The overview tables in the Xentral NextGen design contain various options for keeping and managing objects in Xentral.
An overview table contains all objects of a specific object type (such as products or customers) that are available in your Xentral instance. You can customize the overview table in order to focus on the objects or their properties you want to see.
You have various customization options in the table header and the column headers.
To show or hide columns:
Click the Columns button in the table header. A column picker window will appear.
Select the check box of any column you want to show, and clear the check box of any column you want to hide.
Click anywhere else to close the column picker window.
Alternatively, to hide a single column, proceed as follows:
Move the mouse pointer into the respective column header. A little downward arrow
will appear at the right side of the column header.
to open column menu.
In the column menu, click Hide column.
To change the order of the columns in the table:
Click the header of the column you want to move to another position and drag the column to the desired position. A purple line will between two columns will indicate the dropping position.
Drop the column.
To sort the table alphanumerically:
You can filter the table according to a set of search criteria.
To filter according to a set of search criteria:
Click the Filter button in the table header. A filter setup window will appear.
In the filter setup window, in the left drop-down menu, select the desired column to be filtered.
Alternatively, you can click the little downward arrow
at the right side of the column header and select Filter Column from the drop-down menu. This will also open the filter setup window preselected to this column.
In the middle drop-down menu, select the desired type of relation, such as "is", "is not", "contains", etc.
In the right field, enter the desired criterion.
For example, you can filter for all products that contain the same word in their name (apple juice, banana juice, orange juice...) by setting the filter to Name, contains, and the value to juice.
If you want to define more criteria, click +Add filter. An additional line will appear. Define another set of column, relation, and criterion.
All criteria will be combined so that the results will fulfill all conditions. The criteria are applied immediately.
Click outside the filter setup window to close it.
To delete a criterion, open the filter setup window and click .
Click the Search field in the table header.
Enter the desired search term. You can search for full or partial search terms. For example, if you enter "juic", it will show all entries containing this character string, such as "apple juice", "juicy peaches", etc.
The search feature does not take all columns into account.
At the bottom, you can find the pagination. It shows the total number of objects in the table (in other words, the total number of table rows), the section of the table currently shown, for example "51-100 of 1868", and the current page number.
To switch between pages:
Click the
icons to go to the previous or next page.
To adjust the number of table rows to be displayed per page:
Select the number of records to show on a page in the drop-down menu on the bottom left.
To select a specific page:
Select a specific page in the drop-down menu on the bottom right.
Click the
icon on the right side to open the tag selection window.
Alternatively, if you want to add the same tag to several items, select the corresponding items in the table and click the
icon at the bottom. As soon as you select one item, you can choose to select all or unselect all in the bottom window.
In the tag selection window, you have the following options:
The tag selection window shows a list of all existing tags for this table. Select or clear check boxes in the list to apply or remove tags.
At the top of the tag selection window, type the name of a tag into the Search field. The list will adjust so that is shows only matching tags.
If you type a tag name that does not match any existing tags, a +Create button will appear in the tag selection window. Click it to create a new tag.
All selected tags are immediately applied.
Click outside the tag selection window to close it.
The preview feature allows you to view a subset of object information without going to full Edit mode.
To access the preview mode:
Click the
icon on the left side next to the entry you want to preview.
In this view, you can check all the object-related information and update it.
To close the Preview screen you can either click anywhere on the screen, press the Esc button, or click .
Hover over the product image in the table to zoom in.
To export a single record from the table:
on the right side to access the Extra actions menu, then click
Export to CSV.
To export several records into a single CSV file:
Select the corresponding items in the table and click the
icon at the bottom. As soon as you select one item, you can choose to select all or unselect all in the bottom window.
The export immediately starts and the CSV file will be created in your downloads folder. Depending on the amount of data, this might take a while.