You can open the process starter view as follows:
Administration > System > Process starter
Process starters perform automatic background processes, either at a specific time of the day or in periodically in specified time period. The tasks executed by process starters encompass, for example, the automatic import of orders from online stores, the stock calculation and storage of daily stock values, the automatic bulk email dispatch, the transfers to logistics in auto dispatch with stock changes and document creation, set up backups, and much more.
To create additional process starters, proceed as follows:
Click the +NEW button.
Process starters can be activated or deactivated individually, but can also be deactivated globally, e.g. for test environments in which no automatic processes are to be executed. The runtimes and the last execution time of all process starters can be viewed directly in the overview. In addition, there's a minimum recommended interval displayed in an extra column.
The number of parallel running processes can be limited to avoid too high system load. The setting can be found in the system settings.
In the Runtime tab, you can check the executions of the process starters. The executions are displayed graphically by runtime.
Process starters can be set to run periodically, either in a time interval or at a fixed time. Please note that the process starters should be tuned according to your needs (e.g. in Shopimport should get enough time to pick up all orders from the platforms, otherwise further processes or another pickup attempt for this process starter will be stopped. As long as one process is running, others will be queued (depending on prioritizations etc.):
Example of a periodic process starter:
Type → Periodic
Weekday → Every day
Period → Specified in minutes, e.g. 1 or 5 or 10 (for stores with shipping until noon, 2x per day is also sufficient)
Example of a process starter at a specified time:
Type → Time
Day of the week → Every day or a specific day of the week
Start time → Time, e.g. "date today + execution 15:00:00"
If the processing of a certain process takes too much time, check the "Period" field of a periodic process starter if necessary and adjust the value accordingly.
Please see below for an overview of typical process starters, their descriptions and their corresponding parameter name. Please take care to specify the correct parameter name when you define a process starter, as the parameter name is used programmatically.
Note that there are additional hints for selected process starters below the tab.
Process starter |
Parameter |
Description |
Subscription run background task |
rechnungslauf |
Starts the payroll run for subscriptions as a background task. |
Manual subscription run |
rechnungslauf_manual |
Processes the triggered invoice runs step by step (similar to the "Auto-send manual" process starter). In the default process, the triggered runs first end up in the queue and are successively handled by this process starter. If the number of subscriptions is low, this process starter can also be deactivated to speed up the process. |
shopexport_adressexport |
Exports addresses to the connected stores. Exporting addresses to stores is not possible for all store interfaces. In order for the export to take place, the addresses that are to be transferred must be added in the store interface under Addresses transfer. |
amazon |
The Amazon process starter performs the following tasks:
AmaInvoice |
amainvoice |
Executes processes belonging to AmaInvoice and ensures error-free operation of the module. |
Products cache |
artikelcache |
Updates inventory data in several places in xentral, such as the display of the optionally configurable "Stock Available" column in the item overview. In addition, stock displays in the order overview are also updated. |
Transfer products |
artikeluebertragen |
Exports all products to the store that were loaded into the list under Administration → Settings → Online Shop → Item Transfer. The process job checks if there are items in the list and transfers them. |
Import products |
getarticles |
Imports successively all products from an online shop or updates them after the import was triggered in the online shop with the button 'Get item list' (not available for all store interfaces). |
Apply item price template |
retailpricetemplate |
Adopts article price templates. Works even if a price changes with a given X. |
Tasks reminder |
aufgabenmails |
Settings for automatic email reminder function for tasks (Team → Tasks). |
Sales order stock check |
auftraglagercheck |
Calculates all sales orders for products that have been flagged as out of stock. |
shopimport |
This process starter enables the automatic collection of orders, e.g. from online stores or other connected systems. |
zahlungsmail |
Settings for automatically sending a reminder email for prepayment (Administration → Settings → System → Business letter templates). |
Calculate automatic shipping |
autoversand_berechnung (ehemals autorechner) |
Automatically recalculates the order status indicators for auto-shipping (stock availability, postage check, payment received in advance, etc.). |
Calculate manual shipping |
autoversand_manuell (ehemals autoversand_standard) |
When clicking on the start auto-ship button, this process starter loads the checked (green) jobs into a queue in the background and continuously sends them through auto-ship. This mainly prevents server timeouts that could occur when a large number of orders are passed through. Important: autoversand_manuell can't be used at the same time as autoversand_plus! |
