Reporting > Revenue Analysis
The Revenue Analysis, gives you valuable insights into your revenue streams and helps you make informed decisions to drive growth and profitability by providing you with a comprehensive analysis of your revenue, cost of goods sold (COGS), and contribution margins (CM). You can filter them by various perspectives, including product, country, and project. This allows you, among other things, to notice differences between countries or projects, identify trends and find out which product sells best on a specific sales channel.
The Revenue Analysis is structured in two sections:
The first section gives you a high-level overview of your revenue in the form of three key performance indicators (KPIs) that are visualized in a graph beneath that shows their change over time.
The second section gives you a detailed view of your data in the Revenue Breakdown table and the ability to filter it in many ways. Above the table you can find a graphical representation of the top five performing entries of the chosen table.
You can use multiple filters to narrow down the data you want to analyze. The filters are applied to all data on the page.
To narrow down your data using filters:
Click on the page filter on the upper right.
Select a baseline for calculations of your KPIs. You can choose between sales orders and invoices.
Sales orders and invoices will be included or excluded in the calculation based on their status:
Select a perspective in the field Filter page on. The different perspectives ( Product, Project, and Country) allow you to focus on certain aspects of your business.
You can combine different perspectives in the Revenue Breakdown table beneath. This way you can see which products sell best in which countries or projects, or if your customers in a certain country prefer one of your shops or marketplaces.
Select a time frame for analysis. Based on the selected period, you can further select an interval for the x-axis of the displayed graph. The following time frames and intervals are available:
Time frame
Quarterly, Monthly
Monthly, Weekly
Weekly, Daily
You can compare the results of the selected period with either the previous period or the same period of the last year.
Click Apply.
The selected filters are applied to your data and will be displayed after a short loading time.
The top section gives you a quick overview of the most important KPIs relating to your revenue. The following table gives you a description of the KPIs and shows you how they are calculated.
Description |
Calculation |
Revenue |
Total income from sales orders/ invoices minus taxes, discounts and returns/ credit notes |
(quantity sold – quantity returned) * net price sold * (1 – discounts) |
Cost of Goods sold (COGS) |
The amount of money you spent purchasing your products. The lower you can keep this value, the more profitable the sale of a product becomes. It does not include indirect costs associated with marketing, sales, office space or distribution. |
(quantity sold - quantity returned) * net purchase price |
Contribution Margin I (CM I) |
A measure for the profitability of your products. The larger this value, the more money you earn from the sale of an item, as compared to the costs of producing this item. |
Net Revenue - COGS |
The calculation of COGS, and thus CM I, is entirely dependent on the purchase price listed in the purchase order table. Therefore, its quality is directly linked to how well you maintain your data.
Above your KPIs you can find a shaded area that serves as a benchmark. It compares you to peers within the same industry segment. If you fall within the colored area, your business lies within +/-25% of the median of the displayed KPI.
The KPIs are visualized in a graph beneath, so you can easily see changes made over time or if a promotion had the intended impact. You can see the numerical values by hovering over a column with your mouse.
The Revenue Breakdown allows you to study your business in-depth by employing a variety of filter options (much like a pivot table). In addition to the perspective set up in the page filters, you can add another perspective to further focus on a specific topic. For example, if the Revenue Analysis page is globally filtered on a specific product, you can use the table to analyze that product's performance across different countries or projects.
Above the table you can find a graphical representation of the top five performing entries of the chosen perspective.
The table provides you with more detailed data such as the net returns, the average net revenue per order/invoice, or the average quantity per order, to name a few. You can customize this table by hiding, resizing and sorting columns in your preferred way.