When processing returned orders you can set up a default return address or a group return center in case you have multiple locations where your customers can return their orders. You can select this center in the Return module when processing returned orders, and the Return recipient address section will be filled out automatically. When selecting a Return Center in the Return recipient address section Xentral will display only addresses that are part of the return center group.
We have divided this procedure into several main tasks.
The first step of adding a new return center is to create it as a new address in Master data.
Go to Master data > Contacts and click +New.
Fill out the following information:
Type - Company
Contact person
The rest of the fields on this page are optional for this use case. You can find more information about creating contacts in this article.
Click Save and select the Mark as employee check box.
Click Mark now .
You have now successfully added your return center as a contact in Xentral .
The next step is creating a group in Xentral where you can add all the addresses that you want to use for returning orders. To create a group in Xentral :
Go to Administration > Accounting > Groups and click +New.
Fill out the following information in the Settings screen:
Active - select this check box
Code number
Internal comment
Type - Groups
Click Save.
To add members to the group go to Master data > Contacts and open the contact that you would like to add.
In the Groups tab select the group you previously created for return centers.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all contacts that you want to use as return centers.
Once you have created your contacts and set up the group, you can add this group in the Return module and set up your default address.
Go to Fulfillment > Return.
In the Settings tab fill out the following fields:
Group for return recipient addresses - Enter the group you previously created and click Save. If you don't add the Default return recipient address Xentral will use the address you set in Basic settings as the default address.
Default return recipient - Enter the contact (address) that you want to use as the default one and click Save.
If you only have one address that you want to use as a return center you can leave the Group for return recipient addresses field empty.