An invoice can be cancelled with a credit note or a cancellation invoice. The cancellation of an invoice in accounting is always done with a "counter document". A credit note is titled as a cancellation invoice in Xentral, if the option "Cancellation invoice" is set. The amounts in the document will then be negative, while they are positive in the credit note.
The following options are available:
Cancel invoice → directly generates a cancellation invoice or credit note ("delete" icon)
Continue invoice as credit/cancellation invoice → directly generates a cancellation invoice or credit memo (same function, but via the "pull-down menu")
Create credit/cancellation invoice without previous invoice → can be linked retroactively but also to an invoice
Please check whether the created credit note has also been released and has been given a sequential number. Only then will the cancelled invoice be exported with a negative amount during the accounting export.
An invoice can be continued with the action "cancel" as a credit note/cancellation invoice can be continued:
Once a credit note number has been assigned, the document can no longer be deleted. A credit note can be deleted before it is sent:
Not be transferred to another customer
It is also possible to change the amount and edit the positions. (possibly a 0 EUR credit note, should a number have been assigned here by mistake)
Otherwise there is the possibility to create an additional credit note with a minus amount, then the two credit notes cancel each other out
An invoice can also be continued via the action field as a credit note/cancellation invoice.
The following options are available for creating a credit note:
Accounting → Credit note → "+NEW
Master data → Addresses → Edit icon → Credit note (button)
Manual: Offer → Order → Delivery bill/Invoice → Credit bill/Cancellation invoice
Partial cancellations for invoices can also be created via the action menu.
In the next step, a new interface appears. There you can select, which position(s) should be transferred in a credit note.
If items have already been partially canceled, they will no longer be displayed in the partial cancellation interface.
This will set the invoice to the status "PARTIAL CANCELLATION".
Credit notes can only be cancelled if they appear in the "In process" tab, i.e. if they are still in the draft stage.
To "cancel" credit notes that have already been created, the following two options are available:
In case the credit note created by mistake cancels the invoice completely (for the entire amount), the documents will balance each other for accounting purposes. So if the invoice should not have been canceled in the first place, the customer can be issued a new invoice for the same amount. The old invoice and the incorrect credit note then cancel each other out and the new invoice has the status "open".
Alternatively, the invoice can be continued a second time as a credit note and put a "minus" in front of the amounts (minus credit memo). The original (inadvertently created) credit memo is then again offset by the minus amounts of the minus credit memo, so it is still an open to the customer in the amount of the original invoice.
Just like in invoices, it is possible to process the credit memo documents by mass processing.
All open credit notes → All credit notes that have no incoming payment (which clears them) and all credit notes that do not have an entry in the "completed on" field (date field)
All credit notes from today → Date of credit note is today (creation date of the document)
All credit memos that have not been completed → Credit memos that have been entered in the "Completed on" field. (date input)
Batch processing
Mark as done → Sets the "done on" date in the credit memo with today's date. Signals that the credit note has been paid out
Remove done marker → Removes the "done on" date in the credit note
Send by mail → Sends the credit note to the e-mail address specified in the credit note
Mark as sent → Sets the status of the credit note to sent
Collective PDF → Creates a collective PDF of the selected credit notes with the credit memo documents
Print → prints the selected credit notes on the stored printer
The "not shipped" tab contains an overview of all credit notes that have not yet been sent.
As an example, we have created an invoice and a credit note. The amount of the invoice is higher. In the credit note you can specify the open invoice number:
The amount of the credit note will then appear in the log of the invoice and the balance will be adjusted accordingly. The credit memo will be offset against the invoice.
After that you have to set the credit note to completed.
As soon as the 7,41€ are transferred you can assign this in the incoming payment of the invoice.
If you want to clear credit memos via incoming payment with the direct debit payment method, it is necessary to set the credit memo to "paid" or "settled". Otherwise the credit note can be paid again by incoming payment.
To change the status of a credit memo, select it in the credit memo overview (Credit Memo / Cancellation Invoice > Overview), select the Mark as Completed option at the bottom of the batch processing and click on the Execute button.
The status of the credit note will now change and the credit note can no longer be loaded into the payment transaction.
Once the credit note is loaded into the payment transaction, it will not disappear due to the status change and must be removed manually via the X symbol.