A chart of accounts is a list of all accounts for accounting purposes. In this module you can either create a chart of accounts manually or import it from another software (e.g. Datev). In addition, you can customize the chart of accounts. This is mainly relevant for accounting and is mainly used for liabilities.
In the following, accounts from the SKR04 chart of accounts are used as an example. However, in Xentral you can also use other charts of accounts without any problems.
The default accounts for the financial accounting export of receipts are located in the basic settings in the Tax/Currency area and in the settings per project. If settings have been made on a per-project basis, these will be preferred over those from the global basic settings.
App Center > Account Frame
The overview shows a list of all existing accounts.
In the table, in the Menu column, you can edit individual accounts using the pen icon or delete them with the cross icon. You can also copy the table to the clipboard, print it as CSV, Excel or PDF file and as well as print the table.
If an account is crossed out, this means that the account is deactivated and is is no longer in use.
Automatic accounts in Datev (e.g. 5400) are not evaluated differently in Xentral. When transferring the data to Datev, it recognizes the automatic account.
Below you can read in more detail how to create a chart of accounts.
You can create a new account manually using the +NEW button.
Fill in the following fields:
Account: Enter the account of the chart of accounts, e.g. 6815
Label: Enter a name/label for the account
Type: Select the type of cost from the drop-down menu. This is only used within Xentral
Remark: Here you can optionally enter additional remarks e.g. about the use of the account
Project: Select a project via the magnifying glass icon or enter a project manually. This account will then only appear in a specific project
Not visible: By checking this box, you deactivate an account that is no longer needed. Deactivated accounts appear in the overview as crossed out
Finally, click on Save.
You can freely assign accounts in Xentral, but keep in mind that they have to match the accounts there when exporting (e.g. to Datev). Otherwise there may be problems there.
The Overview tab finally shows you all the charts of accounts created in Xentral.
In addition, you can import charts of accounts via the CSV tab in the module.
Use the Select file button to select a file to import. Import this afterwards over the button Import. Make sure that the file is UTF-8 encoded and in the correct format.
Fill in the following field labels relevant to the format:
Account: Enter the accounting account
Label: Enter the name/label of the account
Remark: Enter internal remarks/notes for account usage
Type: Select the type of account from the drop-down menu. Possible is an empty field, as well as expenses, revenues, cash transit, or Balance
Active: Enter "1" to activate the account and "0" to deactivate it
Project: Select a project from the list via the magnifying glass icon or enter a project manually. This account is then only visible in this project visible
Create .csv is with separator "semicolon" and masking "inverted commas" (e.g. "5400"; "goods receipt 19%"; "all goods purchase domestic 19%"; "expenses"; "standard"):
The result of the import is the appearance of these two entries in the list.
If you do not want to use all the accounts from the software from which the accounts are imported, create the accounts manually instead.
The chart of accounts is used mainly for incoming payments and the cash book as you post to the accounts of the chart of accounts and export them from there (e.g. to Datev).
When using the chart of accounts with Datev, make sure that the account length is 4 (6805 → Telephone, Fax, Internet) or 6 (906805 → Telephone, Fax, Internet 19% input tax) when specifying tax keys.
In Xentral there are several options where account frames can be defined:
In the basic settings under Administration > Settings > System > Basic settings > Tax / Currency
In the project settings under Master data > Projects > ProjectX > Settings > Tax / Currency
Directly in the individual product under Master data > Product > Open product > Financial accounting
In the article category settings under Administration > Settings > Master data > Article categories > CategoryX