Payment transactions include all transfers of means of payment.
In xentral, amounts can be both settled and collected in this module. It is also possible to create a liability directly in this module. Prerequisites for using this module are:
That the SEPA payment transaction is set up in xentral
That a SEPA Creditor Identifier is available
This module is particularly relevant if payment transactions are processed via xentral.
In the Payment transactions app, you can create a XML file to initiate transfers from your bank accounts by uploading the XML file to your online banking software. For this purpose, liabilities and credit notes can be loaded directly in to initiate the payment and to link the created entry directly to the correct document - and mark it as paid. You can filter these receipts by Open, Failed, Executed, etc., to always get the overview you need.
The"Assign and release payments" action prepares the proposed bookings are prepared. Subsequently, the user can navigate to the tab of the desired account and with the action"Execute payment" the transfers can be triggered.
SEPA payment traffic can be enabled under Administration → Settings → Accounting → Business Accounts for each account. The following data must be entered in advance in the business account.
BLZ (optional)
Account (optional)
Creditor ID
Direct debit: activate through checkbox
For the direct debit procedure, a SEPA Creditor Identifier is required for your own company. This must be obtained, for example, for Germany from the Deutsche Bundesbank using the "Form to apply for your creditor identification number".
With this number, you can be activated at the house bank. For the individual customers must be transmitted with each direct debit the mandate reference. These data are transferred with the collection each time for each customer from xentral.
This number is entered directly in the company data: Administration → Settings → System → Basic settings → Company address.
The overview lists all open direct debits. These can be filtered according to certain criteria. In addition, it is possible to create a new transfer in the "Action" area as well as to load credits and liabilities.
Only open → displays only payables and credit notes that are still open and have not yet been assigned to a payment account. This filter should be set by default
only failed → displays only payables and credit notes that have failed
Only executed → displays only those payables and credit notes that have already been Liabilities and credit notes
only liabilities → displays only liabilities
only credits → displays only credits
Use discount date → uses discount date for sorting
The "New bank transfer" button can be used to create a new bank transfer directly.
The necessary information can be stored in the input tab. Via Edit button for existing transfers also appears this tab, whereby the information can then be adjusted once again, e.g. for this one transfer another IBAN is to be used, which is stored in the master data.
Credit notes and payables can be loaded here. In the first step the transfers are checked manually or selected via the checkmark "mark all". Then the account is to be selected, to which the transfer is to be assigned. The last step is to complete the selection with the button "Assign payments and release" to complete the selection.
Next to the "open" tab, you will see all the accounts created that have been released. In our example, these are "Bank account CSV (example:Deutsche. Bank)", "Cash", "Account: AmazonPay (API)". Here you can see the transfers that have been assigned to this account.
Here it is also possible to filter by specific criteria using filters.
Only failed → Displays only payables and credit notes that have failed
Only executed → Displays only those payables and credit notes that have already been Liabilities and credit notes
Only liabilities → Displays only liabilities
Only credits → Displays only credits
Use discount date → Uses discount date for Sorting
After the payment is completed, the transaction monitor will display the XML file for download. After the download, this in turn can be uploaded to the respective bank. This process is always the same, except for Paypal and Amazon Pay. There, the refund is made directly through the API.
This tab lists all open invoices. It can be filtered that only invoices are displayed that are due in at least 10 days. In the "Overview" area, the total amount is displayed. With the batch processing it is possible to select an account and optionally a prefix before the posting text, in order to then create a collective direct debit.
The "open credits" tab lists all open credit memos. In the overview area the total amount is displayed.
If invoices have been posted, they will appear in this tab. The invoices can be edited here once again or be output as a PDF.
Payment notification is used to announce outstanding invoices. In this tab is a listing of all existing payment advices. The payment advice document is retrievable via PDF Icon. Via the batch processing the payment advices can be or printed and sent. As of June 2021 the payment advice can only be sent in German language.
If there is a direct debit for a customer with multiple invoices at the same time in a SEPA collective run, the invoices are combined into a single sum and instead of the invoice numbers, the number of the advice note is then included in the remittance text. E.g. if there are 10 invoices as a collective run, there are too many characters in the posting text, if each invoice is listed individually.
Payment notifications can be sent collectively in bulk. Payment advices can be selected in the overview and then, as an alternative to printing, added to an internal list from which they can be sent by the process starter "payment_advice_outgoing_mail". For the mail the business letter template "Debit note payment advice" is used for the mail. If the business letter template does not exist or the text or subject is empty, then no mail will be sent.
This tab contains an overview of all SEPA collective direct debits. These can be removed here with the "x" or downloaded via the arrow. By removing the individual invoices are moved back into the area of the open direct debits, if e.g. changes to the bank data of the customer are to be before the XML file is generated. If there are first and subsequent direct debits in a direct debit run, two files for the bank are created.
With the 'Prefix before posting text' it is to be made certain that the selected text is not too long. Otherwise the bank software could separate the invoice no., which has the consequence that in the xentral incoming payment the invoice number can no longer be recognized automatically. The invoice number must be in the payment line during the payment import. If no prefix is entered the posting text is composed of the invoice number, the customer number and the complete customer name together.
In the minidetail view, more details can also be viewed and the booking overview can be printed. Customers with multiple invoices are summarized as a payment advice and displayed in one booking. The collection via XML is then also made in a collective booking for this customer and will later be on the bank account. The splitting of the individual bookings can be then take place in the incoming payment with the split function. In order to ensure the resolution into single items of collective direct debits by xentral, the setting "Activate single entries" must be activated in the business account.
In the Settings tab, you can specify with how many days the Cash discount may be overdrawn. By default, 0 is set here.
The collection date for direct debits is set in the invoice in the Direct debit authorization section. Open invoices for direct debit can be found under Payment transactions > Direct debits tab > Open invoices subtab. Here, the invoice will be automatically marked for a collective direct debit when the collection date is reached (e.g. the 15.06.2023 in the following screenshot). All invoices with no collection date will automatically be marked as well.
If you manually select an invoice before its collection date is reached for a collective debit, the collection date is ignored and the money collected early.
To collect an invoice amount once again, click into an invoice and remove the write protection there. Afterward, the "again collect" button should be selected. The invoice is now in the debit run (list of all due).
Credit notes can be offset together with invoices. To do this, the Invoice amount must be greater than the credit memo amount. Otherwise it would be a Back transfer. The credit memo amount is deducted from the invoice amount. The following Invoice is to be collected as a direct debit:
A credit memo was created for this invoice (continue invoice as. Credit note, payment method "Direct debit"). This credit note appears in the "Open credit notes".
When the XML file is created, the credit note is offset against the invoice, provided that the credit note has an amount less than/equal to the invoice.