Legacy module
The module described in this article has been marked as a legacy module. This means the following:
We don't create new features for this module or fix any bugs.
The module is not available anymore in Xentral instances (demo or licensed) created after 28-Sep-2022. If you as a new user have special requirements that could only be fulfilled by this module, please contact our customer support team to discuss a solution.
For more information, see also Why is Xentral deprecating some modules (Legacy modules) and what does this mean for you?
Netstock is a cloud solution for professional inventory management in online retail. The tool is used for inventory optimization and is connected to xentral via 2-way communication. Information (e.g. orders, stock levels, parts lists) is first sent from xentral to Netstock via the Netstock App (path 1). Netstock processes these and also uses information such as data from previous years or minimum stock levels. The tool creates new information from this, such as order proposals, production orders and other ideas for optimizing inventory, and sends this in turn to xentral. This incoming information then arrives in the Transfer module (path 2), where it is further processed. This module is necessary to receive and process incoming data from Netstock.
The following section describes the first path, i.e. the outgoing information from xentral to Netstock via the Netstock app. The setup will be supported by Netstock in the future.
The Netstock CSV Export app can be found via Super Search or App Center > Netstock CSV Export.
The Netstock app creates CSV files that are used to transfer relevant information to Netstock. These can then either be transferred via FTP or fetched from a defined folder on the server. The associated process starter netstock must be activated to generate and transfer the files described below.
Define where to save the output files via FTP connection.
FTP server: host name of the server
FTP user: username
FTP password: Password
Alternatively, define a folder on the server in the Userdata directory for saving the output files:
Name of the folder: System directory of the exchange folder for files.
Internal warehouse (provisions): Internal Warehouse for Provisions
Storage for external: External warehouse
This gives you an overview of the files generated. The application generates csv files for:
Warehouse/Branches (location.csv)
Suppliers (supplier.csv)
Item Master (master.csv)
Inventory per storage location (stock.csv)
Sales & Consumption (sales.csv)
Open Suppliers or Production Orders (po.csv)
These are either transferred via FTP or placed in a storage folder on the server. The files are described in detail below.
The following file types are used in Xentral:
control.csv: Information about the data extractions
master.csv: Article information (master data)
group.csv: Article categories (master data)
bom.csv: Parts lists (master data)
supplier.csv: Active suppliers
location.csv: Physical storage locations (warehouses and stores)
stock.csv: Stock per storage location
sales.csv: Invoices and credit notes each from the 1st day of the previous month
co.csv: Open orders
po.csv: Open orders and productions
pohist.csv: Fulfilled orders and productions
Overview of the basic settings of the Netstock interface. The file always includes only the following four lines.
Example content for the CSV
Overview of all articles.
Columns of the CSV file and description:
Item Code: Item Number
Description: Item Name
NETSTOCK Unit of Measure: item unit
Unit Volume: always empty
Unit Weight: Item Weight
Superseded Item Code: always empty
Superseded Item Factor: always empty
Not used: item field 'locked
Unique Identifier: Internal ID of the item, visible in the URL
Currently includes the item categories.
Columns of the CSV file and description:
Identifier: Internal ID
Value: (Numeric) value
Description: Name of the group
Overview of the parts lists.
Columns of the CSV file and description:
Finished Good Item: Item Number
Finished Good Item Location: Warehouse ID
Raw Material Item: Item Number
Raw Material Location: Warehouse ID
Ratio: Quantity of the initial item in the bill of material
Overview of suppliers.
Columns of the CSV file and description:
Supplier: Supplier number
Description: name of the supplier
Type: always empty
Lead time: Average delivery time from the purchase prices
Physical stock locations / stores (not stock items).
CSV file columns and description:
Location Code: Internal Id of the warehouse
Description: Name of the warehouse
Active: always 1
Group: always empty
Type: 'ST' (store/branch) or 'CW' (central warehouse, project ID = 1) depending on the project.
The current stock per storage location. All storage locations that belong to the configured 'Warehouse for internal (provision)' and those that are marked as production warehouse are taken into account.
