The master data import allows to insert datasets from other systems into the xentral database. For this purpose, the data from the foreign systems must be exported as CSV files (text files containing all information as comma-separated lists). Further information is available in the manual of the respective systems.
You can find information about the initial data import in the Xentral Onbioarding Guide:
The article offers you instructions for importing master data into Xentral. You'll learn how to create CSV files from external systems and what considerations you should make before importing. We will explain the steps for manual data import and give you tips on how to prepare and carry out a successful data import, including assessing data quality and selecting relevant fields.
The following records can be added or updated:
The import of master data is basically done in xentral via import templates. These templates can be reused at any time if another import of data with the same structure becomes necessary. Via Master Data → Import/Export Central → Master Data Import the specifications can be made.
The following settings must be made in a newly created import template:
Name → Any name for the import template.
Destination → Selection of the type of data upload (will be imported: Address, items, purchase prices, time tracking, reminders, notes).
CSV data from line → Line number in the CSV file where the listing of the actual data starts.
CSV Separator → Separator used in the CSV file to separate data from each other.
CSV Masking → Masking character used in the CSV file (optional).
Selection Charset → Encoding for the CSV file. For CSVs from Excel also try ISO-8859-1.
Charset → If a different encoding than in the Charset dropdown is used, it can be entered here, otherwise leave empty.
CSV fields → The column numbers in the CSV and the import variables are to be entered here. Format = ColumnNrCSV:XentralVariable;
Internal comment → An internal comment can be entered here for internal company communication.
Afterwards the import template is to be saved with the '"Save" button at the end of the page.
Careful handling when assigning the data fields is very important, otherwise the data stock will get mixed up. Therefore, it is important to test the import with small amounts of data in advance, even with supposedly small changes.
To import the data in a CSV file, click the "Start import: Upload CSV file" tab. Select the CSV file with the "Browse..." button. Then click on the "Upload CSV now" button.
If difficulties occur with the display format, check which separator is used in the CSV file. If comma-separated values are present, this must also be selected in Details for the CSV separators.
Notes for the CSV file:
The data is not cleaned during import. Therefore, it must be ensured beforehand that there is no duplicate data in the CSV file.
For the CSV file it is recommended to use a semicolon ( ; ) as field separator and a quotation mark ( " ) as text separator.
If a variable is used in the import template and there is no content in the CSV file, xentral will overwrite a possibly existing content with an empty text field! Thus, always import only those variables that have the desired content in the CSV file. As soon as the file has been transferred completely, a list of the contained data appears, which can be checked. It is important that the "Action" column contains either "New" or "Update", otherwise there is an error in the import template. The "Import" button must be clicked to initiate the import of the data and wait until the process is complete. If the process was successful, the imported data will now appear in xentral. The last assigned article number or address number must still be entered into the number ranges. This prevents an already assigned number from being created twice when incrementing by 1.
Further information: Number ranges.
To upload master data to the import center, one of the templates is selected first.
In the template, a file for upload can be selected and uploaded via the "Start import: Upload CSV file" tab.
Then click on "import" and the file moves to the queue. There are 2 different queues in the import center. It is possible to view the documents in the queue for a specific import template (*Select import template* → Start import: Upload CSV file → Queue). Also, all waiting documents of all import templates can be viewed by clicking on the Queue tab directly in the Import Center.
The whole process of import templates is status driven. The exact status flow looks like this:
'created' or 'not released': The state an import has before the "import" button is clicked. An import in this state can be released by clicking on the right arrow in the overview.
in_queue' or 'released': This is the state of the import when the import button is clicked, or when the right arrow is clicked in the overview. Once an import is released it will be processed by the process starter 'importtemplate' as soon as it's turn comes.
canceled' or 'aborted': The import was canceled by the user
in_progress': The process starter is currently processing the import.
done' or 'completed': The import has been completely processed by the process starter
'complete' or 'finished': A synonym for 'done
error': An error occurred during the processing of an import in this state by the process starter.
In order to be able to import large files without server timeout, the file is processed in the background after clicking on "Import" and the message "Transfer import to process starter" appears.
Thus, the import does not take place until the process starter has restarted.
Under "Administration → Settings → System → Process starter → Search for import template", the interval and the last execution time can be checked:
Werden nur kleine Datenmengen importiert, kann der Prozessstarter auch deaktiviert werden, um den Import unmittelbar durchzuführen.
The following hints are helpful for importing files correctly at xentral.
It is important to follow the correct settings when exporting, editing and saving the CSV file. Otherwise, format errors will occur, such as "?" in the values instead of umlauts.
Before editing the file:
If the data is exported from the legacy system → Here, the encoding option → UTF-8 and a semicolon (;) must already be selected as separator.
Excel often wants to "interpret" column contents and changes the format of the values to do so. This is one reason why xentral uses Open Office for imports.
When opening the file in Open Office, make sure that the character set is set to "Unicode (UTF-8)".
In the same window, click on the 1st rectangle of the table (see screenshot below) to highlight everything. After that, select "Text" in the dropdown to not cause any format change
After making the changes and saving them as a CSV file, in the popup below, select "Edit filter settings". After that, in the next popup, keep the format and pay attention to the following values:
In the dropdown "Charset selection" ISO-8859-1 must be selected here. If the umlauts still do not work, a workaround for UTF-8 is described below: Sometimes Excel files are displayed by the structure only correctly in Excel (in Open Office, for example, with line breaks). But if you want to save this file as CSV directly from Excel, there are often problems with the umlauts without a workaround.