autoversand_plus |
With this process starter you don't have to click manually on "Start auto-shipping" anymore, but xentral checks the orders automatically and continuously lets orders go through auto-shipping in the background. Important: autoversand_plus can't be used at the same time as autoversand_manuell! |
Backup |
backup |
Periodically, executes a backup of xentral in the background. |
Batches |
batches |
This process starter is used to operate the batches module. It ensures the creation of bills of materials based on the rules defined in the app. In addition, it also passes on released bills of materials to the "Auto Shipping" logistics process. |
Voucher import |
belegeimport |
Imports old vouchers (orders, delivery bills, invoices, etc.) via CSV to xentral. |
Cleaner |
cleaner |
Performs a clean-up of outdated system files and deletes them from xentral. |
Provision of product feed Manomano |
artikelfeed_manomano |
This process starter builds a CSV file from xentral's product base, which will later contain all products that have a Manomano link under Products → Online Shop Options, allow stock number sync, and are not deleted or locked. The process starter then stores the CSV file in the path defined in the store interface. From there Manomano can fetch the CSV file. |
Transfer FTP reports |
berichte_ftp_uebertragen |
Executes the transfer of reports via FTP. Pertains to the old reports module. |
Transfer FTP reports (new module) |
report_transfer_ftp |
Executes the transfer of reports via FTP. Pertains to the new reports module. |
Complete purchase orders automatically |
bestellungabschliessen |
With the corresponding option set under Administration → System → Basic settings → System, the process starter checks the open purchase orders to see if there are any purchase orders whose items have already been delivered in full. If yes, they will be set to completed. |
Purchase order proposal mail |
bestellvorschlagemail |
Validates for which production lines more products need to be ordered, and sends the corresponding purchase order proposal as email. |
Chat notifications |
chat |
Sends email notifications for unread chat messages. |
Data protect |
dataprotect_delete |
Deletes content relevant with respect to data protection. |
Docuvita Solutions synchronization |
docuvitasolutions |
Transfers documents (document PDFs) to docuvita, provided a docuvita account is connected under App Center → docuvita DMS. |
Documents batch processing |
documentbatches |
Performs batch processing of sales orders to invoices. |
Check duplicate numbers |
doppeltenummerncheck |
Periodically checks for duplicate numbers of customers, products, or invoices/credit memos in the system. If duplicate numbers are found, a red warning message is displayed at the top of main view in xentral with a link to the Duplicate Numbers module so that the numbers can be corrected manually. |
Dropshipping warehouse |
dropshippinglager |
Automatically checks open orders in the background for products that are in a dropshipping warehouse. If orders are found, a partial order is automatically created from them. |
Pick up emails |
emailbackup |
Settings for automatic email fetching and sending autoresponders (Administration → Settings → System → Basic settings → Email or Administration → Settings → System → Email accounts). |
eBay batch processing |
ebay_bulkjobs |
Summarizes the accumulated changes/requests as a job and sends them to Ebay according to the designated execution period. |
Shopware6 batch processing |
shopware6_bulkjob |
Synchronizes stock numbers and prices in an asynchronous way if item transfer is deactivated in the shopimporter interface. Find out more in the Shopware 6 article. |
Individual shipping transfer |
singleshipment |
Scans all sales orders that have not yet been shipped, in case there are corresponding entries in the singleshipment_order table. |
folgebestaetigung |
Sends a confirmation email as follow-up to customers whose products have not been shipped yet. |
ftpbackup |
Start an automatic FTP backup run. |
Google calendar import |
google_calendar_import |
Periodically performs a large import, importing all appointments for the last week and the next 3 weeks. |
HubSpot Data Sync |
hubspot_pull_contacts |
Triggers all actions defined in the HubSpot module. |
Import template |
importvorlage |
Runs the import template module and its predefined import templates. |
Internetmarke: update product list |
internetmarke |
Updates the Deutsche Post product list and postage prices for the Internetmarke interface in the set period. |
Calendar reminder |
kalender |
Sends a reminder on run to all users that are stored in a calendar entry that is about to be scheduled. In the calendar entry, the "Reminder" checkbox can be used to specify whether reminders should be sent for this entry. |
Stock value calculation |
lagerwert |
Sets the stock value for all stock items per day, so that they can be viewed in the stock calculation area. |
lagerzahlen |
Automatic synchronization of stock figures for online stores |
Log Cleaner |
log_cleaner |
Clears the log tables. |
Dunning check (in the background) |
mahnwesencheck |
This process starter performs regular pre-calculations to avoid a timeout error when starting the dunning process. Especially recommended for many invoices in a short time or classic e-commerce with many, small and fast moving goods. |
Online shop background tasks |
onlineshops_tasks |
The Online Shop Background Tasks process starter is relevant after connecting an online store to xentral. It performs the following tasks.
