Features in scope:
Use the Define storage rules module to split an order into partial orders. An order is split into partial orders if at least 2 of the previously defined warehouse rules apply to the order.
The partial orders are then split by supplier in order to have them physically delivered from different locations based on the delivery bills.
You can split orders by warehouse in the following ways: Manual order processing, Process starter, Auto Shipping, Store import.
Features out of scope:
With the module you do not create an order for purchasing from the supplier.
The module does not allow you to send delivery bills to the storage locations. For this you need to use the Transfers module to further automate the process.
Typical use cases:
You can use the Dropshipping Warehouse module if the items in your assortment are stored at different warehouse locations and you want to ship them directly from there to the recipient.
Even though the module has "dropshipping" in its name, you can also use it to map your own warehouse locations and inventories to split orders automatically (the item inventories can be in your own possession or in the possession of the warehouse location operator. However, the latter would be mapped more completely with the dropshipping supplier module).
With the Dropshipping warehouse module, partial orders can be created as soon as an item in the order is stored in a specific warehouse. The creation of the orders can be done either manually with the help of a button in the order or automatically with a process starter (background process). The partial order is also created automatically via the autoshipment or the import of orders from the store.
The dropshipping warehouse is only applicable, that is splitting orders, when at least two warehouses have been specified in the module. If only one warehouse has been defined, the project and warehouse will be changed for the whole order, no splitting will occur.
The overview shows all warehouses that have been defined as dropship warehouses. This means all warehouses for which a partial order is to be created in the order, if an article of the order is located on it.
With +NEW a new dropship warehouse can be added.
Warehouse: Select the warehouse for dropshipping
Project filter: Only orders that belong to this project will be checked if they contain a dropshipping item. All other orders that belong to other projects will not be checked
Target project: The project on which the newly created partial order should run. This is especially useful if you want to use it to map another logistics process/fulfillment
Prio: The lower the number, the higher the price. If the article is located on 2 dropship warehouses, the priority decides from which warehouse should be outsourced
Active: Only active dropshipping warehouses are considered in the order
Under this tab, further settings can be made for the dropshipping warehouse, such as that an auto-shipment is executed.
Execute autoship: Executes the autoship for the created partial delivery bill
Create invoice if not created: Creates an invoice automatically as soon as the partial order has been created via dropshipping
Number of simultaneous orders to process in the process starter: Determines the number of open orders to be checked per process starter call. 0 is no limit. If the number of orders is large, it is recommended to set a limit here and rather call the process starter at shorter intervals
If the process starter is not running/active, you will receive a warning. The process starter must then be activated via the Activate button.
The process starter is required if the open orders are to be automatically checked in the background for articles that are in a dropshipping warehouse. If orders are found, a partial order is automatically created from them. An overview of all process starters or creating a new process starter is possible here.
If the orders are not imported via the store and no process starter is used, it is possible to create the partial orders in the order manually.
As soon as an item is inserted in the order that is located on a dropshipping warehouse and the page is reloaded, a button appears with which the dropshipping partial order can be created.