Xentral offers you various options for automating reorders:
With the action "Take over to order" in the module Order proposal you can take over the calculated quantities into an order to the supplier. This lists products whose stock level has fallen below the minimum stock level or whose stock level is no longer sufficient to serve all open customer orders. The products are grouped by supplier, i.e. one order proposal is made per supplier.
In the extended order proposal you have several calculation bases at your disposal. For example, you can calculate the demand on the basis of the minimum stock quantities, on the basis of open orders, old order quantities or open productions. Several calculations can also be combined. The Extended Order Proposal calculates the demand of products from several suppliers at the same time, but you can also filter per supplier.
For more complex inventory optimization requirements and highly efficient procurement, Xentral also offers an interface to Netstock. The transfer via FTP ensures a smooth collaboration between your Xentral and Netstock.
For more information, please refer to our manual: