This article describes best practices for configuring your Shopify shop in Xentral . To access your Shopify shop in Xentral go to Administration > Shop interface > Online shops.
When you open your Shopify shop in Xentral the first section you access is Details > Interface. This section contains all the necessary options for configuring your shop. In this article, we describe the options that you find on this screen.
The Settings section of the Interface tab contains the following elements that you can configure.
Go to Administration > Shop Interface > and open your Shopify online shop.
Fill out the following fields and check boxes with the necessary information:
Designation - Enter the name of your shop. The name will be displayed in the products and the import menu.
Active - Select this check box to activate the interface. If you have other interfaces, that you don't need anymore you can deselect the check box and make them inactive.
Project - Connect the shop with a project. With a shop-specific project you can customize logistics, documents, payment methods, and other features to best suit your shop.
Date from - Xentral will pick up orders from this date.
Start of the interface
Import mode - Select how Xentral imports orders from your shop. Choose between the following options:
Demo (for testing) - Use this option for testing purposes. This option doesn't update the order status in the shop, and articles and stock numbers are not transferred.
Manually (with import center) - Xentral only when you click the Pick up orders button.
Automatically (via the process starter) - Xentral picks up orders from the shop in regular intervals. To do this, you must enable the Shop importer process starter.
Only 1 order per request
Orders in intermediate table - When picking up the orders, the orders are not created directly, but first stored in an intermediate table for review. Here you can decide which orders should be created and which should be imported later.
Click Save.
Go to the Administration > Shop interface and open your Shopify online shop.
In the Settings for shop or marketplace section fill out the following fields and check boxes with the necessary information:
Extended logging - When activated additional entries are stored in the log file. This option is deactivated by default, as it causes an accumulation of large amounts of data. You can use the option to check the log file for the actual response from Shopify in case of problems - for example, if the stock levels are not synchronized.
Shopify URL - The URL of your Shopify shop, in the following format
Shopify API key - The API key from the Shopify backend. It is required only for users who are connected to Shopify via an existing private app.
Shopify password - The password from your Shopify shop. It is required only for users who are connected to Shopify via an existing private app.
Shopify token - The Shopify Token field will be filled automatically when you click Check Connection.
Transfer prices as net - Select this to transfer the Shopify prices as net prices.
Also pick up partially shipped orders - Xentral picks up orders, but without a coupon.
Allow sale of variants with stock number 0 - Select this to sell variants that currently have no stock.
Also pick up pending payment - If selected Xentral picks up orders that have pending payment.
Send tracking emails from Shopify - Sending tracking email from Shopify interface in Xentral is disabled by default.
When importing options in Spotify, apply to product description - Options from Shopify (such as size, color) will be textually added to the item description.
Warehouse location - This field is mandatory for matching stock numbers between Shopify and Xentral . Without warehouse location the comparison of stock between Xentral and Shopify will not work.
Determine shipping tax by positions - If items within an order have different tax rates the shipping tax will be determined based on the tax group of products with the highest total value.
Default customer for Shopify POS - Select an anonymous walk-in customer for your point of sale. You can find out how to create such a customer in the Setting up and using Shopify POS with Xentral article.
Add free shipping as invoice item - When you use the free shipping option in Shopify, no postage item is imported to Xentral by default. This can lead to problems with auto-shipping, as the postage check in the order status indicator will only turn green if a postage item exists and is paid for. This check box allows Xentralto recognize the free shipping option from Shopify and to import it as a postage item with a value of 0.
Click Save.
In the Shopify shop interface you can perform the following actions:
Go to Administration > Shop interface > and open your Shopify online shop.
In the Actions section you have the following options:
Check connection - Click this button to confirm that you have successfully established a connection between Xentral and Shopify.
Pick up orders - Click this button to fetch orders from your Shopify shop.
Shop import intermediate table - Click this button to go to the intermediate table of the orders from the shop. The intermediate table is populated when the Orders in intermediate table check box is selected andImport mode is set to Manually(with import center) .
Pick up item list - Click this button to fetch the item list.