Apps > Address type
Address types are used in your contact master data. They help to group and differentiate between contacts. The following address types are available:
You can define your address types individually within Xentral. For each address type you can define separate settings like the assignment to a certain project.
Each address type should only have one designation assigned to it per project. If you create one address type with several designations, the system will automatically display the designation created first. It is not possible to display several designations for one address type.
To create a new address type:
Click +NEW on the top left. The Settings form is displayed.
Enter the designation/name for your address type in the Designation field. This designation will later be used as salutation in your communication with customers and supplier, e.g. in serial letters.
Select the correct address type in the Type field.
Select in the Project field, for which project the type is to be used.
Activate the Display receipts in net check box if the documents/receipts for this address type shall include net amounts (e.g. For B2B).
Select the Active check box to activate the address type.
Click Save.
Your new address type is displayed in the overview.
You can edit existing address types.
To edit an existing address type:
Click on the pen icon in the Menu column for the address type you want to modify. The Settings form is displayed.
Change the desired field and click Save.
Please check that you always have the correct address type selected.
The modified address type is displayed in the overview.
If an address type is no longer required, you can either deactivate or delete it.
To deactivate an existing address type:
Click on the pen icon in the Menu column for the address type you want to deactivate. The Settings form is displayed.
Deactivate the Active check box and click Save.
The deactivated address type is still displayed in the overview but it is crossed out.
To delete an existing address type:
Click on the pen icon in the Menu column for the address type you want to delete.
You will be asked if you really want to delete or cancel the address type. Click OK.
The address type is deleted and will no longer be displayed in the overview.