For the workaround you need:
Open Office
A good text editor (e.g. Notepad++)
Save the file in Excel as "UTF-16 Unicode Text (.txt)" file
Open the text file in the text editor and save it there as a CSV file (just append .csv to the file name)
Open the new CSV file with Open Office and make the following settings:
Resave the CSV in Open Office.
Edit filter settings → Check the box for editing
Now the CSV file should be suitable for import with the correct format.
Addresses should always be imported before the item data. Ideally, different CSV files are available for customers and suppliers. Employees are usually entered by hand, but could be imported in the same way.
In order to correctly create customers in the CSV file, the following information must be observed.
Checklist for the CSV file:
Mandatory fields: name and customer number
Only one line per customer
Each customer number exists only once
All fields without content are set to default (e.g. country, language, etc.)
Example of import template (for the import you have to use the following German column names. In brackets you will find the meaning in English):
1:kundennummer (customer number); 2:name (name); 3:typ (type); 4:strasse (street); 5:plz (zip); 6:ort (town); 7:telefon (telephone); 8:telefax (fax); 9:ustid (VAT ID); 10:land (country);
Sample content for the CSV file:
kundennummer |
name |
typ |
strasse |
plz |
ort |
telefon |
telefax |
ustid |
land |
10001 |
Peter Smith |
Mr. |
13 Main Street |
12345 |
Sample City |
555-555-5555 |
555-555-5556 |
123456789 |
US |
It is possible to let xentral assign the customer number automatically from the stored number ranges. In the CSV file, the word "NEW" (without quotation marks) is to be written in the column for the customer number as content for each customer.
Proceed in the same way as for customers, but use the variable for 'supplier number' instead of the variable for 'customer number'.
If the customer number or the supplier number is to be assigned with the role when creating new addresses, at least the following information is required in the import file:
CSV file created for the import example:
You can preview the import.
The role is assigned in the address via the corresponding drop-down menu.
To assign a new customer number from a project's number range, specify the project in question and "new" as the customer number.
There is also the possibility to import contact persons in one piece. Here, the contact persons are assigned to a customer and displayed in a separate row in the CSV file (see CSV sample content below).
This import is only intended for one-time import of contact persons. It is not intended to "update" individual contact persons and must be done manually via Master Data → Address → Edit → Contact Persons.
Checklist for the CSV file:
Mandatory fields: name and supplier number
Only one line per customer
Contact persons must be marked in the CSV file in the column "supplier number" with "ANSPRECHPARTNER:Lieferantennummer", where the supplier number is the number stored in xentral for the supplier
All fields without content will be set to default (e.g. country, language, etc.)
Example of import template: 1:supplier number; 2:name; 3:type; 4:email; 5:phone; 6:fax; 7:mobile; 8:street; 9:zip; 10:city; 11:department; 12:letter;
It should be noted that the contact persons in the column "supplier number" must be marked with the content "ANSPRECHPARTNER:Lieferantennummer".
Example content for the CSV file: Here 2 customers with 2 contact persons each are imported to xentral.
Lieferantennummer |
Name |
Typ (company, Mrs., Mr.) |
Telefon |
Teleax |
Mobil |
11223456 |
Cars Ltd. |
company | |
555-555-5555 |
555-555-5556 |
555-555-4444 |
Alex Wilson |
Mr. | |
555-555-5555 |
555-555-5556 |
555-555-4433 |
Emily Brown |
Mrs | |
555-555-5555 |
555-555-5556 |
555-555-4422 |
33445677 |
Bikes Ltd. |
company | |
444-444-4444 |
444-444-4445 |
444-444-3333 |
Peter Smith |
Mr | |
444-444-4444 |
444-444-4445 |
444-444-3322 |
Alison Taylor |
Mrs | |
444-444-4444 |
444-444-4445 |
444-444-3311 |
The contact persons can be viewed under the address in the "Contact person" tab.
Addresses can also be assigned to groups via import.
Checklist for the CSV file:
Mandatory fields: customer number or supplier number and group1 - if address is newly created, name and type are also required.
All groups must be already created in xentral under Administration → Settings → Accounting → Groups before importing
Example of import template for address update:
1:kundennummer (customer number); 2:gruppe1 (group 1); 3:gruppe2 (group 2);
Example content for CSV file:
10001;business customer;electronics industry;
10002;End customer;Electronics industry;
10003;Business customer;Communication industry;
Up to 5 groups can be transferred per address: Variables → group1, group2, group3, group4, group5.
In the CSV file either the group name or the group code number is expected.
If no role (customer, employee, supplier) is to be created: Use the variable customer number but leave the column empty in the CSV file.
Addresses can also be created as leads via import.
Checklist for the CSV file:
Mandatory fields: lead, name and type
Example import template:
1:name (name); 2:lead (lead); 3:ort (town);
Example content for the CSV file:
Anton Adler;1;Augsburg;
Berta Bussard;1;Berlin;
Catrin Cathlin;1;Cottbus;
To assign a sales address or a sales employee Y to all customers from a project X, it is sufficient to upload a CSV file in the master data import with the following columns:
Customer number
AddressID of the sales address
The AddressID is different from the numbers assigned in the number range (customer, employee, supplier number). When selecting a sales employee from a list, the ID is located on the left side in front of the name. Alternatively, the address of the corresponding employee can be opened and the ID can be read from the URL.
The addresses can be exported in the first step. The export of the list of all customer numbers of a project is explained here.
