This article describes the connection of online shops and marketplaces (e.g. Amazon, Shopware, Shopify) to xentral. In each shop importer, there are general or overarching settings and options that are explained in more detail here. Since the shop importers partly have different settings and not all shop interfaces can handle all features, importer-specific aspects are described in the respective help center articles.
An overview of which interfaces offer which features can be found in Xentral under Administration → Shop Interface → Overview → Shop Features.
First you have to generate the API access data for the connection to Xentral in the respective shop or marketplace. You can find out how to do this in the help center in the corresponding shop articles. Once you have the API access data you can continue with the creation of the interface in Xentral.
To create a new shop you go to Administration → Shop Interface → Overview → NEW and create a new importer. Depending on which shop system you want to connect, you can select the appropriate module.
Afterwards the created interface is opened and you can enter and save the access data.
In this section you will learn how to get the interface up and running as quickly as possible so that orders are imported, stock figures are reconciled and tracking numbers are reported back.
Each shop interface of Xentral allows manual or automatic order import from the shop to Xentral. In addition, there is a "Demo (For Testing)" mode where the order status in the shop is not changed and no items or stock numbers are transferred.
To import orders manually, first select the import mode and then use the Pick up orders button.
The order import from the shop can also be performed automatically via process starter.
For this the process starter shopimport must be active and the import mode of the shop interface must be set to "Automatic (via process starter)".
Further setting options for the order import are explained in more detail in the section "Shop settings".
You have the possibility to transfer the stock numbers manually or automatically.
Manual transfer
To allow manual transfer, you need to first go to your Shop interface and open the Settings tab. Activate the option Allow stock numbers to be transferred.
If you want to perform a manual transfer for a product, go to the product's Online shop options tab and click the arrow pointing to the right for the respective shop.
Automatic transfer
These are the requirements for matching stock figures automatically:
The process starter lagerzahlen must be activated. The stock numbers will be synchronized every time this process starter runs. Ideally this process starter should run periodically with an interval of 5 to 10 minutes.
In the online shop options of the product (Master data > Articles > *Select article* > Online store options) the option Stock numbers sync. must be activated and the product must be linked to the shop.
More information about stock number tracking can be found further down in this article.
If you want the tracking number to be reported back to the shop, you have to enable the option "Report order status" in the shop interface.
This option reports e.g. the status shipment "delivered" back to the shop. The tracking number and other statuses are also reported, depending on the shop. This way you can see in the shop backend which orders are current and which have already been imported or processed.
The Settings section is cross-shop and you can fill it out similarly depending on the shop.
There are the following fields:
Name → Name freely selectable for the shop (will be displayed in the product and in the import menu, for example).
Active → Set a check mark so that the interface is active. Interfaces that are no longer needed can be set to inactive.
Project → Link the shop to a project. In the project, the logistics settings can be defined.
Pickup mode → Depending on the shop interface, there are different options here, e.g.: by status, date or number.
If you pick up the sales order by date, you can manually reset the date to a date in the past to fetch older sales orders that haven't been imported yet. After the import you don't need to adjust the pickup date.
The import mode determines whether the orders from the shop should be imported manually (by pressing a button) or automatically.
Demo (for testing) → The order status in the shop is not changed over, no products or stock numbers are transferred.
Manual (with import center) → The orders are only picked up when the Pick up orders button is clicked.
Automatically (via process starter) → The orders are picked up automatically by the shop on a regular basis. The shop importer process starter is required for this.
In addition, other settings are possible:
Only 1 order per request → Only 1 order per request is transferred from the shop.
Orders in intermediate table → When picking up the orders, the orders are not created directly, but are first saved in an intermediate table for review. Here you can decide which requests should be created and which should be imported later. This option is only valid for the automatic import mode. The manual one always includes the intermediate table, regardless of this option.
Limit number of fetch → Possibility to limit incoming requests at once. If nothing (0) is entered, the default limit of 100 applies.
These settings vary depending on the shop interface and include, among other things, the fields for the credentials you need to enter to establish the connection between Xentral and shop. This can be e.g. an API URL, an admin username and an API Key (password). Depending on the interface, however, other data is necessary.
