The email function in Xentral enables seamless communication with customers, suppliers, and internal teams. To ensure smooth email processes, make sure to configure the following essential settings.
Connect an email account: Link your business email account to Xentral – supported providers include Microsoft (Office 365, Outlook, Hotmail) and Google (Gmail). If you use another provider, you can also manually set up an email account via SMTP/IMAP.
Set a default email address: Define a primary email address for sending invoices, order confirmations, and other documents.
Add a signature: Create a standardized email signature with relevant company details to maintain a professional appearance.
Menu Path: Settings > Basic Settings > Email.
Emails play a crucial role in communication within Xentral.. By default, automated emails, such as those for auto-dispatch, are sent from the default email account. However, if necessary, you can assign different email accounts for specific projects in the project settings.
In Xentral you can add external email accounts like Microsoft and Google email accounts to use for your communication in the ticket system or for the email archive (webmail). Microsoft and Google accounts are authorized via OAuth and connection details will be retrieved automatically when you authenticate your email account. If you want to add an email account from another provider, for example,, among others, you can do so as well. In this case, however, you have to enter the connection details (SMTP/IMAP information) manually.
Steps: Connecting a New Email Account in Xentral:
Navigate to the menu path: Settings > Basic Settings > E-Mail > Email Accounts.
Add a new account: Click + Add Account. Select your provider: Microsoft (Office 365, Outlook, Hotmail), Google (Gmail) or Manual Setup (SMTP/IMAP)
Enter login credentials: For Microsoft/Google: Log in via OAuth and confirm authorization. For manual setup: Enter SMTP and IMAP details manually.
Test the connection: A test email will be sent after successful setup. If errors occur: Check connection details and retry using Reconnect.
Set as default email account: If needed, set the new account as the default for outgoing emails.
Shared mailboxes cannot be connected to Xentral this way. A username and a separate password is required!
To add a new Microsoft email account:
Click + Add Account. A setup selection window is displayed.
Select the Office 365 option and enter your Microsoft email address (Office 365, Outlook, or Hotmail) in the window that appears. Click Connect. You are redirected to the Microsoft email login screen.
Enter your email account login details. Once you have entered and confirmed your email address and password, you are redirected back to the Xentral Email accounts view.
Your newly connected email account is displayed in the overview and a green success message appears at the bottom right. The technical connection details such as SMTP and IMAP settings are filled in automatically with the standard settings from your account.
At the same time a test email is sent by the system. If the sending was successful, a green success message appears at the bottom right. If an error message appears, check if you have entered your connection details correctly.
If you encounter a connection error, click Reconnect in the Connection Details section and log in to your Microsoft account if you are not logged in already. Your account should now be reconnected.
The success or error message for the test email might be displayed a few seconds after the success message for the creation of your email account. Please wait a few seconds.
If you want to add more Microsoft Office email accounts, make sure that you have logged out of all Microsoft accounts in your browser before your add the next email account. Alternatively clear the cache. If you do not, the new account you want to add is created with details of the last account and the email account is not created correctly in Xentral .
Please note that the email account must be an independent account. Group emails, aliases, and shared email accounts (delegated mailboxes) cannot be linked.
To add a new Gmail account:
Click + Add Account. A setup selection window is displayed.
Select the Google option and enter your Gmail address in the window that appears. Click Connect. You are redirected to the Gmail login screen.
Enter your email account login details. Once you have entered and confirmed your email address and password, you are redirected back to the Xentral Email accounts view.
Your newly connected email account is displayed in the overview and a green success message appears at the bottom right. The technical connection details such as SMTP and IMAP settings are filled in automatically with the standard settings from your account.
At the same time a test email is sent by the system. If the sending was successful, a green success message appears at the bottom right. If an error message appears, check if you have entered your connection details correctly.
The success or error message for the test email might be displayed a few seconds after the success message for the creation of your email account. Please wait a few seconds.
If you want to add more Gmail accounts, make sure that you have logged out of all Google accounts in your browser before you add the next email account. Alternatively clear the cache. If you do not, the new account you want to add is created with details of the last account and the email account is not created correctly in Xentral .
Please note that the email account must be an independent account. Group emails, aliases, and shared email accounts (delegated mailboxes) cannot be linked.
To add any other email account:
Click + Add Account. A setup selection window is displayed.
Select the Set up manually option. The Add email account form is displayed. All fields in this form are mandatory.
Enter your email account details in the fields Name, Email address, Username, and Password.
Enter your incoming (IMAP) and outgoing (SMTP) connection information in the fields IMAP server, IMAP port, IMAP encyption, SMTP server, SMTP port, and SMTP encryption. Generally you can find these information in the settings of your email account.
Click Connect.
Your newly connected email account is displayed in the overview. A green success message appears at the bottom right.
At the same time a test email is sent by the system. If the sending was successful, a green success message appears at the bottom right. If an error message appears, check if you have entered your connection details correctly.
The success or error message for the test email might be displayed a few seconds after the success message for the creation of your email account. Please wait a few seconds.
In general automatic communication is done via the default email account, e.g. emails for auto-dispatch. If necessary, you can set up a different account for certain projects in your project settings. If you want to use a different email account for auto-dispatch, you can set one up under Administration menu > Projects > Settings tab > Logistics/ Shipping subtab in the Email dispatch settings section.
Before you can define a default account, you must add an email account (Microsoft, Gmail, or SMTP/IMAP) as described in the sections above.
To set up the default email account:
Go to Smart Search: Basic Settings, then open the Email tab and Standard E-Mail Settings.
In the Standard setting email (when sending emails) section enter the following information:
Email address - Email address that recipients see. This address must be identical to one of the email accounts (Microsoft, Gmail, or SMTP/IMAP) you added previously.
Name of sender - Name that recipients see (for example the name of your company)
Standard signature - Default signature. You can use the following variables in the signature field: {MITARBEITER} - employee, {MITARBEITER_TELEFON} - employee phone, {MITARBEITER_MOBIL} - employee mobile number, {MITARBEITER_EMAIL} - employee email address, and {MITARBEITER_TELEFAX} - employee fax.
If you want to add an image to your signature, check the Connecting your email accounts article.
In the Standard greeting field define the greeting message to be added at the end of the email. You can use the following variables: {MITARBEITER},{MITARBEITER_TELEFON},{MITARBEITER_MOBIL}, {MITARBEITER_EMAIL}, and {MITARBEITER_TELEFAX}.
You can select to add email addresses that should receive a copy of the emails. For that use the following fields:
Copy Recipient 1 and Copy Recipient 2 for email addresses that should receive a copy.
BCC for an email address that should receive a blind copy.
Optional: You can add a HTML template and use it when sending emails. To do this, paste your valid HTML code into the HTML template field.
We advise to only use this option if you know how to create valid HTML content.
Click Save.
In the email account settings you can change your email account and connection information, activate it for different apps, define auto-replies, or add a signature.
To edit a specific section, click on on the right for the required section. To save your changes click Save on the right of the section in edit mode.
When you add a Microsoft or Google email account, Xentral automatically creates an account name during creation based on the text before the @ sign. When you create an email address manually, you have to enter a name but you still might need to change it afterwards for better identification.
You can edit the following details in the Account details section:
Enter the name you want to use for the account in the Name displayed field.
If relevant, limit who should be able to see the email account name from the Visible only for drop-down menu. If you leave this field blank, all users with access to the ticket module or the email archive can read and write email from this email address.
You can change your email account connection details, if for example any access point has changed or you have changed your email account password.
To modify your email account connection settings, navigate to the relevant field(s) in the Connection Details section and enter the new details.
You can use your email address for communication in the ticket system or save your emails in the email archive for future reference.
To activate the email account for the ticket system:
Click the Activate for ticket module toggle to enable the email account for the ticket system.
The Standard project field by default contains the standard project you have defined. If you want to change the standard project, select the required project from the drop down list.