Afterwards this file is edited and uploaded again in an import format. Relevant for the import are column 1 and column 3 (column 2 can be omitted if the customer number is unique in the system, otherwise the SystemID is the unique address ID): customernumbersystemidsales10000381000148100025810003781000498
The import template in this example might only have matching columns 1 and 3.
The upload of the CSV file is done via the tab " Start import: Upload CSV file".
The upload shows the found data. Here, only the first pages are displayed as a preview in the case of large amounts of data. Via the button "Import" the change is loaded into the address data. The successful data are marked in green. The empty data records (not marked) should be completely removed in the file. These have been created in the CSV file by incomplete deletion and editing of the file. The file may need to be reworked, saved correctly and re-uploaded.
For imports that involve a change in the address master, relevant data and large amounts of data, the import of data should be done beforehand with a small amount of data sets and checked carefully.
Result: Sales address: The sales address is stored in the address master for the selected customers:
A shipping type Y is to be assigned to all customers.
The shipping method does not necessarily have to be assigned to the customer address. The default shipping method can also be stored in the system settings (Administration → Settings → System → Basic settings → Tax/currency). Only for deviating cases, the other shipping method is then inserted directly in the customer address.
For the shipping type, use the type designation under "Administration → Settings → Shipping methods":
Example table for shipping type:customernumbershippingtype10000express_dpd10001express_dpd10002express_dpd10003express_dpd10004express_dpd
Before importing a new shipping type into all customers, check the following: If shipping type A is stored in all customers and this is to be changed company-wide to shipping type B, the "module" can be changed from shipping type A to shipping type B directly in the shipping type. However, this should only be done if shipping type A is really to be eliminated completely. In this case of a module change, the shipping type ID is retained in the address, in the project and in all settings for logistics and changes to the new shipping type B.
Below are the most important import variables for addresses:
Name in Xentral |
Importvariable |
Example content CSV |
Position in Xentral |
Note |
Type |
typ |
Company |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
form of address, possible: Mr, Mrs, Company, Herr, Frau, Firma |
Language for receipts |
sprache |
englisch |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
possible in CSV: deutsch, englisch |
Name |
name |
John Doe |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
mandatory - for companies: company name, for people: first- and last name |
Street |
strasse |
Port St |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
Additional address |
adresszusatz |
Apartment 1 |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
address supplement |
Place |
ort |
Boston |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
plz |
10001 |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
zip code |
Country |
land |
US |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
Important: Only ISO code (US, GB, DE, etc.) |
Phone |
telefon |
0123456789 |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
Mobile |
mobil |
0170123456 |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
Cover letter |
anschreiben |
Dear Mr. Doe |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
| |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
Website |
internetseite |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
ustid |
12354567 |
Contacts / Details / Payment terms |
Customer number |
kundennummer |
100001 |
Contacts / Details / Payment terms |
mandatory (for customers) - don’t assign twice |
Supplier no. |
lieferantennummer |
200001 |
Contacts / Details / Payment terms |
mandatory (for suppliers) - don’t assign twice |
Employee No. |
mitarbeiternummer |
30001 |
Contacts / Details / Payment terms |
mandatory (for employees) - don’t assign twice |
Contact Person |
ansprechpartner |
Jane Doe |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
Miscellaneous |
sonstiges |
A very loyal customer |
Contacts / Details / Contact data |
A complete list of import variables can be found in xentral within the import template.
All fields in the CSV file for which there is no corresponding field in xentral can be loaded into so-called free fields. There are 20 of these for an address, under the "Other data" tab, which can be imported in ascending order with the import variable freefield1, freefield2, etc.
For importing the taxation of customers you can work with the variable ust_befreit and use the following values:
0 (for domestic)
1 (for EU delivery)
2 (for export)
3 (for domestic tax exempt)
If the address is a supplier and the taxation of liabilities should be imported on the right side under "Payment conditions at the supplier for orders", the variable is called umsatzsteuer_lieferant and the following values can be used:
The article number is mostly used as index or key. The space is always the end of the article number and is also interpreted this way by other systems. Further systems and other internal processes in xentral, e.g. packing table processes, require article numbers without special characters and spaces for processing via scanner, barcode scanner or mobile devices. Spaces should therefore be replaced by minus signs or underscores, for example. If the article numbers on platforms cannot be changed, the platform number can be stored in the xentral article number via a foreign number.
To import articles correctly, the following points have to be considered:
Checklist for the CSV file:
Mandatory fields: name_en and number
Only one line per article → each article number exists only once
All fields without content are set to default (e.g. currency to USD)
Example for an import template: 1:number; 2:name_en; 3:item_description_en; 4:short_text_en; 5:internal_comment; 6:ean; 7:weight; 8:supplier_number; 9:supplier_purchase_net; 10:supplier_purchase_quantity; 11:sales_price1net;
12:sale_price1quantity; 13:stock_item; 14:stock_lot; 15:stock_quantity_total; 16:minimum_stock;
The variable "stock_lot" is used to change the default stock if there is no stock in the import file. If there is a stock, the stock will be changed, not the default stock.