Among them are shop specific settings. More information can be found in the articles about the respective interfaces.
On the right side you can find buttons for different actions, which also differ from interface to interface. The actions Check connection, Pick up orders and Shop import intermediate table are available in all shop interfaces.
Check connection → Xentral checks whether a connection to the shop can be successfully established with the access data you entered. If the connection is successful, the message "success" is displayed. If there are several subshops in the shop, the subshops and their IDs will be listed.
Fetch orders → Fetches all orders from the shop that match the settings (according to order status, number, etc.). The button must be pressed only in manual import mode.
Store import intermediate table → Jumps to the intermediate table of orders from the shop. The intermediate table is filled only in manual import mode and if the 'Orders in intermediate table' option is enabled.
Below all the settings you can define in the Settings tab are described.
The settings in the Order Import section control the way of transfer and synchronization between Xentral and shop. Please note that not every shop interface supports every function. You can find out which shop interfaces cover which functions in the articles for the individual interfaces.
Use payment method mapping → Payment methods in Xentral should be linked to payment methods in the shop.
Use shipping method mapping → Shipping methods in Xentral should be linked to shipping methods in the shop.
Mark as paid in advance → Orders from the shop are marked as paid in advance in Xentral. This function marks orders with special payment types (special payment types via payment providers, financial institutions) as "prepaid". The order status indicator is always set to green
for these payment types . So the order status indicator with the paid icon does not switch to orange
(orders without payment (for pre-paid payment types) are usually always orange, because a manual payment release or the linking of the payment to the order via the bank statement is required).
UTF8 encoding → The shop importer uses UTF8 encoding (please activate to avoid display errors with special characters etc.!).
Multi-project store → In this shop products from different projects are offered. This is a special function.
You only need this option if you offer products from different projects in your shop.
Example: In your shop some products are offered, which require a different logistic process or for which a special customer check (e.g. request trade register excerpt) is necessary directly after the order. These items can be purchased together in this way. However, after picking up the orders after Xentral, different processes are triggered (e.g. different email templates, customer check is required, different logistics process, different invoice dispatch, different stationery, etc.).
VAT checked + release for shipping → The checkbox 'VAT ID checked' is automatically set in all orders from the shop, so that the VAT check releases the orders for shipping. In other words: If a check mark is set here, the VAT ID check is deactivated.
Postage → Product in Xentral that maps the shipping costs from the shop order as a separate item.
Postage reduced → Product in Xentral, which should be used to map reduced postage for orders from this shop.
Create postage item → If no postage item is stored, a postage item with the name from the shop is created and inserted into the order in Xentral to map the postage.
C.O.D. fee as extra item → For C.O.D. orders, the C.O.D. fee is inserted as a separate item in the order
C.O.D. fee → item in Xentral that maps the C.O.D. fee as an order line item
Report order status → Xentral is allowed to report the status of imported orders back to the shop
Disable automatic feedback → This disables automatic feedback to the shop for orders without tracking number. So the feedback will only take place after saving the tracking number or by the automatic feedback without tracking number in the transfer module.
Get any status → All orders will be transferred from the shop to Xentral, regardless of status
Free text from store interface → This setting allows you to transfer the free text (comment field in the store) either to the free text or to the internal comment of the order. To do this, set the setting to:
load into free text field
or: load into internal comment field
Customer information/customer comments are thus included in the order after Xentral in the 'Free text' field and are thus printed on the documents. Practical tip: In logistics, you can also display this information as a red box in the shipping process at the packing table. This information must be confirmed at the packing table. The settings can be found in the system settings (central settings).
Create offers instead of orders → The orders from the shop are not created as orders in Xentral but as offers.
Deactivate auto-shipping on comment in shopping cart → If the customer has left a comment during checkout in the shop, auto-shipping for this order will be deactivated in Xentral (thus allowing the employee to check the orders manually).
