The agent settlements module allows you to specify a responsible agent for each customer. This representative will then receive, for each sale to this customer, the specified percentage commission.
If the billing period has been forgotten or should be done manually, the period can still be moved temporarily with the date settings.
The definition of the representative can be done directly in the contact data under Settings which can be found in the home screen on the right side of each address. The associated commission amount can still be set under Other data.
The settlement of commissions takes place under Accounting > Representative settlements. To do this, select the desired address under Agents and specify a date range. When Load sales is then clicked, an overview appears, broken down by the commissions due to the specified representative within the specified period.
To get the current annual reports for the representatives, in the Calculation tab. Click on the button Perform calculation now. Only then information will be displayed in the Annual reports tab.
All representatives are listed under the Annual Reports tab. Via the download icon at the end of a list entry, the annual report for the corresponding representative, in the form of a CSV file, can be downloaded. The report contains the monthly sales as well as the annual total turnover of the representative, broken down by customer.
In the Diagram tab, the development of the sales figures of all representatives is in the current calendar year is displayed graphically.
Commission lock does not exist for this module. If a commission lock is to be used, the successor module Commissions would have to be used.
In order to have the system calculate agent commissions on a regular basis, a Process starter needs to be set up. It should be noted that the calculation of the Commissions can be very database and calculation intensive. Therefore it is recommended for this process a start time outside of business hours.
To set up the process starter, go to Administration > Settings > Process Starter, click on +New.
Enter the following information:
Description: Choose a descriptive name like "agent settlements"
Type: Select "Time" as the type from the drop-down menu
weekday: Select "Every day" from the drop-down menu
Start time: A start time outside of business hours is recommended
Last Run: The specified end time is to be left in place
Type: Select "Cronjob" from the drop-down menu
Parameter: "provisionen" must be entered as parameter
Active: Ticking the box activates the process starter