason for the transfer.
Click Next to book the product.
With Individual Deposit, you can distribute partial quantities of products to the destination storage locations:
Click Deposit.
Specify the quantity by entering it (take from interim storage).
Choose the destination storage location by either Input or Click on the suggested default storage location, such as "HL-Lagerplatz2".
You can optionally specify a project or give a reason for the transfer.
Click on Next to book the product. The remaining quantity will remain in interim storage.
By using Delete you can remove products from interim storage:
Click Delete.
Click OK to delete the product (remove the product from interim storage).
You only need this function to correct errors or duplicate entries in the goods receipt process.
The product will be deleted from interim storage along with the quantity of products it contains. It can not be restored, and only be rebooked through the module (the input channel, e.g., goods receipt).
You can book purchase orders with products that have a best before date (BBD) into interim storage and distribute them from there:
Click Transfer or Individual Deposit.
Choose the destination storage location by either Input or Click on the suggested default storage location, such as "Schnelldreher1".
The best before date (BBD) is automatically pre-filled from the goods receipt information. However, you can still correct the date when depositing it into the destination storage location. (The original BBD will be displayed again at the bottom of the page for your review).
Click Next to book the product.