An address can be assigned to a country. The standard country list can be supplemented for special cases or edited individually.
This module is especially relevant when working with different countries.
In the overview is a listing of countries.
A new country can be added using the +NEW button (it should be checked beforehand using the search function whether the country already exists).
Fill in the following fields:
Two-character ISO code: ISO country code (is drawn, for example, at the variable {LAND} or evaluated in other places if necessary)
Designation German: Designation in the address selection or in advertisements, if necessary also imprint on documents
Designation English: Designation in the address selection or in advertisements, if necessary also imprint on documents
EU: Marks the country as EU (no marking means export, the own country (domestic) is specified in the company address (basic settings) for the company headquarters as ISO country abbreviation in your address and is thus permanently stored here)
The new country is now selectable in the address of the customer.