If the product tree is transferred in an importer, or the product list is fetched, then this is not done immediately, but the tasks queue up in the onlineshops_tasks table. The process starter scans the table and if there is a task that is not yet done, then it executes it. |
Openstreetmap |
openstreetmap |
Fills the geographic information into the corresponding fields in Addresses > Other data. |
Parcel label tracking download |
wgettracking |
Retrieves DHL parcel tracking information. |
Paqato sync |
paqato |
Executes processes belonging to Paqato and ensures error-free operation of the module. The Paqato module is provided by Paqato. For all questions related to the Paqato module, please contact the Paqato support. |
PDF archiving |
pdfarchiv_app |
Archiving of documents like all invoices in a month, all credit notes in a month, etc. The process creates a folder with all documents from xentral in this period, which is then available for download. |
Pipedrive process queues |
pipedrive_process |
Processes the Pipedrive module's queue. |
Recalculate production |
produktion_berechnen |
Recalculates production based on up-to-date figures. |
SevenSenders tracking update |
sevensenders |
Updates the parcel tracking information with SevenSenders. |
Shop feedback |
shop_rueckmeldungen |
Reports the order status and, if applicable, the shipping provider tracking number of shipped orders back to the online store from which they were imported. |
shopimport_auftragarchiv |
Fetches old orders one by one from a connected online store (e.g. Shopware), if the fetching was triggered there with the "Import old orders" button. |
Shop import: Check unpaid orders |
shopimport_checkorder |
This process starter checks whether the sales transaction was subsequently completed on eBay. |
Spryker batch processing |
spryker_task |
Reports updated order statuses, tracking numbers of shipped deliveries and stock counts of items back to the store. |
Supersearch diff indexing |
supersearch_index_diff |
Performs an indexing (in a diff run) to enable the search feature. |
Supersearch full indexing |
supersearch_index_full |
Performs an indexing (in a full indexing run) to enable the search feature. |
System health |
systemhealth |
Checks the system's health parameters as defined in the System Health module. |
Taxdoo |
taxdoo |
Transfers orders in the set period to Taxdoo, if the transfer was triggered in the Taxdoo interface. |
Tickets |
tickets |
Automatic fetching of emails to the ticket system (Team → Tickets). The email accounts for the ticket system are created under Administration → Settings → System → Email accounts. |
Tickets (GMail) |
tickets_google |
Automatically fetch GoogleMail tickets into the ticket system (Team → Tickets). The email accounts for the ticket system are created under Administration → Settings → System → Email Accounts. |
Transfer module (Fulfilment, transfer, EDI, XML) |
api_uebertragungen |
Enables automatic transfer of delivery bills, invoices, etc. to fulfilment service providers or partners. |
Overpaid invoices |
ueberzahlterechnungen |
Listing and calculation of all invoices that have been overpaid. |
Sales statistics |
umsatzstatistik |
Creation and calculation of major turnover statistics. |
Delivery mails and feedback |
versandmailsundrueckmeldung |
Ensures delivery bills are completed and associated emails are sent to customers. |
Currency conversion rate from ECB |
abholenwaehrung |
Fetches the current currency rates for the currencies created under App Center → Currency Conversion from the ECB. Prerequisite: Version 19.2 and the Currency Conversion module is available. |
Follow-up notification |
wiedervorlage |
Reminds the employee internally about follow-ups. |
Payment notification email dispatch |
zahlungsavis_mailausgang |
Sends payment advices to be sent from the overview, added to an internal list as an alternative to printing. |
Incoming payments (live import) |
zahlungseingang |
Enables the live import of account activities to be triggered automatically after a successful business account connection (except for CSV imports). The setting can be made per business account (setting can be found directly in the business account). |
Payment email |
zahlungsmail |
Sends automatic payment reminders to customers after the set number of days. |
Exports addresses to the connected stores. Exporting addresses to stores is not possible for all store interfaces. In order for the export to take place, the addresses that are to be transferred must be added in the store interface under Addresses transfer.