Example content for the CSV file:
200001;Racing bike Cross X;Racing bike Cross X recommended by racing professionals;Racing bike Cross X for professionals.;Our bestseller;1234567;3,5;300001;1300;1;1900;1;1;HL001A;3;2; 200002;Frame racing bike Cross X;Frame for the racing bike Cross X to assemble yourself.;Frame Cross X in green.;Sells well. ;1231234;2;300001;500;1;700;1;1;HL001A;5;3; 200003;Tires road bike Cross X;Tires for the road bike Cross X to mount yourself.;Tires Cross X 28 inch. 1231231;0,3;300003;10;1;30;1;1;HL001B;20;10; 200004;Saddle road bike Cross X;Saddle for the road bike Cross X to mount yourself.;Saddle Cross X in black.;12312312;0,2;300003;15;1;25;1;1;HL001B;10;3;
In order to create a bill of materials, the following points should be considered:
Checklist for CSV file:
Mandatory fields: number, piecelistofarticle and piecelistquantity.
All articles in the parts list (including the main article) have been previously created via the article import and have the correct article number
Example of import template: 1:nummer; 2:stuecklistevonartikel; 3:stuecklistemenge;
The check mark in the main article for bill of material is automatically set by the import.
Example content for the CSV file:
number |
Stock list of articles |
Stock list quantity |
200002 |
200001 |
1 |
200003 |
200001 |
2 |
200004 |
200001 |
1 |
Means in this example: A racing bike (item no. 200001) is composed of 1 x frame (item no. 200002), 2 x tires (item no. 200003), 1 x saddle (item no. 200004) All sub-items of a bill of material can also be sold separately.
If foreign numbers are to be imported for external sales platforms, this can be done using the internal article number in xentral and the external number, e.g. Amazon SKU. So via CSV import the relationship between internal and external number can be established.
The import template would look like this: 1:nummer; 2:fremdnummerX_shopid;
Enclosed is an example of a foreign number import:
the store has the ID=3 in the example → click for the store ID in the store interface (Administration → Settings → Online-Shops → click store and read the ID in the URL above)
the article number is: 1000004
the foreign number is: 1234567
The .csv file with the foreign number was defined as follows, the order of the columns can be chosen as desired, as with every import:
Column 1 is the article number → 1000004
Column 2 is the foreign number → 1234567
The import template looks like this:
The 3 for the foreign number is the respective store ID, the 1 for the first foreign number, which is imported for this article.
The foreign number is then stored in the product.
Find out the store ID:
For the store ID click in the store interface under Administration → Shop interface → Overview of the relevant store.
Checklist for the CSV file:
Mandatory fields: number and property1name / property1nameunique and property1value / property1valueunique.
All articles have been created before via the article import and have the correct article number
Here there are 2 variants for the variables.
Variant1: Do not overwrite properties propertyname1 - propertyname20
Properties with the same name will not be overwritten. Example: 2 properties with the name "color" can be stored, e.g. color = green and color = blue.
Variant2: Overwrite properties propertynameunique1 - propertynameunique20
Properties with the same name will be overwritten. Ex: If properties with the name "Color" are imported 2 x in a row, then the first property value will be overwritten.
Propertynameunique1: Only one property with the same name is allowed
Property1name: Multiple properties with different values can be created
Example of an import template:
1:number; 2:propertyname1; 3:propertyvalue1; 4:propertyname2; 5:propertyvalue2; 6:propertyname3; 7:propertyvalue3;
Sample content for the CSV file:
number |
propertyname1 |
propertyvalue1 |
propertyname2 |
propertyvaluet2 |
propertyname3 |
propertyvalue3 |
200001 |
Color |
Green |
Color |
Blue |
Size |
M |
200002 |
Color |
yellow |
Color |
Blue |
Size |
S |
200003 |
Color |
Green |
Color |
Red |
Size |
L |
In this case there are 3 properties after the import. E.g. for article 200001 there are the properties Color: Green, Color: Blue and Size: M.
Example of an import template:
1:number; 2:propertynameunique1; 3:propertyvalue1; 4:propertynameunique2; 5:propertyvalue2; 6:propertynameunique3; 7:propertyvalue3;
Sample content for the CSV file:
number |
propertynameunique1 |
propertyvalue1 |
propertynameunique2 |
propertyvalue2 |
propertynameunique3 |
propertyvalue3 |
200001 |
Color |
Green |
Farbe |
Blue |
Size |
M |
200002 |
Farbe |
Yellow |
Farbe |
Blue |
Size |
S |
200003 |
Farbe |
Green |
Farbe |
Red |
Size |
L |
In this case there are only 2 properties after the import. For example, for article 200001, there are the properties color: blue and size: M
Variant with translations
Example of import template:
1:number; 2:propertyname1; 3:propertyvalue1; 4:propertyname1_fr; 5:propertyvalue1_fr;
Example content for the CSV file:
number |
property |
value |
property_french |
value_french |
700001 |
Color |
White |
Couleur |
Blanc |
700002 |
Size |
L |
Taille |
L |
700003 |
Material |
Cotton |
Matériau |
Coton |
In this case, the property with the translation is created for each article, e.g. the article 700001 has the property Color: White and in addition the French translation of the property Couleur: Blanc.
Various properties for export can be specified in the settings.
Checklist for the CSV file:
Mandatory fields: number and stock_lot and stock_quantity_add and stock_mhd / stock_batch.
