With this app, new tax rates can be created as needed. These can be selected in the cash register (cash book), manually assigned in the article or in documents, or can be used in case of changes of the value-added tax, e.g. in case of the temporary reduction of the VAT in Germany in 2020. Special tax rates for special goods can also be created here.
The overview shows all tax rates already created and their configuration. The standard tax rates in Germany, reduced 7% and normal 19%, are already created.
A new tax record can be created with "NEW". The following data are entered:
Enter tax rate as number → enter here e.g. "13" as number (would then be 13%)
Designation → e.g. "Tax AT normal"
Type → Specify whether the tax rate is normal, reduced, or manual
Project → The validity of a tax rate can be limited to a project
Valid from → The tax rate is only valid from this date onwards
Valid until → The tax rate is only valid until this date
Active → sets the control set as selectable system-wide in relevant interfaces to active (those that are no longer required can be deactivated)
Set as default tax rate → Tax rates with the type "reduced" or "normal" can overwrite the default tax rate from the company data, if this option is activated
Created tax rates can be assigned to a product, if the option the "Individual tax rate" has been activated in a specific product.
In each article with its own tax rate, the required accounts must also be specified either per article or in the article category, if all the articles with their own tax rate are in their own category.
The individual tax rate also needs its own account in the accounting. The account assignment can be specified e.g. directly in the cash book at "Account" or when posting the incoming payments.
The taxation is then visible in the cash book in the table (overview) and in the posting record. For the accounting export, it is only necessary to indicate the correct account of the chart of accounts (e.g. when posting the bank statements).