Report cancellation → If an order is cancelled in Xentral, the cancellation is reported to the shop so that the order gets the status 'cancelled' there as well (currently available for Shopify, Shopware and WooCommerce)
Make taxation in third country dependent on delivery address → taxation for export orders is determined based on the delivery address instead of the billing address
Set total amount → The total amount of the orders will be taken from the shop for Xentral and not recalculated in Xentral from the item positions
Maximum difference from the calculated total → range for which the Set total amount setting should apply. Useful e.g. when order totals are rounded to 0.05 currency units or there are rounding errors up to 1 cent
Overwrite direct debit data in address → The direct debit data of an address in the address master will be overwritten if they were different for a shop order of this customer.
Allow stock figures transfer → Xentral is allowed to export the stock figures of the products to the shop
Stock basis → Stock level of the product to be reported to the shop (sellable or total stock minus reservations).
This option has no effect on Pseudo stock rules. If you want to subtract reservations from pseudo stock, you need to add "- RES" to the pseudo stock rule.
Overwrite stock correction value → The stock correction value entered here will be reported to the shop for all products and thus no longer needs to be maintained per product in the product master (click to allow stock correction value to be entered)
Pseudo stock rules → Reports stock numbers to the shop according to a set of rules that can be set via formulas. For more info see the help center article Pseudo stock numbers formulas.
Allow article transfer → Xentral may export products to the shop
Automatically transfer all changed articles → Checking this box will automatically transfer all changed products from Xentral to the shop. This field is related to the artikeluebertragen cronjob. When the cronjob is running and there are no products for export, the cronjob searches for all products associated with a shop where this field is active. It then checks each of these products to see if there have been any changes since the last export. If so, the respective product will be added to the list of products to be exported, which will be exported after the check is complete
Transfer images → Xentral may export product images to the shop
Transfer properties → Xentral may export product properties to the shop
Transfer categories → Xentral may export product categories to the shop
Transfer cross-selling → Xentral may export cross-selling links between products to the shop
Transfer scale prices → Xentral may export scale prices of products to the shop
Transfer vouchers → vouchers from Shopware 5 are transferred and can be processed in Xentral. More info can be found here.
Suppress article text transfer → The export of product texts from Xentral to shop is disabled for the whole interface
Pick up article list only create new articles → With the action 'Pick up article list' only missing products are newly created, but products already existing in the address master of Xentral are not updated
Take over article number when creating from store → The product number from the shop will also be created as product number in Xentral when the product is imported from the shop
Discount → Here you enter the product number of the product from Xentral that maps discounts in the shop order as a separate item in the order with a negative sales price.
Tax rate for discount items → VAT rate of the discount product used (normal or reduced). For a B2B shop with net invoice you have to enter the value 0. You can leave this field empty if you want to use the tax rate from the product
URL: Enter the URL to the importer here
ImportKey: 32 characters long security password
ImportToken: 6 characters long security token
Create missing items → Products in the shop order that are not found in the product master are automatically created in the Xentral product master.
Fix discounts and postage → Discounts and postage are taken from the shop and fixed.
Description texts from store → Texts from the shop are taken over into the product master of Xentral
Article numbers from number range → Product numbers from the number range of Xentral are assigned to the products coming from the shop
Single → Only for products with the option 'Online Shop Matching' in the product master the above setting is applied
Item numbers from store → If the product numbers from the shop differ from those in Xentral (found via external numbers), the product numbers from the shop will be used
Article description from xentral → The product descriptions from Xentral will be taken over into the order items
Article descriptions from xentral → Product descriptions from Xentral are taken over into the order items
Article descriptions from the store → If the store transfers the article descriptions, these are taken over in the order
Supplement parts lists → For 'mix & match' items (e.g. bundled items in Magento) the parts lists are supplemented in the same way as in the shop
Special tax rates per items → The tax rates from the shop are also taken over for orders with mixed tax rates
Use existing customers only from project → Check the box if the customer should be created with a new address per project (the customer address then exists per project and e.g. per shop, i.e. several times in total in Xentral, if the customer orders via several shops).