Columns of the CSV file and description:
Item Code: Item number
Location: Mostly main warehouse, configurable in Netstock App
Date Added: empty
Inventory Unit Cost: calculated purchase price: if missing then "0".
Purchase Unit Cost: Standard purchase price 1 quantity, if missing then "0".
Selling Price: selling price for quantity 1, will be generated only in second step; fallback? > looks strange > but is it correct in step 2?
Stock On Hand: stock on hand
Allocated Stock: always 0
Supply Type: Constant value 'EX'.
Supply Code: Vendor number, default vendor comes either from EK Fallback article
Vendor Code: Vendor number, standard vendor comes from either EK Fallback article
Purchase Unit of Measure: Article Unit
Purchase Factor: remains empty
Purchase Currency Code: currently always Euro; if necessary, take currency from calcul. Ek (FITS, is ALWAYS EUR)
Lead Time: standard delivery time from EK in days, fallback: if not specified, then "0".
Stocking Indicator: Is a configurable (free) field in the Netstock app.
Minimum Stock: Article minimum stock: if empty then 0
Minimum Order Qty: Article minimum order quantity: if empty then 0
Order Multiple: Item minimum order quantity: if empty then 0
Group 1: Item category
Consumption and sales history. Restricted to all entries from the first of the previous month. Example: Current date 15/07. - data from 01/06. are displayed.
Columns of the CSV file and description:
Item Code: RE/GS item Item number
Location: Taken from module settings (warehouse for internal (provision))
Customer Code: Customer number of RE/GS; Fallback adresse.kundenummer
Order Date: Order Date; (Order in credit note over the invoice joined);Fallback RE/GS Date
Invoice/Issue Date: RE/GS Date
Sales Quantity: RE/GS item quantity
Cost of Sales: RE/GS item quantity * RE/GS item purchase price.
Sales Value: RE/GS item.sales_net_total; fallback price quantity and discount of item
Issues Quantity: always empty
Transaction Type: 'S' for invoice, 'R' for credit note
Open customer orders. Contains all stock items or items that are not stock items but header items of 'Just in Time' BOMs.Sub-items of 'Just in Time' items are excluded.
CSV file columns and description:
Item Code: Item number
Location: Taken from module settings (warehouse for internal (provision))
Customer Code: Customer number from AU; fallback customer number from address (via address from AU)
Order Number: AU document number
Line Number: sorting from position
Order Date: AU date
Order Quantity: AU item quantity
Requested Date: Delivery Date from Item; Fallback Delivery Date from AU; Fallback Date from AU.
Outstanding Quantity: AU item quantity - AU item Delivered
Contains all items of all productions whose document status is not completed, not cancelled and not created. Additionally, all order items that are not delivered and whose document status is not created, not completed and not cancelled.
Columns of the CSV file and description:
Item Code: Item number
Location: Taken from the module settings (Warehouse for Internal (Provisions))
Supplier Code: Supplier number (for orders: Supplier of the order, for productions: Standard supplier of the item)
Order Number: BE/PROD document number
Line Number: Sorting from position
Order Date: BE/PROD date
Order Quantity: Quantity from position
Expected Arrival Date: BE/PROD Date + Item Delivery Time
Outstanding Quantity: BE/PROD quantity from item - BE/PROD delivered from item
Order Type: 'P' for purchase order, 'M' for production.
Purchase Unit Cost: If the article is a production article then price from position, otherwise calculated EK
Contains all positions of all productions whose document status is completed. And all order items that have been delivered but also all items that have not been delivered and whose document status is closed.
Columns of the CSV file and description:
Item Code: Item number
Location: Taken from the module settings (Warehouse for Internal (Provision))
Supplier Code: Supplier number (mapped via supplier from BE or PROD)
Order Number: BE/PROD document number
Line Number: Sorting from position
Order Date: BE/PROD date
Order Quantity: Quantity from position
Expected Arrival Date: BE/PROD date + article delivery time
Order Urgency: Currently always empty; Defined as either ST = Standard order or EM = Express order (order with significantly shorter delivery time).
Quantity Received: The 'Delivered' field from BE/PROD item.
Date of Receipt: BE/PROD delivery date
Purchase Unit Cost: Calculated EK of the item