Payment by → Payment method with which the liability is to be settled later
Processor → User who processed this order or was entered as its processor
Delivery condition → Condition for delivery, e.g. minimum order value of 100 €
Order confirmation → By ticking the box, a text is inserted under the product table on the order document, which asks the supplier to confirm the order. Otherwise it will expire. The text can be translated (Administration → Settings → Translations) using the variable: dokument_bestellung_bestaetigung
No article numbers → Product numbers are hidden on the order receipt
Do not show prices → Prices are hidden on the order document
Own article number in the first column → Sets Xentral instead of the supplier number in the first column (Can be set as standard in the system settings: "Order: Own product number first column")
Long article numbers → Product numbers that are particularly long
No stationery and logo → The globally created stationery is not used for the order documents and the logo is not displayed on the order document
Hide article texts → The product description in all document items is hidden on the document
Cancel order → The order is canceled
Copy order → The order is copied
Submit order → The order is sent
Mark as shipped → The order is marked as shipped
Complete order → The order is completed
Store order → The order is stored
Release order → The order is released
Continue as a liability → The order is continued as a liability
Continue as production → The order is continued as production
Create goods receipt → A goods receipt is created
Export as CSV → The order is exported as CSV file. Note: The supplier's product number is exported as the product number
Open PDF → The order will be opened as a PDF
Receipt of the order items as CSV:
The supplier's product number is exported as product number.
The document export is the same/similar for the documents. It is possible that columns are also displayed that are not relevant to the order.
It is possible to permanently change the purchase price of the product directly from the order. There is also the edit icon behind each item in the mini preview and in the log tab of the order:
By clicking on the edit icon, a pop-up appears:
If the check mark "Adjust in master data" is set, the price will also be adjusted in the product in the master data and not only in the individual order.
If the order quantity deviates from the quantity stored in the purchase price, you will be asked whether a purchase price should be created for the new quantity or whether the purchase price should be adjusted with the next lowest quantity.
If there is already another price from the same quantity, this is set to inactive (valid until) during the adjustment described above and the new price becomes active in the master data.
All orders are displayed in the overview. All orders that are still in draft mode are located in the "In process" sub-tab.
Open → Orders that have not yet been completed
Not confirmed → Orders without a confirmed delivery date
Delivery missing → Orders for which the delivery is missing
Shipped → Orders that have been sent
Canceled → Orders that have been canceled
Delivery date exceeded → Orders for which the delivery date has been exceeded
Without liabilities → Orders that occur without liabilities
This filter is addressed by four possible fields, with descending priority:
Confirmed delivery date of the order
Desired delivery date of the order
Highest confirmed delivery date of all positions
Highest requested delivery date of the items
The first two points refer to the following fields in the order itself:
The last two points refer to the fields in the "Positions" tab when editing a position:
Example: The delivery date is displayed as exceeded if:
The requested delivery date is in the past
The confirmed delivery date is in the past
The requested delivery date is in the future, but the confirmed date is yesterday
The delivery date is not displayed as exceeded if:
The requested delivery date for yesterday, but the delivery date for tomorrow is entered in all items
It is possible to process several orders at once through bulk processing:
Send by mail → Sends the selected orders by mail to the registered email address
Mark as released → Sets the selected orders to the status 'released'. Only works with completed orders
Mark as shipped → Sets the selected orders to the status 'shipped'
Mark as completed → Sets the selected orders to the status 'completed'
Collective PDF → Prints a collective PDF of the selected orders with the set printer
Print → Prints all selected orders with the set printer
In the "Open positions" tab all ordered and not yet delivered items including the confirmed delivery date or confirmed delivery date can be viewed at the position level:
As in every document a lot of information can be seen at a glance in the log in the order. The action menu is also available. On the right there is an overview of how many units of the product have already been delivered, how many are still pending delivery and how many are already in stock:
Note if order numbers are too long:
It is possible to select the option "Long product numbers", then the product number is given a whole line in the position table on the document:
You can store and retrieve documents so that you can keep track of your order. With the use of this module, you can define exactly for each product in the order from which shelf which quantities are to be stored or removed.
There is the option "complete order" (Administration → Settings → Basic Settings → System). With this the orders are completed as soon as all products have been delivered.
In addition the process starter bestellungabschliessen (finalize sales order) can be used, which also automatically closes orders.
When the order has been completed, documents can be stored or removed. More information can be found here.
It is possible to enter an alternative label for an order in the system settings:
As a result the check mark can be activated in the order details in order to exchange the labeling on the document:
The order document can be provided with a desired delivery date as a note for the supplier, either for the entire document or for each product. The document language determines whether a translation is drawn. A delivery date can be specified for each order:
Desired delivery date for the complete order
In addition, a different date can be specified for each product (nothing is printed without a date)
The texts can be changed in the document templates or supplemented with IF blocks. If no delivery date is given, the word "Immediately" is printed. This can be changed via the translation variable "document_ delivery date_sofort". It should be noted that this is a global variable for all documents and can then be changed for orders etc., if necessary.
If a note should always be displayed as a popup for a particular supplier when inserting the order items, this is possible with the "Supplier note text" field in the supplier address in the terms of payment/taxation tab.
As soon as a product that has stored this supplier as the standard supplier in the purchase prices, the popup is displayed.