All items have been previously created via item import and have the correct item number
Example import template: 1:number; 2:stock_lot; 3:stock_quantity_add; 4:stock_mhd; 5:stock_batch;
Example content for the CSV file:
number |
storage_space |
add_stock_quantity |
stock_mhd |
stock_charge |
200001 |
HL001A |
10 |
13.10.2020 |
123456 |
200002 |
HL001A |
15 |
13.10.2020 |
123456 |
200003 |
HL001A |
23 |
23.10.2020 |
456789 |
The result of the import is:
10 x article 200001 are stored with BBD of 13.10.2020 and batch no. 123456
15 x articles 200001 are stored with BBD from 13.10.2020 and batch no. 123456
23 x article 200001 will be stored with BBD from 23.10.2020 and batch no. 456789
The import only works with the variable stock_quantity_add and not with stock_quantity_total. The variable "stock_lot" is used to change the default stock if there is no stock in the import file. If there is a stock, the stock will be changed, not the default stock.
Checklist for the CSV file:
Mandatory fields: number and shop_x and active_x
All articles have been created before via the article import and have the correct article number.
The variables shop_ and aktiv_ will be completed with the ID of the store. This can be found in the URL when editing a store interface under Administration → Shop interface.
e.g. ... index.php?module=onlineshops&action=edit&id=2
Would be shop_2 and active_2
Example of import template: 1:number; "1":shop_2; "1":active_2;
"1" is a fixed content, so no other columns in the CSV file are needed to activate the option.
Example content for the CSV file:
number |
200001 |
200002 |
200003 |
Name in Xentral |
Importvariable |
Example content CSV |
Position in Xentral |
Note |
Name |
name_en |
Racing bike Cross X |
Item / Details / Item |
Mandatory field if article is newly created |
item no. |
number |
200001 |
Item / Details / Item |
Mandatory field |
article description (DE) |
item_description_en |
Racing bike Cross X recommended by racing professionals. |
Item / Details / Item |
short text (DE) |
short_text_en |
Racing bike Cross X for professionals. |
Item / Details / Item |
article category |
article_category_name |
Road bikes |
Item / Details / Item |
If not available in the settings a new one will be created. |
internal comment |
internalcomment |
This is our bestseller! |
Item / Details / Item |
EAN No. |
ean |
9783125171541 |
Item / Details / Item |
Reduced sales tax |
sales tax |
reduced |
Item / Details / Item |
Possible in CSV: reduced, normal |
Weight (in kg) |
weight |
3,1 |
Item / Details / Item |
From item |
variant_from |
200010 |
Item / Details / Item |
stock items |
Stock items |
1 |
Item / Details / Item |
Possible in CSV: 0, 1 (1 corresponds to stock item, 0 corresponds to no stock item) |
Stock quantity |
stock_quantity_total |
7 |
Items/ Stock |
The article must be a stock article, see above lagerartikel = 1 |
min. stock quantity |
minimum stock |
5 |
Item / Details / Item |
Standard stock |
warehouse_space |
HL001A |
Item / Details / Item |
Here is explicitly asked for the shelf name and not the warehouse name |
Parts list
In parts list |
parts list of articles |
200020 |
Item / In parts list |
Indicates main article of this BOM article |
BOM item quantity |
BOM quantity |
13 |
Item / In bill of material |
Purchase price
Supplier |
Supplier number |
70001 |
Item / Purchase |
Mandatory field for purchase price - supplier must be created with supplier no. in Xentral |
price per piece |
supplier purchase net |
700 |
Item / Purchase |
Mandatory field for purchase price |
From quantity |
supplier purchase quantity |
1 |
Item / Purchase |
Mandatory field for purchase price - If standard price (no graduated price) → specify as quantity 1 |
Currency |
Supplier purchase currency |
Item / Purchase |
Mandatory field for purchase price |
Selling price
Price |
selling price 1 net |
1100 |
Item / Sale |
Mandatory field for sales price |
From quantity |
Sale price 1 quantity |
1 |
Item / Sale |
Mandatory field for sales price - If standard price (no scale price) → specify as quantity 1 |
Batch & Best Before Date (BBD)
stocklager_bbdmhd |
13.10.2020 |
Item / BatchCharge + BBDMHD |
In format: or yyyy-mm-dd |
Batch |
stocklager_batchcharge |
123456 |
Item / BatchCharge + BBDMHD |
Expects the batch no.. |
A complete list of import variables can be found in xentral within the import template.
Also in the products, information for which there is no field in xentral can load into free fields. In the product there are 40 pieces for this (details → parameters and free fields), which can be imported with freefield1 - freefield40. In order to display these fields, they must be activated under Administration → Settings → System → Basic settings → Free fields at the top of "Show free fields in product".
With the import of purchase prices, supplier lists can be loaded in that have the manufacturer number included instead of the article number.
Checklist for the CSV file:
Mandatory fields: manufacturer number and supplier number
Only one line per purchase price
The suppliers and articles are already maintained in xentral, with supplier number and manufacturer number.
Example for an import template: 1:manufacturer number; 2:supplier number; 3:supplier purchase net; 4:supplier purchase quantity; 5:supplier purchase currency; 6:supplier purchase net2; 7:supplier purchase quantity2; 8:supplier purchase currency2;
Sample content for the CSV file:
manufacturer number |
supplier number |
supplier purchasing net |
supplier purchase quantity |
supplier purchase currency |
supplierpurchasenet2 |
supplier purchase quantity2 |
supplierpurchasewahrung2 |
123456 |
70000 |
10 |
1 |
8 |
10 |
234567 |
70000 |
11 |
1 |
9 |
10 |
345678 |
70000 |
14 |
1 |
10 |
100 |
456789 |
70000 |
15 |
1 |
10 |
13 |
Here you can find examples for an product data import. In practice, it has proven to import the product data one after the other in several table lists and import formats. The sequence was here e.g.:
Import 1: Creation of the products with number and description
Import 2: Import of the sales prices (if necessary scales) on the existing product numbers
Import 3: Import of purchase prices with supplier data
Import 4: Post-import of product data → Optional, can also be created directly in import 1 or at the end, when all price structures are in place. If a database backup (snapshot) has been made beforehand, the last article data post-import can be imported and reset (snapshot) at the end until it finally fits.