Do not overwrite existing addresses → The new data entered in the shop does not overwrite the customer address in xYntral (no address update in the master data)
Manual address transfer
This function allows the manual transfer of address data to the shop.
The manual address transfer adds a button in Address (Master data → Addresses → *Select address*) (precondition: the address has the same project as the shop), which - if you click it - creates the address in the shop. However, nothing is transferred automatically.
The manual transfer also shows the password, which is the customer number.
The manual address transfer is only available in the Shopware 5 interface.
Sales → Here you can enter the sales contact. This is currently only transferred to the order but not to the address
A different delivery address from the shop will not be included in the address during order import.
There is also the possibility in the shop settings to specify a price group for which their sales price should be transferred to the shop.
Once you have created the sales price on this group, Xentral will transfer this sales price to your shop and not e.g. the default sales price.
If you change the shop provider, you can also change or update the module in the shop importer here. This includes, for example, a change from an external importer to a new internal importer.
All general settings as well as all links to products, categories, external numbers, shipping and payment mappings as well as sub-shops will then remain, but a new API will be addressed.
All shop specific settings will be lost! You have to re-enter and save the access data.
In the tab Payment methods you can map the parameters for the different payment methods transferred from the shop to the payment methods created in Xentral. To do this, you must have activated the option "Use payment method mapping" under Settings. So that unknown payment methods from online shops can be linked to known payment methods in Xentral, the parameters transferred from the shop are automatically created as an empty entry in the mapping table.
With a click on the edit icon of a created payment method you get to the settings. For each payment method you can make settings how orders with this payment method are to be handled.
Payment method store → Designation of the payment method in the shop
Payment method xentral → Payment method in Xentral
Mark as paid in advance → Mark orders with this payment method as paid in advance
Auto shipping active → Orders with this payment method are released for auto shipping
Do not create invoice → No invoice will be created for orders with this invoice
Fast lane → Orders with this payment method are automatically transferred to the fast lane
Active → Payment method is active
In the Shipping methods tab you can map the parameters transferred from the shop for the different shipping methods to the shipping methods created in Xentral. To do this, you must activate the "Use shipping method mapping" option under Settings. So that unknown shipping methods from online shops can be linked to known shipping methods in Xentral, the parameters transferred from the shop are automatically created as an empty entry in the mapping table.
With a click on the edit icon of a created shipping method you open the settings. For each shipping method you can define settings on how orders with this shipping method are to be handled.
Shipping method shop → Designation of the shipping method in the shop.
Shipping method xentral → Shipping method in Xentral
Shipping method outbound → Only relevant for Amazon and Billbee
Shipping method Outbound → Only relevant for Amazon and Billbee
Country (comma separated, two-digit ISO) → Restriction for which country shipping method is available (empty = no restriction).
Fast lane → Orders with this shipping method automatically transferred to fast lane
Auto shipping active → orders with this shipping method are released for auto shipping
Active → shipping type is active
The textual labeling of the shipping method for the software interface and the labeling on the documents (printed text on invoice, order, etc.) is done via the mapping in the shipping methods (Administration → Settings → Shipping methods).
There the method (= field description in Xentral, e.g. "self-collector") is linked to the textual description such as "self-collector" or "yard sale". More information about defining shipping methods can be found here.
In the Free Fields tab you can map for some shop interfaces (e.g. Shopware) in Xentral with free fields in the shop to transfer or update them during export. Free fields are not available for all shops.
In the Shopware example, the free text management is located under Settings in the main menu:
Here the column name is important for xentral (attr1, attr2, etc.)
If you have connected a shop with subshops, you can map the different subshops of the online shop in the Subshop tab. Subshops are used e.g. for separation by language or domain (e.g. and A mapping could look like this:
In the Language/Supply Country tab you can set different languages for the documents by entering and saving the country code and the corresponding language.
Only the billing address is taken into account here, i.e. if there is a differing shipping address, this will not be taken into account. For example, if the shipping address is UK and the billing address is DE, then the language of the order will be German.
You can disable or enable a saved language by clicking on the edit icon and unchecking or adding the "active" checkbox.
