Xentral offers you the option to prioritize your orders. You can use this functionality in cases where you for example:
want to prioritize sales orders with certain sales or payment options, e.g. sales on Amazon Prime or Paypal purchases
offer rush orders and need to get those shippings out as fast as possible
have orders that can be shipped more quickly than others and based on that should go out first
This priority functionality is called Fast-Lane within Xentral . In order to spot prioritized sales orders more easily, sales orders marked as fast lane will have (FL) added to the sales order number in the order overview, e.g. sales order number 1234567 will be displayed in the overview as 1234567(FL).
You can set the fast lane flag in your sales orders manually or automatically in Xentral . These flags can then be used in certain filter functions to display the sales orders which have priority.
You can set the fast lane flag either per sales order or you can set it for several sales orders at once using the Bulk patch processing.
To set the fast lane flag for a single order:
Open the order you want to mark as fast line in Sales > Sales order.
In the Details tab of your sales order scroll down to the Shipping center options section and select the Fast lane check box.
Click Save.
To remove the fast lane flag from a sales order just clear the Fast lane check box and click Save.
To set the fast lane flag for several orders:
Click Sales > Sales order to display the order overview.
If required, use the filter and search options in the sales order overview to display specific sales orders you want to prioritize.
Select the check box on the left in the table for all sales orders you want to mark as fast lane. If you want to set the flag for all orders displayed in the overview, click the mark all check box in the Bulk Batch Processing section.
Select the Mark as "fast lane" option from the drop-down in the Bulk Batch Processing section and click Execute.
The fast lane flag is set for all the sales orders you selected.
To remove the fast lane flag for several sales orders select the relevant orders in the overview as described above and select Remove "fast lane" option from the drop-down in the Bulk Batch Processing section and click Execute.
The automatic setting of the fast lane flag is only possible for sales orders which are received through an online shop.
You can set the fast lane flag automatically for sales orders which are imported from an online shop. You can set the fast lane flag based on the payment method or the shipping method.
To set the fast lane flag automatically:
Go to Administration > Shop interface > Select the online shop > Payment Methods/Shipping Methods tab.
In the Create section of the Payment methods tab select the Store payment method and/or the Payment method Xentral which you want to mark as fast lane
In the Create section of the Shipping methods tab select the Shipping method shop and/or the Shipping method Xentral which you want to mark as fast lane.
Select the Fast lane check box and click Save.
All sales orders from the relevant shop with the selected payment method or shipping method will automatically be marked as fast lane.
In order to process prioritized sales orders first, you can filter your sales orders in different areas of Xentral and then process them.
You can filter for fast lane orders
in the order overview under Sales > Sales order by clicking the filter icon and selecting the Fast lane checkbox
in the order shipping center under Sales > Sales order > Delivery handover tab by selecting the Fast lane filter
in the warehouse shipping center under Fulfillment > Shipping center by selecting the only fast lane filter
After you've filtered your sales order and identified the prioritized sales orders, you can process them as usual.