New tax rates can be created via this app. These can be selected in the cash (cash book). New tax rates can also be assigned to articles for special cases, e.g. 13% for special tax rates.
This module is especially relevant when working with special tax rates or with taxes from abroad.
Under Administration → Settings → System → Basic settings → Tax/currency you can the configuration of site-specific conditions, such as tax rates and the currency. Furthermore, you can define the chart of accounts for the export to the financial accounting system.
The country-specific tax rates are to be stored here. Tax rate normal and tax rate reduced. Settings for Germany: 19.00 7.00.
With the check mark at small business regulation, it can be selected that the small business regulation according to § 19 UStG will be applied.
Under Administration → Settings → System → Basic settings → Tax / Currency you can set a checkmark, so that only net invoices or only gross invoices are created.
If no checkmark is set, the net price is used for the salutation "Company" (B2B), if the title is "Mr./Mrs.", the gross price is used (B2C).
"Salutation" can be found in the master data of the address (selection field) and in every document in which an address is linked.
Setting the default payment method for customers, the payment method can be set individually in each address using a dropdown-menu. The default payment method can be set for customers as well as for suppliers.
The standard shipping method can be set in the same way using a dropdown-menu.
The export accounts are set globally here.
For better understanding, text examples are entered in the number fields in the following image
A sample setting (example for standard chart of accounts) is shown in the following image below
The accounts are divided into revenue accounts (left column) and expense accounts (right column)
Chart of accounts example setting
In addition to the accounts here, under Administration → Settings → Master data → Item Categories a chart of accounts can be created. Likewise you can create one directly in the product. If there is nothing registered in the product and Item categories, the accounts are taken from the system settings. The following hierarchy applies:
Accounts in the article
Accounts in item category
Accounts in the system settings
In other words: If an account is entered in the article, it will be drawn before the article category and before the system settings.
In the overview, there is a list of all created control sets. Via the button "+NEW" a new tax rate can be created.
The following data must be entered and saved for this purpose:
Enter tax rate as number → enter here e.g. "13" as number (would then be 13%)
Designation → e.g. "Tax AT normal"
Active → sets the control as selectable in relevant interfaces system-wide active (those that are no longer required can be deactivated)
Click "Save"
The tax rate can be selected in the article. It should be noted that the accounts must be specified here in this article for the accounting export. (in each article with its own tax rate, if necessary also across the article category, if these articles are all in one category), otherwise, the default tax rate for the export will be used, which in DE would be e.g. "Domestic 19%".
In the cash book, "Accounting → Cash book" the individual tax rate can be selected. Do not forget to specify the account assignment that corresponds to the individual tax rate. The account assignment can be specified, for example, directly in the cash book at "Account or when posting the incoming payments.
The taxation is then visible in the cash book in the table (overview display) and in the accounting record. For the export to the accounting software, for the taxation (export to accounting software), only the correct account of the chart of accounts must be specified (for example (e.g. when posting the bank statements).