There are many ways to further process your sales orders after you created them. You can find the options to process your sales order in the Action menu on the top right side of your sales order or in the Action menu in the quick preview. You can open the quick preview by clicking on the left side of the sales order in the sales order overview.
You can cancel sales orders in two ways:
Click on the
icon in the sales order overview.
Open the sales order you want to cancel. Select Cancel order from the Action menu.
Canceling a sales order does not affect other documents you created from the sales order like delivery notes and invoices.
If certain conditions are met, you will be asked whether you want to send a cancellation email to the customer.
there is a business letter template of the type Stornierung (Cancellation) under Administration > System > Business letter templates.
the check box Cancellation mail is selected in the project under Master data > Project > *open project* > Settings > Basic settings in the Accounting section.
Sales orders in draft mode will be deleted after cancellation. Sales orders that have already been released can't be deleted. Instead they are marked as cancelled. You can also undo the cancellation via the Action menu.
You can copy sales orders in two ways:
Click the Copy icon in the sales order overview.
Open the sales order you want to copy. Select Copy order from the Action menu.
You can submit your sales order by selecting Submit order in the Action menu. When you submit a sales order, an order confirmation will be sent to the customer. There are multiple ways to submit the sales order. These are:
by printer: You can select a printer to print the order confirmation.
by email: The customer's email will be pre-selected but you can choose other addresses as well. You can select a check box so the email will be sent including Xentral CSV. This means that the sales order will be sent as both PDF and CSV. If you have files attached to the sales order, you have the possibility to send them to the customer alongside the order confirmation.
Phone call: The order is confirmed orally by phone call.
Miscellaneous: This option is for other forms of confirmation and will mark the order as shipped.
You can create a purchase order from your sales order by selecting continue as an order in the Action menu. This allows you to directly purchase the same quantity of items from the supplier you just sold to the customer.
To create the purchase order:
Select the items you want to order by selecting the desired check boxes in the Auswahl (Selection) column. All the items in your sales order are listed here. On the right side you can see how often you currently ordered the item in the In Bestellung column and how many of this item you have in stock in the Im Lager column.
Select your supplier. Your standard supplier is selected by default. You can also manually enter a new supplier and price. You have to enter an order number for this new supplier.
Optional: You can Apply free fields from the item in the purchase order by selecting the check box.
Optional: You can attach the Purchase order PDF as an attachment to the order by selecting the check box.
Click Generate order(s).
You can create a delivery note from the sales order by selecting continue as a delivery note in the Action menu. If you create a delivery note in this way, you have to take the items out of stock manually. You can also create a delivery note only for certain items of the sales order. This can be helpful if there are service items in your sales order that should not appear on the delivery note.
To create a delivery note only for certain items:
Go to Sales > Sales order and open your sales order.
Open the Positions tab.
Select the items you want in your delivery note in the Pos. column.
Select continue as delivery note in the drop-down menu on the bottom left.
Click Ok.
You can create an invoice from the sales order by selecting continue as an invoice. You can find the invoice under Accounting > Invoices.
A pro forma invoice is not an invoice in an accounting sense. It is similar to an order confirmation and states the value of the delivery. It is often needed for tax reasons, for example when a delivery goes through customs.
To create a pro forma invoice from a sales order in Xentral :
Select continue as a pro forma invoice in the Action menu.
Optional: Select the check box only transfer stock items. This means that stock items will appear on the pro forma invoice, while other items like services and postage will not.
You can also set this option globally under Administration > System > Basic settings > System in the Miscellaneous section. Select the check box Auto. Pro forma invoice for export "stock items only " to only show stock items in pro forma invoices by default.
Click OK.
You created a pro forma invoice. This document has a unique invoice number separate from the sales order. You can find the new document under Accounting > Pro forma invoice.
For more information on pro forma invoices check out this article.
The sales order will be marked as closed as soon as you create a delivery note, an invoice or both. You can also close a sales order manually by selecting Mark as completed in the Action menu.
Xentral allows you to divide a sales order into multiple deliveries. This allows you to send items that are not in stock at the time at a later date. To do this, you need to proceed as follows:
Select Create partial delivery in the Action menu.
Enter the quantity of the items you want to ship in the ship column on the right side. In this view you can also see how often the items were ordered and the quantity of the items in your warehouse.
Optional: Select the manuelle Zahlungsfreigabe erteilen (grant manual payment approval) check box. This will turn the payment order traffic light green.
Optional: Select the Switch off postage verification check box. This will turn off the postage verification in the order traffic light.
Click Create partial delivery.
You can start the auto shipping process manually by selecting Auto shipping: create invoices and delivery notes (with warehouse) in the Action menu. This will deduct the items from the warehouse and create both invoice and delivery note. This will only happen, if all the icons are green in the order status indicator.
You can also start the auto shipping process in other ways:
Semi-automated: Go to Sales > Sales order > Delivery handover tab. Here you can see all current sales orders you can fulfill. You can start auto shipping for multiple sales orders through bulk batch processing. For this the process starter autoversand_manuell needs to be active.
Fully automated: Go to Administration > System > Processstarter and set the process starter autoversand_plus.
You can process sales orders as returns by selecting continue as a return in the Action menu. You can find out more about returns here.
You can reserve items from your sales orders in your warehouse by selecting reserve all products in the Action menu. You can find out more about reservations here.