If you leave the country blank, the language will be used for all countries except those for which you have also created an entry. For example, you can enter German as the language for the DACH region (D, AT, CH). As a further entry English without country. Then English will be stored as the language for all countries that are not from the DACH region.
In online shops that transfer customer groups, you can set a group mapping. To see if the shop importer transfers the information of the customer group, you can look in the shopping cart of an imported order.
You can also map the groups in the shop to groups in Xentral. The mechanism works by means of roles. The roles can be used as follows:
Import → Shop to Xentral
Export → Xentral to shop
Customer → Order import adds addresses, if they are in the corresponding shop group, as customers to the Xentral group. The option Assign new customers adds all addresses newly created via the shop as customers at the Xentral group
Member → During order import, addresses, if they are in the corresponding shop group, are added as members to the Xentral group. The Assign new customers option adds all addresses newly created via the shop as members at the Xentral group.
Products → Defines which product prices should be transferred to the shop and in which price group they end up in the shop.
This is how the mapping could look like:
In this case every new customer you create will automatically be created as 'Price group 1'. If the customer in the shop is a member of the KR33 group, the customer will also be added as a member of the Good Customers group. The third mapping ensures that when exporting a product, the scale prices of the 'Major retail customers' are transferred as prices for the shop group 'Price group for retailers'. This allows you to control which price groups are transferred to the shop and where they should end up.
You can learn more about using Smarty in this help center article: Smarty at Shopimporter.
In the Item tree tab you can select from which category the item tree is transferred to the shop. For example, it is possible for niche shops with certain products not to export the entire item tree, but only from the relevant category.
How to use the Item tree module and how to create item trees is described here.
Some shop interfaces allow you to import products from your shop to Xentral via the action Get article list. Shop products that already existed in Xentral will be updated, missing products will be created. The products will be retrieved by the Artikelimport process starter one by one after the action has been executed.
You can import a single product in the product master data under Details → Online Shop Options. This is useful to update it when data in the shop has been changed.
In order to assign the correct product from the shop, you must have already linked the external number.
Only one store product can be assigned to a stock product at a time. If, for example, unisex sunglasses are to receive their own entries as women's and men's sunglasses in the shop, the workaround described here can be used.
The product transfer exports products together with the maintained data to the shop. Among other things, the online shop texts, standard price, weights, sales, etc. are exported.
For the automatic export of products to an online shop there is the artikeluebertragen process starter This transfers all products linked to the shop one by one in the background, if the export was triggered in the interfaces via the "product transfer" area. If a product has been changed, you can also export it directly to the shop at the touch of a button in the product master (Master data → Articles → *Select article*) under Details → Online shop options).
When exporting (JIT) bill of materials, only the header item may be transferred to the shop. The individual components of the (JIT) bill of materials are then added when the order is imported back into Xentral. If you want to display the individual components in the shop as well, you can enter them in the product description.
If you only want to transfer the stock figures of products because all other product data is maintained in the shop, you should not set the option "Allow product transfer", but only the option "Allow stock figures transfer".
Before transferring products you need to create products in the Shop importer module. In addition to the possibility of transferring products from the master data itself, you can also transfer products via the shop interface (Administration → Shop interface → *Select interface* → Product transfer). Most of the functions are suitable for online shop (e.g. Shopware 5/6, Shopify), but not for marketplaces (e.g. eBay, Kaufland, Amazon).
Before the functions can be used in the module, you must activate the product export for the respective importer.
You can then perform the individual actions as required. You must always confirm that you really want to transfer the products.
The following actions are available for product transfer:
Reset stock number cache: This is a global function. The action transfers the stock counts of all products to all shops & marketplaces. Warning: Depending on the number of products, this function can take several days.
Reset stock count cache for store items with quantity 0: Reports the stock count only for products with quantity 0. If the shop has just started and no product transfer has taken place yet or there has been a problem, this function makes an initial adjustment of the stock counts for all products (analogous to "Reset stock count cache"). This function only works for Shop Importer
Reset item cache: This is a global function. All product data will be transferred. Warning: This action can take several weeks.
