No, it is not possible to fill multiple Shop items with stock with one xentral item. Xentral always requires a 1:1 relationship to the shop for the products, therefore you can only store one foreign number per online shop. However, with the help of a just-in-time bill of materials you can work around this.
In the following example we sell "Unisex Sunglasses", which should be sold for women and men at the same time in our shop.
The "Unisex Sunglasses" must be created as a stock item. This product represents our stock of sunglasses, but since we want to sell this product twice with different product descriptions/product numbers in our store, we also have to create two Just-In-Time Bill of Materials
To do so, go to Master data > Product > +NEW, as we did for the stock item.
Here we set the names to "Sunglasses Women" and "Sunglasses Men" in the item description. It is important that we mark the two products as bill of materials and just-in-time bill of materials. The checkbox "Hide single item" (Einzelpos. ausblenden) is to be set if the customer should not see the itemized bill of material on the document and is therefore recommended in this case.
Now we should have three different items created, our stock item "Unisex Sunglasses" and our two Bill of Materials.
Once the bill of materials are created, the Bill of Materials field will appear at the top of the action bar. There we then need to add our stock item "Unisex Sunglasses".
Here we select the quantity "1", because for every "Sunglasses Men or Women" shipped, the stock of "Sunglasses Unisex" should decrease by quantity "1".
The created just-in-time bill of materials can now be offered normally like a stock item via the respective online shop. The stock of "Sunglasses Unisex" is now valid for both just-in-time bill of materials. Also link these items to the store under Online shop options and add the foreign numbers according to the instructions.
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