Features in scope:
With this module you have the ability to split orders into partial orders by setting up dropshipping rules for item/supplier.
The partial orders are then split per supplier to have them physically delivered by different suppliers based on the delivery bills.
The supplier receives a purchase order for the respective customer order (= delivery bill).
You can split the orders by supplier in the following ways: manual order processing, process starter, auto shipping, store import. Feedback is sent to the store (optional) and the customer order is set to "shipped".
Features out of scope:
It is not possible to split postage costs (item/order line) automatically/proportionately
You cannot automatically map different shipping types (per item/supplier)
You cannot import supplier data (articles, prices, stocks) with the module .
The dropshipping supplier does not communicate the order status back to Xentral.
Typical use cases:
A Xentral user only has partial stocks or no stock at all. Instead, the business consists of marketing and selling one or more third-party items (= dropshipping) on one or more online marketplaces.
The Xentral user sells the third party products and receives an order in Xentral in case of a successful sale. However, the shipping process is not carried out in Xentral itself, but is managed by the dropshipping supplier. The ERP registers which items have to be shipped by which dropshipping supplier and automatically creates a purchase order for the specific supplier. In addition, the ERP sends the delivery bill to the supplier so that it can be shipped to the end customer along with the goods.
The dropshipping module is used to automatically create dropshipping orders for partial orders or automatic orders with suppliers. With this module, it is possible to create dropshipping groups, link partial orders to purchase orders, assign products to dropshipping groups and create deliveries automatically via store import or the respective button.
In order to use dropshipping, the first step is to mark the groups (suppliers) and the products that are available via dropshipping.
In the Product tab, define the products that should be split into a dropshipping order when importing the sales order. It is mandatory to mark the items as stock items.
A product must fulfill the following requirements for dropshipping:
The product is a stock item.
The product has no stock.
The product has a standard supplier.
New entry
Click on +New entry to enter a new dropshipping product.
A new window opens. Enter the following information:
Group: Select the respective group. Only already created and thus valid groups can be used
Product: Enter the desired dropshipping product
Delete all entries
Click on Delete all entries to remove all existing entries for the links of products to the dropshipping groups.
This action deletes all links in the Dropshipping supplier module. The deleted information cannot be restored.
With the Assistant button (Xentral version 19.1 or higher) you can directly load all products of a specific manufacturer with one click. The entries are then created automatically. The prerequisite for this is that the manufacturers in the Manufacturer field in the product master data are named exactly like a dropshipping group that has been created. The group must be created beforehand and have the same name as the manufacturer.
We recommend you create a separate project under Master data → Projects → NEW for each dropshipping partner. This way, the created dropshipping orders can be filtered quickly in the order overview.
In the Groups tab of the dropshipping module, you can create a new group for each dropshipping partner by clicking on +Create a new entry. The following fields must be filled out in the window that now appears:
Designation: Name of the group, freely selectable
Supplier: Specify the supplier for which an order is to be created or to which mails are to be sent
Target project (optional): Specify the project to which the partial dropshipping order is mapped
Order settings
Only if payment OK: By checking this box, a dropshipping partial order is only created if the payment OK status indicator (payment released) in the original order is green
Calculate delivery date from product: By checking this box, the calculated delivery date of the product is written into the order item of the dropshipping order
Auto-shipping: Select from the drop-down menu how to perform dropshipping partial orders
Create receipts in auto shipping: From the drop-down menu, select which documents are to be created in auto shipping. Alternatively the setting from the customer address can be used
Purchase order
Create automatically: A purchase order for the products from the partial dropshipping order is automatically created on the stored supplier if a purchase price has been saved for the products
Different shipping address: The order receives the customer address of the main order as a different delivery address
As an attachment delivery note: The order receives the delivery note of the partial dropshipping order as attachment file and completes the partial order
Incl. delivery note as CSV: The order receives as attachment file the delivery note of the partial dropshipping order as CSV
As an attachment invoice: The purchase order receives the invoice of the order as attachment file
As an attachment order: The order receives as attachment file the order confirmation of the partial dropshipping order
Incl. order as CSV: The order receives as attachment file the order confirmation of the dropshipping partial order as CSV
Complete purchase order: By ticking the generated order is immediately set to the status completed
Order mail to supplier: By activating this checkbox, an email with all attachments will be sent to the supplier
Print order directly: If the order is to be printed, a document printer can be selected here from the drop-down menu
Delivery note mail to supplier: By selecting this check box, an e-mail with the delivery note of the partial dropshipping order will be sent to the supplier
Print delivery note directly: If the delivery note of the partial dropshipping order is to be printed, a document printer can be selected here from the drop-down menu
Invoice mail to customer: By activating this checkbox, an email with the invoice will be sent to the customer
Print invoice directly: If the invoice is to be printed, a document printer can be selected here from the drop-down menu
Feedback to the shop: If the order is transferred from an online store to Xentral and a dropshipping order is created from it, the order status is set to shipped in the shop by activating this checkbox
Link article and remove link
When creating or editing a group, a CSV file can be uploaded via the Upload item list button in order to assign several products to the group in one step.
The first line of the CSV file is seen as a header and the only line content is the product number.
The Delete all item links button can be used to delete all existing product links to this group.
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If no window is displayed for selecting a file for uploading, try using a different browser.
Once an order is imported that includes a dropshipping product, the following happens:
A partial order is created per dropshipping group for these products
Another purchase order is created for the supplier as a draft, depending on the group settings
An invoice for the total amount (order + partial orders) is created and linked to the orders
Order overview: In the order overview under Sales > Sales Order the orders are displayed with the respective products.
If an order contains several dropshipping products, some of which are not in stock, all dropshipping products will still be included in the order to the supplier.
If an order is created that includes one or more dropshipping products, the button Create Dropshipping order will appear after approval. Clicking on it will also initiate splitting into dropshipping orders. The stock item must not be in stock for the dropshipping order to be created.
If a postage article is included in an order along with a dropshipping article, the order is not split, but only the project of the document is changed to the dropshipping group. Otherwise, orders containing only postage articles would be displayed, which would distort the order overview.
A separate partial order is created for each dropshipping project included in the order.
If an order appears and the dropshipping item is fully in stock, no dropshipping order is created.