Load all products: This action loads all products from Xentral into the respective shop. It is possible that products will be overwritten or updated.
Load all changed products: Only changed products are transferred. Initially, all products are transferred to the shop. At the first execution of this function an index is created, so that from the 2nd execution only changes are transferred
Cancel transfer completely: This action can be used as a kind of "emergency brake" while a product transfer is already in progress.
Load product: This function can be used to search for and load individual products or categories. It can be decided in each case whether matrix or variants are also to be loaded.
A completely automated synchronization is only possible for stock figures but not for product export. Therefore only stock numbers can be reported separately automatically, other fields cannot.
In all other cases you must always update the products individually (In the respective article → Online Shop Options) or collectively via the Product Transfer tab in the shop interface. In the Product transfer tab you can either load all products changed since the last export, all products or products of a category/matrix. These will then be added to the list and picked up one by one via the process starter. All relevant fields are always matched, an export of only one specific field is not possible.
Some shop interfaces allow you to export products images from Xentral to the shop, if you have created them in Xentral in the product master under files with the keyword standard product image (shop image). Only images with this keyword will be exported to the shop.
When exporting products to the shop, the images will be exported as well, if the interface supports image export.
Change image order for export: In the product master, the sort order can be used to specify the order in which product images should be shown in the shop. Note that not all store APIs respect the order, although always passed from Xentral. The order is taken over e.g. by Shopware. The first image in the sequence serves there as a preview image.
To automatically report the stock level of products back to the shop, you have to activate the option "Allow stock figures transfer". The stock count is also reported when you create an order with a product. This product will then be deducted from the stock that can be purchased.
The automatic reporting of the stock figures to the shop takes place when the process starter lagerzahlen is active and executed.
So that the transfer of stock figures takes up as few resources as possible, it is not carried out every time for all prodcuts. Only products that have been placed in storage, removed from storage or added to an order since their last synchronization are resynchronized when the process starter runs. For security reasons, the stock levels of all products are also synchronized again every 12 hours.
With the setting Stock basis you define how the "stock" that should be reported back to your shop should be composed:
On the basis of "Product sellable": The "calculated stock" in the product is reported back to the online shop.
On the basis of "stock minus reservations": The stock minus the reserved orders is reported back (open non-reserved orders are not taken into account).
If you activate this option, the stock correction value can be set globally for all products in this shop. Then you don't have to maintain the stock correction value per product in the product master. The set stock correction value in the product master of the product will be overwritten by this value.
In the shop interface → Settings, option "Allow stock figures transfer" must be activated.
In the product → Online shop options, option "Stock numbers sync." must be enabled & the product must be linked to the shop.
Transfer manually: if you want to transfer the stock count of a single product, you need to go to Product → Online shop options and click the "Export" button
Automatic transfer: If you want it to be automatic, you have to activate the process starter "stock count" (ideally 5 or 10 minutes). Then the value in the shop will be adjusted cyclically in case of stock differences between Xentral and the shop.
General information about process starters can be found here and information about the timing of the stock count sync can be found at this link.
With regards to the stock sync:
The stock change must happen on Xentral side
Xentral remembers what was reported to the store last time
If this has resulted in a change in the stock level, exactly these products will be transferred
A change in the shop alone does not trigger a stock change in Xentral, but a stock change in Xentral triggers a feedback to the shop (if no pseudo stock figures are used as stock)
By clicking the following button, you can delete the last saved inventory values. Afterwards the cronjob "lagerzahlen" retrieves all new stock values again and reports them back to the shop.
Each shop interface of Xentral allows manual or automatic order import from the shop to Xentral. There is also a "Demo (For Testing)" mode, where the order status in the shop is not changed and no products or stock numbers are transferred.
To import orders manually, first select the import mode and then use the Pick up orders button.
During import new orders are automatically posted to existing customers or new customers are created. The color marking in the shop import interim table shows whether a customer already exists in the database or whether a similar customer was found whose email address matches an imported order.