Import 5: Import of group prices, if required
For graduated prices and more complicated structures, the following procedure is recommended:
Create import template in xentral with all relevant fields + speInfo: save the fields of the import template as text directly, e.g. as Office file, and save the settings as screenshot.
Create database snapshot. When downloading, check that it is also >0byte. Not all web servers have the snapshot capability. If this is the case, the program MySQLDump is needed on the server
Perform import, but only in non-production system
If the import does not fit completely, the snapshot (see above) can be imported back directly. If this was created after the template was created, all data is still available. In this way, several iterations can be performed in the import.
Products can be created with a quick import with an existing number or a new number from a number range. If articles are to be maintained manually, it is sufficient to enter the product number, the product description and, if necessary, to set the stock hook via Stock item → Product, which is in stock in the warehouse: The following fields are useful here, depending on which article levels are to be managed:
Product number → The existing number is to be entered in the column or continuously reassigned from central number range (column content: NEW).
"Reassign article number from article category" requires that the article category has been created and a next article number to be assigned has been entered here
Assign project for article → include project ID in a column
Assign article category → Include article category ID in a column.
Tick → Article is stock article. 1=Article is kept in stock. Empty for service articles
Sales tax rate → Without specification the articles are set to 19% (tax inland standard), for the reduced rate e.g. 7% specify here in the column "ermaessigt".
If there are no product numbers and these are to be newly assigned consecutively, "NEW" can be entered in the column of the product number. Alternatively, the first number can be entered directly in the table program and the consecutive numbers can be dragged down in the column. This means that they are already available for import into the table.
Example of import template: 1:number; 2:name_en; 3:project; 4:item category; 5:stock item;
Sales prices can be imported directly to existing part numbers in another import. The most important fields are the following:
Item number
Sales price (net)
Quantity (mostly "1")
Scale prices can also be imported for an item (e.g. 1, 10, 100, 1000). If you want to assign a validity date when importing a new price, please make sure that the date format in the CSV file must be yyyy-mm-dd. Since, depending on the program, this format is often automatically overwritten when creating the CSV file, you should change the formatting to "Text".
The sales price is imported as the default price for all customers. Each quantity may only exist once here for a product.
Example of an import template: 1:number; 2:saleprice1netto; 3:saleprice1quantity; 4:saleprice2netto; 5:saleprice2quantity; 6:saleprice3netto; 7:saleprice3quantity; 8:saleprice4netto; 9:saleprice4quantity;
If you want to update a sales price, you can create a new price by CSV import from a changed price with the otherwise same parameters such as quantity, group assignment and currency. The old price with the same parameters will be set inactive.
Purchase prices can be imported in another import as well on existing part numbers. The most important fields are the following:
Item number
Supplier number from xentral
Net purchase price at corresponding supplier
Quantity (in standard 1 pc.)
Product order number at corresponding supplier
Example of an import template: 1:number; 2:supplier number; 3:supplier purchase net; 4:supplier purchase quantity; 5:supplier order number;
If an item is to be purchasable from all suppliers, the "Purchase from all suppliers" checkbox must be set in the item. A price will not be imported in this case.
Purchase prices can be updated and the "old" purchase price automatically receives a validity date entered up to yesterday's date.
However, for this to happen, the following data from the old and new purchase price must match:
Quantity (from)
Description (if available)
Order number (if available)
The following product data can also be imported later in a post-import, for example. An immediate import would be possible in step 1:
Item description, which is then also displayed in documents (invoice, order, etc.), for example.
Short text → An optional, additional text can be entered.
Internal comment → This is optional, e.g. searchable for the search
EAN → The EAN number of the product is to be entered
Weight → The weight, which can be evaluated e.g. with the parcel tag, like the total weight of the delivery, is to be entered
Storage location → The storage location, e.g. standard storage and storage for putaway, such as storage location level 2, "shelf" in xentral, is to be entered
Storage quantity → The absolute quantity for putaway in a warehouse is to be indicated
Minimum storage → The minimum storage quantity, e.g. for the order proposal, is to be indicated
Basically all properties of a product can be overwritten, for which variables are available in the import center. It is necessary here that the number is specified as a reference. Otherwise there will be no update, but only a new article creation.
Example for an import template: 1:number; 3:article_description_en; 4:short_text_en; 5:internal_comment; 6:ean; 7:weight; 14:stock_space; 15:stock_quantity_total; 16:minimum_stock;
Importing item quantities requires the item number, the stock quantity, i.e. the absolute stock quantity for that bin or the new quantity being added, i.e. the additive stock quantity for that bin, and the bin itself. For the import of the stock quantity the EAN can be used instead of the article number for allocation.
Import template example:
The following specifications are also possible:
stock_quantity_add2 → Posts the quantity of the item to the existing quantity in this bin.
stock_quantity_total2 → Posts the quantity (total) of the item completely anew
With the import for the time recording, times can be booked on a customer. These are afterwards to be found again in 3 places:
In the time account module: Team → Time accounts → Time account → Settle times.
In the customer's master data: Master data → Addresses → Select customer → Time
In the own time recording: Team → Time tracking → Own time tracking overview
Checklist for the CSV file:
Mandatory fields: date_from, time_from, date_to, time_to, activity, customer number.