In addition, you have to allow the export with a confirmation. The process starter checks if addresses are in this list and exports them.
Manual address export must be enabled in the store interface.
Please note that the address in the address master requires an email address.
The amazon process starter should not be run more frequently than every 10 minutes, as Amazon may not be able to process requests faster.
This process starter enables the automatic import of orders, e.g. from online stores or other connected systems. While running, it blocks the manual pickup of orders that you can initiate by pressing a button. Set the interval to a period that is not continuous, if you want to import orders manually at times by pressing a button. A good interval would be e.g. 10 minutes, but can also be sufficient every 60 minutes or longer.
The process starter is automatically enabled as soon as at least one store is switched to "pick up automatically":
By default, the automatic payment mail prepayment is as follows: After 6 days first mail, after 11 days second mail. Furthermore, the following conditions must be met for the function: In the project settings (Master data → Project → Settings) the "Payment mail" check box must be checked.
Under Accounting → Dunning → Settings you can set after how many days the payment reminder should be sent.
In order for the payment reminder to be sent, the payment method "prepayment" must be set in the sales order. In addition, the sales order must be at least as many days in the past as the number of days set in the dunning process for the first payment reminder to be sent. The customer's email address must be saved in the master data or stored in the sales order. Subsequently, you can define a payment mail of the type "PaymentMiss" under Administration → System → Business letter templates.
It is important that this process starter is set to a specific time (i.e. not an interval). If it is set to an interval after all, at least 31 minutes must be set as interval. If the interval is smaller, the process starter will not be executed.
This process starter typically runs once a week and then sends follow-up emails to customers whose purchased products have not been shipped yet.
The follow-up confirmation is a separate type in the business letter templates and can be configured under Administration > Settings > System > Business letter templates.
Furthermore, an e-mail address that can send e-mails must be present in the E-mail Accounts module. This means SMTP must be activated for this address and the corresponding settings must be filled in (see here). This address must be identical to the default e-mail address in the basic settings.
The follow-up confirmation can be activated per project.
The follow-up confirmation only works if "Time" and not "Periodic" is selected as the type.
The stock figure sync reports the figures back to the shop in a fixed cycle. The online shop usually reduces its stock count independently when it receives orders from customers. xentral compares the last reported stock figure with that of the store. In case of differences, the new stock figure is adjusted. Thereby the saleable quantity of the item is transferred from the product base and thus all reservations are taken into account.
If the stock quantities of all products together shall be transferred anew, you can use the transfer module to empty the stock quantities cache.
Fetches old orders one by one from a connected online store (e.g. Shopware), if the pickup was triggered there with the "Import old orders" button. Please note that the collection of old orders is not possible in all store interfaces of xentral.
You can find information about this option in the store matrix, under Administration → Online shops/marketplaces → "Shop functions" tab → "Online stores" sub-tab.