Each Xentral shop interface allows manual or automatic sales order import. The settings in question can be found under Master Data > Import/Export Center > Import (Export) > Arrow icon for the respective shop.
When importing sales orders, Xentral adopts the tax rates from the shop settings and not from the master data into Xentral.
Settings for the import process and synchronization with the online store are explained in more detail in this article.
Once you have connected your shop via the interface, you can start importing.
Master data → Import/Export Central → Import (Online Shop)
Click on Import All or alternatively on Import at one of your connected shops.
This will take you to the following view, which lists all sales orders that have the order status "open" in your online stores.
Basically, all sales orders that have the status "open" in the shop backend are imported into Xentral. Depending on the shop interface, it is sometimes also possible to define the status to be picked up yourself. A successful import or sorting of the sales order into the garbage automatically changes the status in the shop. These sales orders will no longer be collected in the future. A new collection is only possible if the status in the shop is manually reset to "open" or the set status to be collected.
When importing, the new sales orders are automatically posted to existing customers or new customers are created.The color marker shows whether a customer already exists in the database or a similar customer has been found whose email address matches an imported sales order.
If the internet sales order number is red: This sales order has already been imported once.
Red shop sales order number: The sales order has already been picked up, in which case the sales order is later.
If your name, street, email address, zip code and location are purple/red: The customer was recognized as a current customer by their email address (or if it is not transferred from the shop) by their name, street and zip code and location, but the transferred customer number does not match the customer number from their master data, so you should get to the bottom of this here.
The colored markings mean the following:
Green: Customer clearly found. The data is identical to the values stored in the master data.
Purple: Customer found by email address, but customer entered a different address (at least there is a difference).
Red: The customer has entered their customer number in the shop (if the shop supports it). This number should be checked manually if necessary.
Are the above information green: The customer could be uniquely assigned to an address from the master data based on the transmitted data. The customer number is therefore adopted from the master data.
You can now select for each individual order how it is to be handled, whereby 3 options are available to you
Import: The job is imported
Later: The sales order remains in the system, so you postpone the decision on what to do with the order until a later date, i.e. until the next order import.
Trash: The job is discarded. These jobs will not be retrieved again even if there is a status change, only if they are also deleted in the shop import jobs table.
To process your sales orders with batch processing, i.e. auto-shipping in Xentral, open the Sell > Sales Orders menu, where you will find an overview of all sales orders in the system.
Behind each sales order you will see a live monitoring, where the sales order are checked against different criteria using the traffic light system.
Product availability
The stock of at least one product is insufficient
All products are available in sufficient numbers in the warehouse
Postage check
Either you have set up your logistics process so that no postage check is required or a postage product is on the sales order so that the shipping costs can be calculated (as intended)
The calculation of the postage has been forgotten, i.e. no shipping product has been inserted
VAT ID check
Either no verification is necessary, for example because it concerns the sales order of a private customer in the EU area or the verification has already been carried out by you
The test has either failed or still needs to be performed by you and confirmed on behalf
Receipt of payment
The payment for a sales order with the payment method prepayment has already arrived
The sales order should be paid in advance, but payment has not yet arrived
Cash on delivery fee
Cash on delivery fee has been calculated as intended or is not necessary
Cash on delivery fee calculation has been forgotten
Release for the logistics process
Approved for logistics processes
Blocked for logistics processes (only manual continuation possible)
Customer testing
You have set that a manual check is necessary, e.g. because proof of age or similar is to be checked and this check is already carried out or no such check is necessary
Customer verification has not yet been performed
Date testing
Either it is a scheduled delivery that should be shipped now or no check is necessary
Delivery date is still in the future
Credit limit
Either no credit limit has been set in the master files of the customer or this has not yet been exceeded
Credit limit exceeded (based on currently unpaid invoices) delivery block
Delivery block
There is no delivery block here, i.e. delivery is allowed
You set a delivery block
Once you open the shipping tab, you can start the first step of batch processing by clicking on calculate auto-shipping.
Now switch to the dispatch center tab.
This lists all sales orders that have been approved for shipment by the sales order traffic light icon, so you can also see how many parts are required for each sales order that is ready for shipment. You can also exclude sales orders if you do not want to ship them until a later date.
Then click start auto-shipping to hand over the sales orders to auto-shipping.
Depending on which logistics processes are stored in your projects, the downstream workflow differs, with one of the advantages of auto shipping being that you can also process different logistics processes with batch processing.
In the following, we will assume that you have set up your logistics process so that an invoice is printed out in addition to the delivery note and an email with tracking information is sent to the customer. When you click on start auto-shipping, both the delivery notes and invoices are generated.
The delivery notes with the printed storage locations are printed automatically.
Stocks are updated
You can now start packing the products for your deliveries
After you have finished packing your shipments to the point where only the invoices are missing, you go to the Warehouse > Dispatch Center menu.
Here you can either scan the delivery note, type in the delivery note number or click the grey arrow to open a specific sales order.
This will print out the invoice so you can attach it to the package and print the package label on the appropriate printer.
At this point, you will also have the opportunity to print out another parcel labels and another delivery note, for example because the sales order must be spread across multiple parcels.
Scanning the parcel label at the dispatch center in Xentral sets the status of the shop to shipped or completed.
This will complete your sales order. The sales order status in your online store will be changed. Your stock will be updated. You have sent the correct invoice, the correct delivery note and the corresponding tracking email to your customer.