The customer must be created in Xentral with the corresponding customer number
If the posting is made to an employee, the employee must be created in Xentral
Example import template: 1:date_from; 2:time_from; 3:date_to; 4:time_to; 5:activity; 6:details; 7:customer number; 8:employee number;
Example content for CSV file:
09/20/2016;09:00;09/20/2016;18:00;Outside appointment with customer.;New products introduced.;10000;2500;
21.09.2016;09:00;21.09.2016;17:30;Presentation elaborated.;Presentation about new product range XY.;10002;2500;
22.09.2016;09:30;22.09.2016;18:30;Workshop give on behalf of the customer; Workshop for better training of employees.;10003;2500;
Follow-ups can also be imported to xentral.
Checklist for the CSV file:
Mandatory fields: date_due, customer number, employee number, concern.
The customer must be created with the corresponding customer number in xentral
The employee must be created with the corresponding employee number in xentral
The "Target" in the import template must be set to "Follow-ups".
Example import template: 1:date_due; 2:time_due; 3:customer_number; 4:employee_number; 5:concern; 6:text; 7:completed;
Example content for CSV file:
01/25/2017;14:00;10000;90000;Call customer for quote;Ask again about last quote;0;
01/13/2017;10:30;10001;90006;Check with development;Check with development for status of new feature;1;
After importing, the follow-ups can be viewed under Master Data → Addresses → Correspondence → Follow-up:
Notes can also be imported to xentral.
Checklist for the CSV file:
Mandatory fields: date, customer number, employee number, concern.
The customer must be created with the corresponding customer number in xentral
The employee must be created with the corresponding employee number in xentral
The "Target" in the import template must be set to "Note".
Example import template: 1:date; 2:time; 3:customer number; 4:employee number; 5:concern; 6:text;
Example content for CSV file:
01/25/2017;14:00;10000;90000;Customer called about quote;Asked again about last quote;
Inquired with development;Status of new feature in development: completion in KW2;
After the import, the follow-ups can be viewed under Master data → Addresses → Correspondence → Notes.
Commissions on an existing article can also be imported via the master data import.
Note: Commission accounting is an extra module.
Checklist for CSV file:
Mandatory fields (representative only): article , representative_commission and representative_provision_type
Mandatory fields (representative & sales manager): article , representative_commission , representative_commission_type , sales_manager_commission , sales_manager_commission_type
Only one line per article commission
Each article number exists only once and is already created in xentral
Example import template (rep and sales manager): 1:item; 2:rep; 3:rep_commission; 4:rep_commission_type; 5:sales_manager_commission; 6:sales_manager_commission_type; 7:valid_from; 8:valid_to;
Example content for the CSV file:
Means in the present example: Under Accounting → Commissions → Commissions per item the imported commissions can be viewed:
To additionally specify the commission of the sales manager, the import variables 'sales_manager_commission' and 'sales_manager_provision_type' are necessary. Before this, the sales manager must be assigned to a representative, this can also be done via a CSV import. The representative and sales manager link is created/imported directly in the "Commissions" module.
The following variables are the most important import variables for item commissions:
Name in Xentral |
Importvariable |
Example content CSV |
Position in Xentral |
Note |
Name |
name |
Max Mustermann |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
Mandatory field - Can also be taken for company |
Salutation |
type |
Mr. |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
Expected: Mr, Mrs, Company, Mr, Mrs, Company |
Customer number |
customernumber |
100001 |
Addresses / Details / Payment conditions/taxation (16.3+) |
Mandatory field (for customers) - Do not assign twice |
Supplier number |
suppliernumber |
200001 |
Addresses / Details / Payment conditions/taxation (16.3+) |
Mandatory field (for suppliers) - Do not assign twice |
Employee number |
ermployeenumber |
30001 |
Addresses / Details / Payment conditions/taxation (16.3+) |
Mandatory field (for employees) - Not assigned twice |
Contact person |
contactperson |
Hildegard Müller |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
Address suffix |
addresssuffix |
Apartment |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
Street |
street |
Untere Talstr. 13 |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
City |
city |
Augsburg |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
zip |
86159 |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
Country |
Country |
DE |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
Important: ISO code only (DE, AT, NL, etc.) |
Phone |
phone |
0123456789 |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
Fax |
fax |
0987654321 |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
Cover letter |
coverletter |
Dear Mr. Mustermann |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
| |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
Mobile |
mobile |
0170123456 |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
Website |
website |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
vatid |
12354567 |
Addresses / Details / Payment conditions/taxation (16.3+) |
Document language |
language |
german |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
Possible in CSV: German, English |
Group |
group1 |
Business customer |
Addresses / Groups |
The group must be previously created in Xentral |
Other |
other |
A very loyal customer |
Addresses / Details / Address data |
Name in Xentral |
Importvariable |
Example content CSV |
Position in Xentral |
Note |
Note: If any changes are made to the commissions via import, it is necessary to delete all previous commissions.
All information about the operation of matrix products can be found under Matrix product. First, a matrix product must be created as a product, if it does not already exist.
A maximum of two dimensions can be imported via the import center. Products with more dimensions can be created directly via the matrix product interface. Information about this can be found here.
Checklist for the CSV file:
Mandatory fields: number, matrixproduct, matrixproductfrom, matrixproductgroup1 and matrixproductvalue1.
A main product (matrix product) must already be created in xentral and be located in the CSV in the column matrixproductfrom.
