The Fast goods receipt helps you process your goods efficiently in goods receipt and is especially useful for packages with low value products that don’t need special examination or a large amount of goods that need to be stored quickly.
Fast goods receipt offers these features:
Parcel acceptance, printing of labels and storing goods in one step
All open positions of a supplier at a glance
Items are automatically assigned to a standard storage location, with the possibility to change the storage location for single positions
Store multiple positions with one click
Label printing possible for individual positions as well as for all positions simultaneously (batch printing)
Only stock items can be accepted in Fast goods receipt! This means that a Just in time bill of materials and the attached products will not be displayed in the open positions. Additionally it is not possible to store batches or products with a best before date (BBD) this way.
If you need to store charges/BBDs or want to inspect your goods closely before storing them, you should use the regular goods receipt.
You can adjust the goods receipt to your needs in the settings by, for example, selecting an item label. You can configure the following settings: