Connecting HubSpot and Xentral allows you to optimize your sales activities further by letting you import, export, and synchronize data between the two systems.
The available data from HubSpot is split into contacts and companies. They are mapped to Xentral as follows:
HubSpot |
Xentral |
Synchronization conditions |
Contact |
Contact of type Mr. or Mrs. |
Data sets match, when:
Contacts without an email address will not be synced! |
Company |
Contact of type company |
Data sets match, when:
You can exchange data between HubSpot and Xentral in the following ways:
Synchronize contacts/ companies between the two environments - Contacts/ companies are added and can be updated with additional data from Xentral to HubSpot and vice-versa.
Import contacts/ companies from HubSpot to Xentral - You can add contacts/ companies from HubSpot to Xentral and update them with additional data from HubSpot.
You can limit the import to only take certain lifecycle stages into account. Find out more in the Limit import by lifecycle stage section.
Export contacts/ companies from Xentral to HubSpot - You can export contacts/ companies from Xentral to HubSpot and update them with additional data from Xentral.
Synchronize deals - New sales orders can be transferred from Xentral to HubSpot as a deal. Find out more in the Synchronize deals section.
With regards to deletion or modification data, be aware of the following data handling that applies to synchronization, import, and export alike:
If you delete a complete contact data set or some contact data such as a phone number in one system (e.g., in Xentral ), it will not be added again through the data exchange, and it will also not be deleted in the other system (e.g., in HubSpot).
Likewise, if you modify contact data such as a phone number in one system, the change will not propagate to the other system and, in case of the two systems being in sync mode, the change will not be reverted in the next sync run.
The connection between Xentral and HubSpot is conducted through the OAuth authentication. To connect Xentral and HubSpot:
Log into Xentral and go to App Center.
Find the HubSpot app and click Open.
Click Verbindung zu HubSpot herstellen to establish the connection.
In the HubSpot window that appears, enter the credentials (email address and password) of an admin user in the HubSpot system and confirm.
If you are already logged in to HubSpot, you can select the HubSpot account that you want to connect with and click Choose Account.
You have now successfully connected your Xentral instance to your HubSpot account.
If you decide to remove the connection between Xentral and HubSpot:
Once you have connected Xentral to HubSpot, you can choose what kind of data exchange you want to perform. On the main HubSpot page in Xentral you can choose between the following options:
Sync: Xentral ↔ HubSpot
Import: HubSpot → Xentral
Export: Xentral → HubSpot
Click Save after changing the data exchange type.
If you choose to import or sync your data from HubSpot, all your HubSpot users will be imported to Xentral as contacts of type Mr. or Mrs. and the role employee. This is done so that the connection between the contact and the responsible employee can be kept. The information is maintained in the Back office field of a contact in Xentral.
Be aware that your HubSpot users are assigned to a project during import. You can find out more about this in the Assign project section.
To learn more about the scope of the data exchange for each direction please check the Functional scope of the integration section.
Data exchange between Xentral and HubSpot can be either automatic or manual. You can select this in the Action section on the HubSpot page in Xentral by clicking the corresponding button. If you set your data exchange to the automatic sync, the interval of that sync is controlled by the Hubspot Data Sync process starter.
To adjust the interval of the data exchange:
Go to Administration > System > Process starter , find the Hubspot Data Sync process starter and click
Adjust the settings of the process starter and click Save.
To manually exchange data between Xentral and HubSpot:
On the HubSpot page select either Import: HubSpot → Xentral or Export: Xentral → HubSpot depending on what kind of action you want to perform and click Save.
In the Action section, click Manuellen Import: HubSpot → Xentral starten or Manuellen Export: Xentral → HubSpot starten depending on your selection in the previous step.
The action is now initiated and you can see corresponding messages in the message bar. Once the action is done, you can click Overview to check if there are any conflicts. A conflict happens, e.g., when data contradicts each other.
In the Overview tab you can see a log of all import processes. Each process is timestamped and shows how many records were created (erstellt) or edited (bearbeitet) and how many conflicts (Konflikte) happened.
You can import subgroups of your HubSpot contacts and companies by limiting the import to contacts and companies that are assigned to certain lifecycle stages. This can help you keep your Xentral master data more organized. Typical lifecycle stages include: Lead, Sales Qualified Lead, and Customer. You can customize and assign lifecycle stages in HubSpot.
Proceed as follows, to limit the import:
In the Settings tab, select the lifecycle stages you want to limit your import to.
The list of lifecycle stages on the right is imported from HubSpot, once you connect your two systems. After the connection is established, newly created lifecycle stages can be imported from HubSpot by clicking Update lifecycle stages.
Click Save.
The import is now limited by the selected lifecycle stages. You can change the selected lifecycle stages at any point by selecting additional stages or clearing existing ones and saving the changes.
Before an import, a project can be assigned to contacts and companies that will be newly created in Xentral. If the imported contact or company already exists in Xentral, the project will not be changed.
To assign a project:
Select the relevant lifecycle stages. This will limit the import to certain subgroups of your HubSpot contacts and companies.
During your first import, all of your HubSpot users will be imported to Xentral. If you want to assign them to a different project than your contacts and companies, don't select any lifecycle stages. This way no contacts or companies will be imported during the next import and only the HubSpot users will be imported.
Select the Project that you want to assign to your import in the search field in the Project allocation section.
The next time a contact or company is imported from HubSpot, they will be assigned to the selected project. If you want to assign a different project to other lifecycle stages, you can check the Overview tab to make sure the import is finished and then select new lifecycle stages and a new project for the next import.
By activating the deal synchronization, all new sales orders created in Xentral will be transferred to your HubSpot pipeline as "Deal Won" and linked to the buyer. This gives you an overview of your current sales and allows you to better tailor your marketing activities to the buying behaviour of your customers.
To activate deal synchronization, you need to select the deal synchronization active check box and click Save.
Whenever a new sales order enters the status Released, the contact and the order amount is transferred from Xentral to HubSpot as a deal. The deal is then created in your default pipeline (ID = 1) and linked to a matching contact or company. If no match can be detected, a new contact or company will be created.