It is recommended to have the sub-products also already created as normal products in xentral, in order to link only the products into a matrix product with the matrix product import. Otherwise a name has to be specified, because otherwise all matrix subproducts will be named the same.
Example of an import template:
Sample content for the CSV file:
number |
matrixproduct |
name_en |
matrixproductform |
matrixproductgroup1 |
matrixproductvalue1 |
matrixproductgroup2 |
matrixproductvalue2 |
201313-BS |
1 |
T-Shirt Color: Blue - Size: S |
201313 |
Color |
Blue |
Size |
S |
201313-BM |
1 |
T-shirt Color: Blue - Size: M |
201313 |
Color |
Blue |
Size |
M |
201313-BL |
1 |
T-Shirt Color: Blue - Size: L |
201313 |
Color |
Blue |
Size |
L |
201313-BX |
1 |
T-shirt color: Rot - Größe: S |
201313 |
Color |
Red |
Size |
S |
201313-RM |
1 |
T-Shirt Farbe: Rot - Größe: M |
201313 |
Color |
Red |
Size |
M |
201313-RL |
1 |
T-Shirt Farbe: Rot - Größe: L |
201313 |
Color |
Red |
Size |
L |
This means in this example: A matrix product (201313) is created, the sub-products (201313-BS, 201313-BM, etc) are marked as articles of this matrix product. For these sub-products 2 matrix properties (color, size) are assigned and different values are given. If you specify 1 for the variable matrix product, then the check mark for matrix product is set for this article. In the example, all variants themselves would then also be marked as matrix product, not only 201313.
You can assign multiple categories of the item tree to multiple products at the same time by using the import central. To correctly assign the categories the following prerequisites must be fulfilled:
The products have already been created in your master data
The necessary categories and subcategories have been created in the item tree.
To create multiple categories via the import central:
Create a table in the spreadsheet software of your choice containing the following columns:
nummer: Enter your item numbers in this column.
artikelkategorie_name: Enter the name of the root category you want to edit, e.g., merchandise or production material in this column.
artikelbaum1: Enter the complete path to the needed subcategory into this column. The entries in the path are separated by the pipe character |. If we, for example, want to add a product into the women's clothing category, we could write Merchandise|Clothing|Women.
To add a second category to the chosen product, you need to create another column called artikelbaum2, for a third category artikelbaum3, and so on. You can assign up to 20 categories this way!
To delete all categories for a product, enter CLEAR into the respective row of the artikelbaum1 column.
In the following screen, you can see an example of what this spreadsheet could look like:
Export the table to a CSV file. You can use commas or semicolons for separators.
Log into Xentral and open the Import / Export Center via the Smart Search.
Click Master data import and then + New Entry, if you haven't created an import template for the item tree yet.
Create an import template:
Enter a Name for your template, e.g., Item tree categories.
Select Article in the Module field.
Enter 2 for CSV data from line if you have column names in your table. If you only have data in your table, enter 1.
Select the CSV separator you chose when exporting the table to CSV. In most cases, you can leave CSV masking and Charset selection with their default values.
Enter the column names into the CSV fields field in the following format:
1: nummer;
2: artikelkategorie_name;
3: artikelbaum1;
4: artikelbaum2; etc.
Click Save.
Open the Start import: Upload CSV file tab in the import template.
Click Browse and select your CSV file from your computer or alternatively drag your CSV file and drop it on the Browse button. In most cases, you can leave the Coding field with its default value.
Click Upload CSV now. You get a preview of the imported data, so you can check for mistakes before the import.
Click Import. The import is put in a queue and will be processed after a few minutes.
After the import is done, all categories are directly applied to the products listed in your CSV file.
The bold fields are mandatory fields/ or the relevant fields for the assignment of the products.
Example for an export from Gambio:
Field settings:
1: {products_model} → item number of the product {p_model} → alternatively item number of the product incl. properties.
2: {products_name.en} → product name {} → alternatively product name incl. properties
3: {p_description.en} → product description
4: {p_short_description.en} → product short description
5: {products_ean} → EAN{p_ean} → alternatively EAN with properties
6: {p_weight_comma} → product weight
7: {c_name.en} → category
8: {p_manufacturer_name} → manufacturer
Example of item import in xentral:
Sample content for the CSV file:
number |
name_en |
item_description_en |
short_text_en |
ean |
weight |
item_category_name |
manufacturer |
stock items |
sales tax |
100001 |
Screw M10x20 |
This is a description text of this product. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. |
This is a short description. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. |
1234567891011 |
0,1 |
Metalware |
Metal manufacturer |
1 (for yes, 0 for no) |
reduced (if the item has a reduced VAT, for the normal VAT rate just leave the field empty) |
As of version 20.1, several texts can be added to a store via one line. Only one translation can be stored per store. In addition, all newly added texts are created as inactive by default, i.e. the binary value for "active" must be entered if they are to be switched directly to active.
Example import template
Example of the CSV file:
Item number;Name_FR;Short_text_FR;Description_FR;Shop;Shop-
Text_FR;name_IT;short_text_IT;description_IT;shop_text_IT;shop_IT; 700001;grenouille;This is a
Short text(FR);Here we see a description;5;Online text for
Ebay(FR);rana;short textIT;descriptionIT;store textIT;5;
If you create a new entry in the Import / Export Center under Master data import, you will find a large selection of available variables in the Formats tab. You can find out more about the variables available to you in Xentral in the helpdesk article Variables.