A dummy item can be created that can be used again and again, e.g. "hourly rate". This item (e.g. "100004") can then be selected in the document via the search (e.g. in the order) and then individually post-processed there:
Assign a Product number (number or letter, e.g. STUNDENSATZ001 or simply the next product number)
Assign a Product designation (e.g. hourly rate for development, hourly rate for production, machine hours, hourly flat rate XY, ...)
Save the Product (otherwise no fields are required)
Allocate a sales price, e.g. 65 EUR
(Optional: allocation of a purchase price, then e.g. the difference / contribution margin can be viewed in evaluations)
A voucher can also be permanently created as a Product.
Assign a Product number (number or letter, e.g. GUTSCHEIN001 or simply the next Product number)
Assign an Product name (e.g. voucher autumn 2017, voucher 5 EUR, ...)
Save the Product (otherwise no fields are required)
Allocate of a negative sales price, e.g. -5 EUR
If the voucher is included in the order in addition to an item, this is shown with a negative amount and thus deducted from the total.
Please note that 19% VAT will be calculated for vouchers (standard tax rate). Alternatively, the vouchers can also be set to "reduced" (note: the accounting export for mixed tax rates in one invoice).