Under Tasks, tasks can be created, assigned and edited. Furthermore, an overview of all tasks assigned to the employee can be found here.
Via + New task a new task can be created. You can enter this information in the "Edit" interface:
Task: Name of the task
Employee: Employee to whom this task is to be assigned
For customer: If the task is to be done for a special customer, this can be specified here
Contact person: Contact person on customer side
Description: Description of the task. If it is set that the task appears on the pinboard, this description will be taken over
Project: Assignment of the task to a project
Subproject: Assignment of the task to a subproject.
Priority: Selection, which prio the task has
Planned duration in h: Planned duration of the task in hours
Date/submission by: Date by which the task must be completed
Time: Time until when the task must be completed
Regular (interval): Specify if it is a recurring (daily, weekly,....) or one-time task
Time recording is mandatory: This task must be recorded in terms of time
Time is billed: Specification that the time should be accounted for later
You can enter this information in the Settings tab:
Email reminder: Setting that a reminder for this task should be sent by e-mail. This requires an email account set up for the user and a process starter set up to send the task reminders at intervals
Email number of days before: Number of days before the deadline of the task on which the email should be sent
Countdown on start page: Number of days before the task's deadline when a countdown should appear on the home page
Public: Specify that the task is public, it will not be visible only to the user
On home page: Specify that the task should be displayed on the home page
On pin board: Indication that the task should be displayed on the pinboard
Status: Status of the task (open, in progress, completed)
Color: Selection of the color for the task on the pinboard
Bulletin board: Selection of the pinboard on which the task should appear
Notes: Notes about the task
The green Send reminder email button can be used to send an email notification to the assigned employee with all relevant information.
To send the reminder email automatically, an e-mail address that can send e-mails must be present in the E-mail Accounts module. This means SMTP must be activated for this address and the corresponding settings must be filled in (see here). This address must be identical to the default e-mail address in the basic settings. Furthermore the Augfgaben Erinnerung process starter must be active.
Under this tab you will find an overview of your own tasks. These can be sorted with the filter and then downloaded. Tasks can be edited again, completed or deleted. Additionally, a receipt for the task can be printed here.
Individual employees can also be selected and their tasks viewed via the Employee view in the top right corner. The prerequisite for this is that the corresponding right has been granted beforehand.
The tab Calendar displays the tasks on the day they are due. Completed tasks are marked with a checkmark. Tasks can be revised and moved directly in the calendar. The calendar view allows the team leader to plan individual smaller tasks or to plan over longer periods of time.
In the task, the two options Time recording is mandatory and Time is billed can be marked for time recording. If the two checkmarks are set, the time will be booked automatically when the task is completed. If you specify a time here, the time from the specified time to the time the task is completed will be posted. If no time is specified, 00:00 is used as the start time. The name of the task is taken as the activity in the time recording entry. Changes can be made via the Own time recording overview tab.