OpenTrans is an industry standard of EDI that is based on XML and is used to exchange typical business documents like orders, dispatch notoes. The first version of OpenTrans is implemented in Xentral.
To use this standard, an activate Übertragungen-Modul is needed as well as the transfer module “opentrans”.
There are undocumented Endpoints, that allow the input/output of OpenTrans. GET-Calls are based on the order number of Xentral.
GET /opentrans/dispatchnotification/1 PUT /opentrans/dispatchnotification/ordernumber/200002
Orders are created by using the /opentrans/order
endpoint. Every other document is created within Transfers> +New (Transfer format: OpenTrans) and is sent to 3rd Party Endpoint.
In every transfers account, you have to set up which kind of document should be used. For order responses you have to set up “Auftrag”.
To receive a proper tracking response, it’s recommended to transfer the Xentral dispatch note to a fulfiller. This document number will be used as a base for the tracking response.
The dispatch notification is created, when a tracking entry was given for a certain shipment. To ensure, that this dispatch notification does contain tracking numbers, the status “sent” is used. This status was set, if the dispatch note was created by the autoversand with the status “freigegeben”. For a dispatch notification you have to select "Lieferschein" as Receipt type in the section Send receipts in the transfers module.
The tracking response can be done on base of orders and dispatch notes in Xentral. We advise to use it on base of the dispatch note, because this allows attaching best-before date, batch and serial numbers.
Since the invoice may also contain tracking information, we ensured that the invoice will be created with the tracking response. To create an invoice in the transfers module as a Receipt type you have to select "Rechnung". Furthermore you have to activate the option Create invoice. With this setting an invoice will be created automatically if a delivery note or tracking number is reported and the appropriate invoice is still missing.