Auto-shipping is the default way of starting the shipping process in Xentral. During auto-shipping, a delivery note and invoice are created for your sales order. Afterwards, the ordered items are taken out of stock.
If you wish, you can create only an invoice or a delivery note during auto-shipping. To do so, carry out the appropriate settings directly in the shop interface you are using. Note that this setting option varies depending on the interface you are using.
You can also determine which documents should be created for specific customers during auto-shipping. To do this, open the Sell > Contacts menu in Xentral and select the desired address. Then, open the Terms of payment / taxation tab and select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu Create receipts in auto-shipping.
You can then continue the logistics process in the Fulfillment > Dispatch center menu. In case you are working with a fulfillment service provider, all required information will transferred automatically to the third party system as soon as auto-shipping has been triggered.
Orders can only be handed over to auto-shipping once all symbols in the order light are green.
If you only want to transfer a single sales order to auto-shipping, proceed as follows:
Go to Sales > Sales order.
Open a sales order or open the detail view of the sales order by using the arrow
on the left-hand side.
Open the drop-down menu Action at the top left and click on Auto dispatch: hand over to dispatch center.
Click on Ok. A notification saying that the order has been completed is displayed.
If you want to transfer multiple sales order to auto-shipping, proceed as follows:
Go to Sales > Sales Orders > Tab: Delivery handover. Here you can find all sales orders that are ready for auto-shipping.
Activate the check boxes of the sales orders you want to ship. The following chapter contains more information on the possibilities for selecting and filtering orders.
Select the option Auto-shipping from the drop-down menu Bulk Batch Processing on the bottom left. You can also select Auto-shipping (with picking label). This allows you to assign a short description to your sales order that makes it easier to identify in the picking run.
Click on Execute. The selected sales orders are now sent to a queue and will be processed shortly.
If you can't find a sales order in the delivery handover, the order status indicator might not be updated. Click on Calculate auto-shipping to update the status of the order status indicator. You can also use the process autoversand_berechnung to automatically update the order status indicators in pre-defined time intervals. More information on this process can be found here.
It can be easy to lose track of sales orders in case several orders are handed over to auto-shipping at the same time. Therefore, Xentral offers you the possibility to determine exactly which order data should be displayed.
First, open the Sales > Sales Orders > Tab: Delivery handover. Here, you can find all orders that are ready for auto-shipping. Carry out the following steps to customize the information displayed in the sales order overview:
Click on Columns at the top right of the table.
Select the information to be displayed in the sales order overview from the drop-down menu. To do so, activate the checkbox to the left of the respective information.
Uncheck the boxes to the left of the information you do not want to see in the sales order overview.
Depending on your selection, the desired information will be displayed or hidden immediately. Close the drop-down menu by clicking on Columns once again.
Consider which types of sales order information you frequently need in your daily business with Xentral. Would you like to be able to see directly if a specific item number is included in one of the sales orders? Then you can use the instructions above to display this field in the sales order overview. This allows you to select orders with exactly this item number using the bulk function below the table and hand them over collectively to auto-shipping. You can apply this principle to all available columns and thus filter for orders and process them further in an even more targeted manner when manually transferring sales orders to auto-shipping.
You can fully automate the shipping process with the autoversand_plus process. All sales orders with a green order status indicator will be sent automatically in predefined time intervals. However, note that no further checks on the sales orders are carried out by Xentral in this case. Thus, we recommend you test this process before using it in your everyday workflows.
We recommend that you use the type Time when setting up the autoversand_plus process. If you use the type Periodically, you need to make sure that the time period is at least 31 minutes long. If the period is shorter, the process will not be executed. More information on processes and their setup can be found here.