If you want to assign the email account to a specific ticket queue, select the relevant queue from the Standard queue drop down list. How you create queues is described here.
Click the From date field and the calendar is opened. From this calender select the start date for the import of emails from this email account. You can select a date in the past, if you want to import older emails.
Click the Delete email after import toggle to delete the emails at your email provider once they've been imported into Xentral .
Click the Close automatically toggle if you want all imported tickets to automatically be set to "done", for example if you have already processed the tickets in another service but still want to import them into Xentral for analytical reasons.
To activate the email archive for the email account:
You can select to add an auto-reply that is sent out when a new email is received.
To add an auto-reply:
Click the Activate auto reply toggle to enable the sending of an auto-reply.
If the systems receives several emails from the same sender a day and you only want the auto-reply to be sent once a day per sender, click the Only one email per day toggle.
In the Subject field enter the title of your auto-reply email.
Edit the text of your auto-reply email in the text editor. You can use the formatting tool of the text editor to format your text.
You can add a signature that is added at the end of your email text when sending out emails from your email account.
You can select to assign your email account to a specific project/ sales channel, for example Amazon, POS, Shopify, etc.
To assign your email account to a specific project/ sales channel:
Open the Logistics settings per sales channel form one of the following ways:
In the Email accounts overview click
for the relevant project. Scroll down to the Associated Projects section and click on the logistics settings per sales channel link in the text.
Go to
Settings > Stock > Logistic settings per sales channel
Open the sales channel you want to assign your email account to by clicking
for the channel.
Scroll down to the Email dispatch settings (if different from data from company settings) section and enter the email address of your email account in the Email field.
Scroll down to the bottom of the form and click Save.
The email account is now assigned to the sales channel. You can see the sales channels associated with an email account in the Email accounts overview under the email address and account name and in the account information under Associated projects.
If you no longer use a certain email account, you can delete it in Xentral so it can no longer be used in the ticket system or in the email archive.
To delete an email account:
Open the account you want to delete by clicking
for the account in the Email accounts overview.
Scroll down to the bottom of the form.
Click Delete account.
To confirm the deletion of the account, you have to enter your email address for the email account.
Click Delete Account.
The email account is deleted and no longer displayed in the Email accounts overview.
Xentral keeps a record of all your outgoing emails. If an email failed to reach its recipient, the record shows an error message for the email. This can help you troubleshoot your email-sending issues.
Proceed as follows to start troubleshooting:
Go to
Team > Email Log
You see a table with an overview of all your outgoing emails.
Look at the Status message column on the right side. If the email failed to send, an error message is displayed here.
Check the table below to find out about potential causes for the error message and recommended solution steps.
Error message |
Potential causes and recommended solution steps |
You must provide at least one recipient's email address |
No recipients were added. Enter a recipient and resend the email. |
Mailer is not supported |
The email provider is not supported. Try again with a different provider. |
Could not instantiate mail function |
Several issues could cause this error:
SMTP error: Could not authenticate |
Incorrect authentication method for SMTP or incorrect SMTP username or password. |
The following From address failed |
The email service doesn't recognize the email address from which the email should be sent. Check if the email address is hosted by the mailing service provider. |
SMTP Error: the following recipients failed |
The recipient's email address is unknown or doesn't exist. In rare cases, this error could also be related to restrictions of the mailing service provider. |
SMTP error: Data not accepted |
The mailing service provider doesn't accept emails from that address or user. Possible reasons might be:
SMTP error: Could not connect to SMTP host |
The SMTP host name may be spelled wrong or doesn't exist. The other reason could be an incorrect SSL method. |
Could not access file |
A file that should be sent as an attachment doesn't exist on the server. |
Filer Error: Could not open file |
A file that should be sent as an attachment can't be accessed. In this case, the file either doesn't exist or you don't have the necessary permissions to access the file. |
Unknown encoding |
The email-sending encoding is not supported. |
Signing error |
There might be a problem with the open SSL encryption on the server. |