With this interface you can connect Xentral with Etsy to import orders from there to Xentral and manage the items sold in the shop in Xentral.
The connection is realized via an API interface (Shopimporter). Currently the Etsy module is still in beta stage and is not yet fully programmed or a dev version.
Please note that Etsy has changed the authentication method and Xentral does not support Etsy's new OAuth method. For this reason, connecting to Etsy is only possible if an API user already exists at Etsy providing the following credentials: Keystring, Shared Secret, API Token and API Token Secret. We explain where you can find this data in this section of this article. Etsy no longer releases new API User Requests, so connecting without an existing user is not possible.
The shop interface offers you several features:
Import orders from Etsy to xentral
transfer invoices to import orders to Etsy
Invoices and delivery notes can be created in Xentral with their own number range. The documents are automatically created and sent during the shipping process or printed at the shipping printer.
The following sections explain, how you connect the interface to Xentral.
First you have to create a user or app in Etsy. To do so, click "Create a New App" at the bottom of this page.
You can use the normal seller user, no extra DEV user is needed. After completing the creation process you will receive an API Key and an API Token. You enter these information together with user and password in the importer settings in Xentral (see next step).
To create an interface to your Etsy shop you have to select the module Etsy under Administration → Shop Interface → Overview → +NEW:
After "Etsy" has been selected, enter the necessary data for the connection of the two systems:
User: Username of the user in Etsy created for the interface
Password: Password of the user in Etsy created for the interface.
Enter the actual password of the user here, not the API Key. You can create the API Integration Key from Etsy if necessary, but you always use username and password for the connection
Keystring: Enter the keystring here.
Shared Secret: Enter the shared secret here.
API Token: Enter the used API Token here.
API Token Secret: Enter the used API Token Secret here.
As soon as you have entered the data, you can test the connection between the two systems by clicking Check Connection.
To get started as quickly as possible only a few settings and actions are required. What is necessary for a quick start with order import, stock number comparison and feedback of tracking numbers you can read here.
This section explains the possible settings in the shop interface.
Settings for the Etsy interface can be found in the tab Details → Interface.
Name: Enter the name for your Etsy interface.
Active: By ticking the shop interface becomes active
Project: Enter the appropriate project here
Pickup mode: Select the correct pickup mode from the drop-down menu.
Import mode: From the drop-down menu select the correct import mode
Only 1 request per query: By ticking only one request will be fetched per query
Requests in intermediate table: By ticking the requests are transferred to an intermediate table, the release of the intermediate table has to be done manually
Limit the number of retrieved orders: The number of retrieved orders is limited here, 0 means that a maximum of 100 orders are retrieved.
Logging in the log file: By checking the box, logging takes place in the log file.
Skip orders: If orders are to be skipped, specify them here
User: User name of the user in Etsy, which was created for the interface.
Password: Password of the user in Etsy created for the interface.
Enter the actual password of the user here, not the API Key. You can create the API Integration Key from Etsy if necessary, but you always use username and password for the connection.
Overwrite Redirect: If you want to overwrite the redirect, enter it here
Keystring: Enter the keystring here
Shared Secret: Enter the shared secret here
API Token: Enter the used API Token here
API Token Secret: Enter the used API Token Secret here
You can perform various actions in the store interface by clicking on the respective button:
Test Connection: After entering the data, the connection between both systems can be tested by clicking this button. If the connection is successful, the message "Connection: success" will appear.
Check orders: This button checks all imported orders from Etsy .
Shopimport intermediate table: This button creates the intermediate table with the orders imported from Etsy
Transfer items: Clicking this button transfers the items of the orders from Etsy to Xentral
Pick up item list: This button currently has no function.
You can find information about this tab here.
You can find information about this tab here.
Information about the shipping method mapping can be found here.
Information about this tab can be found here.
You can learn more about using Smarty in this help center article: Smarty at Shopimporter.