All products sold on Amazon must have an Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) assigned. The ASIN is a ten-digit alphanumeric code. Amazon uses this number to identify and group products. This ASIN is unique to a product, that is that you can have only one ASIN for a specific product.
Before you create a new product in Amazon, check if the same product is already listed. If you want to sell a product on Amazon which is already listed on Amazon through Amazon or other sellers, you can attach your product to this ASIN.
You can find the relevant ASIN on Amazon here:
in the URL:änger-Messing-5428432/dp/B07DQR8GHQ/ref=sr_1_16?crid=PVO1DMUROQP2&keywords=swarovski+kette&qid=1663072454&sprefix=Swarovski%2Caps%2C101&sr=8-16
in the product description in the Product details section:
If your product is unique and does not exist yet on Amazon, you can apply at Amazon for a new ASIN.
To create a new offer for an existing product in Amazon:
Go to Administration > Shop interface > Click
for your Amazon interface.
Open the Angehängte Angebote (BETA) (attached offers) tab.
In the Actions section click +New entry.
Select the product you want to list on Amazon in the New attached offer section in the Product field.
In the Search section in the Search field you can select the basis for your product search in Amazon. You have the following options:
Text search
Amazon does not assign an ASIN to books. Here use the ten-digit ISBN instead to identify the product.
Enter the relevant number or text you want to search for in the Term field and click Search.
The fields ASIN , SKU, SKU FBA ,and own price for your connected market places in the Existing offers sections are filled automatically, if relevant data is available. Additionally the price of your competitor is displayed in the competing prices column for each connected market place.
The Result section will show a preview (image) of the product, manufacturer, brand, and variant of the selected product.
In the Type column select how you want to list the item for any given market place. You have the following options:
nicht listen (no listing). If you select this option for a market place, the shipping method will not be listed on the relevant market place.
FBM. If you select this option, the product is listed as fulfillment by merchant, that is you're shipping it from your warehouse.
FBA. If you select this option, the product is listed as fulfillment by Amazon, that is shipped by Amazon.
FBM + FBA. If you select this option, the product is listed as fulfillment by merchant and fulfillment by Amazon.
The SKU field (stock keeping unit) is automatically filled. If required, you can change this field.
The SKU FBA field (stock keeping unit) is automatically filled. If required, you can change this field.
The own price field is automatically filled if you have defined a sales prices for the product in Xentral. If required, you can adjust the price here.
Define the status of the product you want to list using the Status drop-down. Status here means the condition of the product, that is for example New, UsedGood, UsedAcceptable, etc.
In the Result section click apply for the listings you want your product attached to.
Click Create to attach your product listing to an existing Amazon listing.
Your product is now attached to another Amazon listing.
If you're trying to attach a product with brand protection (registered in the Amazon Amazon brand registry) in Amazon, you will receive an error message. Please be advised that it can take a while before an error is returned.