A customer is recognized as existing during import (green marking) if the following data fields match:
Email address
If only one of the following data fields matches, a manual check of the link is necessary (purple marking):
Name, or
In the intermediate table you can decide whether you want to import the orders directly, import them later or put them on the trash.
Green → clearly found → the data is identical to the values stored in the master data.
Purple → customer found based on the mail address, but the customer has entered a different address (at least there is a discrepancy).
Red → The customer has entered his customer number in the shop (if the shop supports this) → this number should be checked manually if necessary
Red shop order number → The order has already been picked up, in this case the order is set to "later".
The order import from the shop can also be done automatically via process starter.
For this, the process starter shopimport must be active and the import mode of the shop interface must be set to Automatic (via process starter).
Detailed instructions for importing orders from the online shop can be found here.
Further settings for importing and exporting products between the shop and Xentral can be found directly in the respective article. You can find these setting options here.
The Shop Features tab (Administration → Online Shops / Marketplaces → Shop Features) provides an overview of all shop interfaces of Xentral. There you can see which features a specific shop importer supports. Example: In the sixth column of the first row, you can see from the icons that Xentral's Shopware importer allows both import (Shopware → Xentral) and export (Xentral → Shopware) of product descriptions.
Below, the legend explains the symbols:
Import and export available → Export of the field from Xentral to shop as well as import from shop to Xentral possible.
Can be switched on/off → It can be set in the shop interface whether this field should be transferred.
Not available → Feature is not available for this importer.
Not available in store → Transfer is not supported by this shop/marketplace
Export from xentral available → Field can be transferred from Xentral to shop
Import to xentral available → Field can be imported from shop to Xentral
Unknown → Currently it is unknown if this feature is supported
To represent shipping costs (postage), COD charges and discounts in the items of your orders imported from the shop, you can create one product each in the product master of Xentral and link them in the interface.
The product stored as postage or discounted postage under Details > Interface is used to display the postage as separate item.
The option Item is postage in the product details must be set.
If you have activated the option 'C.O.D. charge as extra item' in the interface, the C.O.D. charge will be inserted as a separate item in the order, in addition to the normal postage item. So the full shipping cost of the customer is made up of these two items: C.O.D. fee + postage.
At the following point you can enter a discount product to which the discounts of your shop will be transferred.
In the input field below you can specify how the discount (in accounting terms a credit note) should be taxed. If you want the tax rate to be taken from the product master, you do not need to fill in this field.
The prerequisite for this is that the product in the product master is set to "Product is discount" and the % field is left blank:
Demo mode (mode for the setup phase or shop changeovers) → The last order from the shop is loaded - but the status (of the order in the shop) is not changed, so you can import this order again and again for demo purposes.
Single Sync (mode for the setup phase or store changes) → Only ONE order is imported at a time. You can use this mode during setup and test phase. This ensures that the orders are imported slowly and one by one and can be checked immediately at the same time. Only when the first 10-20 jobs (generally depends on the daily amount of jobs) have been imported without errors, you can uncheck the box and import the next batch of jobs connection to Otto
There are basically only two reasons why orders are imported twice:
The cleanup at Clean up shop import orders table is set too short (tab Cleanup in Administration > System > Basic Settings)
The project in the shop importer has been changed and the check mark for multi-project shop has not been set.
Multi-project shop: In this shop, products from different projects are offered. This is a special function.
You only need this option if you offer products from different projects in your shop.
Example: Your shop offers some products that require a different logistics process or that require a special customer check (e.g. requesting a trade register excerpt) directly after the order is placed. These products can be purchased together in this way. However, after picking up the orders to xentral, different processes are triggered (e.g. different email templates, customer check is required, different logistics process, different invoice sending, different stationery etc.).
Yes, however this is not a planned standard feature of Xentral an therefore requires some effort.
Go to Master data > Products and navigate to the tab Texts. Here you can enter your own texts for each online shop.
Enter the link there using the .html editor.
Already existing texts and descriptions that are already in there must then be copied accordingly.
