The Commission Accounting module enables the mapping of the sales structure as well as flexible definition and settlement of sales commissions. The predefined commissions are allocated to the "representative" entered in the order and in the case of sales via a cash register, to the cashier registered in each case. If article-specific commission guidelines already exist, they can be restored via the master data import, as described here.
In the "Representatives" tab, an assignment can first be made between sales representatives and sales managers to reflect the basic relationships of the sales structure. This is used to allow the sales managers to also commission shares for representatives in the area of responsibility. To do this, simply fill in the fields for the "Representative" and their respective "Sales Manager".
Without a hierarchy, no assignment is necessary, in this case you can continue with the next step.
If an existing link between sales managers and the employees exists this can be imported comfortably by means of a CSV data record over the interface shown below.
For this purpose, the line from which the first "real" values (without possible headings or the like) are to be taken must first be specified. After the appropriate separator and charset has been selected, the specification of two related employee numbers is sufficient for a successful import. Alternatively, the IDs of the employees which can be viewed in the address bar of the browser can be used as well, as long as they are located in the master data of the corresponding employee.
For the variables 'sales representative' and 'sales management' the ID from xentral is required in each case.
For an order to be taken into account in the commission system, an address must be selected from the master data in the order details under "Sales". For this purpose the pencil icon behind the text field. In case of sales via a POS/cash register, the registered cashier and the sold articles (for which a commission rate was defined) are automatically recorded.
Alternatively, a fixed or predefined sales employee can be stored for each address, which will be used as default value in an order.
When defining commission rates, there are several options available all of which can be found in the "Commission per item" tab under "Accounting → Commissions". In the "Create" area, you can specify an "Item", a percentage in the "Commission" field (a simple number is sufficient) and the calculation basis in the Type" field to specify an item-specific commission rate. As desired, the commissions can be based on sales and purchase prices, unit sales or prices minus possible discounts.
In the field "Sales manager commission" you can additionally enter a commission for the sales manager, which has been assigned to the corresponding representative in advance. Every order that contains the selected article and a valid entry in the field "Sales", will from now on automatically be provided with the created commission, If the appropriate settings are made, the sales manager will receive a separately defined commission. If this mechanism is limited to a part of the staff or, for example, different commission rates are to be used for different employees, the field "Substitute" field must also be filled in, and the entire calculation will be based on the registered employee only. Furthermore, it is possible to define a global commission that will be applied to all items without commission specifications. In this field, the group of employees to be taken into account can be set flexibly. If the settlement is to take place independently of an article, the "Article" field can be left empty and, for example, only one representative and one commission can be entered.
If the commission is created on the basis of the revenue or the purchase price of an article the most favorable purchase price of the article will be used if the article has several purchase prices from different suppliers.
The integrated preview function aims to provide an overview of all sales transactions in the company at any time. Once a timeline has been defined, either a compact overview can be displayed or directly a statement of account can be created.
If a preview is displayed, all sales employees are visible at a glance, who have made sales in the specified period, their sales and any resulting commissions and, if applicable, any resulting commissions - broken down by sales representatives and sales managers. At this point, a click on the button to call up the mini detail view to obtain further information. In addition to the relevant invoice numbers, customers, articles and sales prices potentially granted discounts and commissions are also shown for each employee.
By clicking on "Create settlement" in the preview, the interface appears "Accounting → Commissions → Settlements", where numerous settlement types are available.
On the home screen, the most important information on historical settlements is displayed. On the right side, next to each settlement, there are three download buttons , which can be used to download various documents in CSV format. The first table shows which salespeople have made sales and how much, as well as sales and the commissions and sales managers to which they are entitled in the period under review.
While the first table works with aggregated values, the second table contains all sold articles with additional information.
The third table again contains summed values broken down by item category.
Finally, the mini detail view can be used to call up further information on the individual items of the selected settlement, ranging from the invoice number and the customers to item numbers and commissions, and can be downloaded as usual as a CSV file by clicking on the download button.
In order to be able to create a credit memo for the created commission settlements in the following for the sales employees, you must first define a commission article in the "Settings" tab to which the settlement can be posted. In addition, it can be set here whether the commission is to be deducted from the discount. Thus, a representative who is entitled to 20% commission can grant a 5% discount on the order and the commission will be reduced to 15%.
For this purpose, a "commission settlement article" (or similar designation) can be created in the name), which can then be used for all future settlements. In addition, it is recommended to check the "Detailed list in credit note" to better understand the commissioned order items. If this option is not selected, then all settlements will be allocated to the "Commission settlement item". If you select the setting option "Use invoice paid on (invoices without paid on entry will be ignored)", then only invoices will be included in the commission settlement for which either the invoice amount has been paid or the invoice has been set to paid manually.
In the next step go to "Accounting → Commissions → Settlements". Here you can create a credit note for the selected commission settlement by clicking on the arrow.
The credit note is then located in the following under Accounting → Credit Memo/Cancellation Invoice in the "In process" tab.
You can see a preview of your credit note under the tab "Preview".