In addition to the standard order status indicator icons you can add more order status indicator icons to add other process steps. For that purpose Xentral contains a few other icons you can add.
The additional icons available to you are number icons , letter icons or percentage icons:
Icon example |
Available from |
icon name format |
Numbers 1-9 |
e.g. icon_go_1, icon_go_2 etc. |
Letters A-J |
e.g. icon_go_a, icon_go_b etc. |
0%-100% in increments of tens |
e.g. icon_go_0pr, icon_go_10pr etc. |
To add an additional order status indicator icon for a new process step:
Go to App Center > Workflows > Order status indicator. The Auftragsampel (order status indicator) form is displayed.
In the Create section enter a short description for the process step in the Labeling field, e.g customizing product. This description will be displayed when you hover of the relevant icon in the order status indicator monitor.
Select the Active check box to activate the new order status indicator icon.
Select the icon you want to use from the icon drop-down. You can derive the icon displayed from the examples in the table above.
Select the Create log entry on request check box if you want to create a log entry.
Click Save.
The new icon you created is displayed in the overview. It is also added to the existing standard order status indicator icons in the Monitor column under Sales > Sales order. The icon is added in orange, meaning the process step has not been carried out yet.
You can edit an icon by clicking the on the pen icon in the Menu column.
You can change the sorting of the icons by clicking either the green icon with the upward facing arrow or downward facing arrow in the Menu column. When changing the sorting, the icons will not be arranged differently in the overview. Instead the numbering in the Sorting column will change accordingly. This is the sorting order in which the icons will be displayed in the sales order overview and the sales order.
You can delete an icon by clicking the cross icon in the Menu column.
After you have carried out the additional process step you can manually set it to completed.
To mark an additional process step as completed:
Go to Sales > Sales order > Edit sales order (pen icon) > Order status tab.
Select the check box in the Done column. The Icon column displays the icon which will be displayed when you mark this process step as done. This is the green version of the icon you selected for this process step.
In the comment column enter any information regarding this step you deem necessary, e.g. product customized on 13.07.22. The Note column contains the process step description as entered during set-up of this additional icon and the Editor column contains the current user editing this process step.
Click Save.
The process step icon is changed to green both in the sales order overview and within the sales order itself.
When you first mark an additional process step as done in a sales order, a new filter for the additional process step appears in the sales order overview. The displayed icon depends on the icon you defined for the process step in the order status indicator app.
Clicking on this filter you can filter your sales orders in the overview based on this process step:
Filter icon |
Action |
Show all sales orders |
Only show orders where the additional process step has been marked as done |
Only show orders where the additional process step hasn't been markes as done |