The log entry "Online shop difference" means that xentral has detected a difference between the order total from the shop and the calculated total in xentral. Then, to be on the safe side, the checkmark "enabled for autoshipment" is removed. If such a case is only due to small rounding errors or similar and you don't want orders to be held up by this, you can set a tolerance range in the shop interface.
To do this, go to Administration → Online Shops in a shop, go to Details → Settings, check the "Set total amount" option and set the maximum difference from the amount (e.g. 0.05 = 5 cents) within which autoship should be allowed:
This is also useful for orders to Switzerland, where prices are now often rounded to amounts of 5, 10, 15 etc. Rappen.
If the shop is actually accessing the correct price, but it is then a different price on behalf of Xentral, this may be due to the following option of the online shop interface in xentral:
If the checkbox Create missing items is not set, the sales price will be taken from the Xentral master data and may differ from the store price.
If you have correctly transferred the names of the free fields from the back end of the shop in the shop interface for the free field mapping, it may be that the free field names for the API differ. You can check this by adding the following to the store URL (with API at the end): "/articles/ID (ID = ID of the article in the store). There you check the JSON file for the correct name of the free fields. To access data, you have to use the API username and the API key.
Your technical contact in your company can help you with this.
For the synchronization of stock figures from Xentral to the shop, the following requirements must be met:
You must generally allow the stock number transfer in the shop interface
You have to activate the stock count sync in the single product
You must correctly link the product in Xentral to the product in the shop, i.e. a shop link must exist in the product master under Details → Online shop options and the product number from the shop must be mapped as a foreign number
The process starter lagerzahlen (stock numbers) must be active and run regularly
You have already connected the shop and the interface must not be in demo mode
There must have been a stock movement in Xentral
There may be additional requirements for each shop interface, you can find them in the products for the individual interfaces.
No, it is not possible to fill multiple Shop items with stock with one xentral item. Xentral always requires a 1:1 relationship to the shop for the products, therefore you can only store one foreign number per online shop. However, with the help of a just-in-time bill of materials you can work around this.In the following example we sell "Unisex Sunglasses", which should be sold for women and men at the same time in our shop.
The "Unisex Sunglasses" must be created as a stock item. This product represents our stock of sunglasses, but since we want to sell this product twice with different product descriptions/product numbers in our store, we also have to create two Just-In-Time Bill of Materials. To do so, go to Master data & Product & +NEW, as we did for the stock item.
Here we set the names to "Sunglasses Women" and "Sunglasses Men" in the item description. It is important that we mark the two products as bill of materials and just-in-time bill of materials. The checkbox "Hide single item" (Einzelpos. ausblenden) is to be set if the customer should not see the itemized bill of material on the document and is therefore recommended in this case.Now we should have three different items created, our stock item "Unisex Sunglasses" and our two Bill of Materials.
Once the bill of materials are created, the Bill of Materials field will appear at the top of the action bar. There we then need to add our stock item "Unisex Sunglasses".Here we select the quantity "1", because for every "Sunglasses Men or Women" shipped, the stock of "Sunglasses Unisex" should decrease by quantity "1".The created just-in-time bill of materials can now be offered normally like a stock item via the respective online shop. The stock of "Sunglasses Unisex" is now valid for both just-in-time bill of materials. Also link these items to the store under Online shop options and add the foreign numbers according to the instructions.You can find more information in our help center:Maintaining product master dataBill of materialsOnline-Shops
The system message: "Auto-update stock lamps" is the stock feedback to the store.This notification is only triggered at xentral if stock level changes and xentral reports other, new stock to the store. The reason for this can be a goods receipt or an employee changes the stock levels manually. xentral will send you the system message if you are attached to the "BCC" or enter your email address as default.
Otherwise, the stock change runs typically like this (depending on the store, but mostly standard procedure):
There are ten pieces of article X in stock in the store.
The customer buys three pieces of article X.
The store automatically deducts three pieces from 10 pieces → seven pieces are then in stock in the store.
Order is imported into xentral, and three pieces are then also deducted from the 10. Therefore there is no difference between store stock and xentral stock. Therefore, there is no stock balancing in the direction of the store.