The eBay app offers many different features, from an overview of all auctions to various settings for frameworks and the like to stock information. The app can be found in the App Center along with the eBay Importer. The app may be required to use the importer, but in any case it offers useful features for its use.
App Center > Shop Interface > Ebay App
If you want to display active products, you can navigate to the Listings tab. Here you can find all current listings at a glance. You can manually assign products by clicking .
The stock synchronization does only work for assigned products! If a product assignment is missing here, the stock synchronization won't work!
In the Übersicht tab you can find an overview of the auction items, fees for the products in the shop, and reservations.
The auction overview is displayed here, that is the overview of all products that are up for auction or sale in the shop. Sold and discontinued products with stock are also displayed.
You can use filters, for example Show only expired auctions, to limit the display to certain auctions.
By clicking Update display you can load the latest status of the overview. Click the Update / reset auctions button at the bottom of the page to reset selected products that have already expired.
In the Gebühren sub-tab you can find the fees for each product posted. Main fees are offer fees, sales commissions, advertisement fees, and fees for additional options.
Buyers can confirm an order in eBay without paying or entering a delivery address. The sale is completed and the products are reserved for the buyer. Such orders will be displayed in the Reservations sub-tab within the eBay app, in effect reserving the amount of products bought so the product is not oversold.
In the Einstellungen tab you can create templates, define the framework and product assignments, assign shipping service providers, and update categories in the shop on eBay.
If you have several eBay shops, all sub-tabs of the Einstellungen tab except the Templates sub-tab offer the Import interface drop-down menu, where you can select the required eBay shop.
You can create new templates by clicking +Create new template. The template creation form is displayed.
Enter the HTML code of the template in the text field. Possible wildcard fields are listed at the bottom of the form. They will be replaced with the corresponding values from the product data during transfer. XX at the end of a wildcard field can be used for initialization - you can for example enter the country abbreviation (e.g. FR) instead of XX, which translates the corresponding wildcard field to French (provided a French value is stored). Alternatively, you can leave XX in which case the language set in the Ebay listing is used automatically.
The following wildcards are available:
Templates can also contain {IF} branches to specify that content is only displayed when a certain condition is met.
In the following example, the manufacturer of a product is to be specified. If no manufacturer is maintained in the product data, the information from the short text should be shown. If nothing is maintained here either, the information Unfortunately, there is no further information about this product should be displayed.
A corresponding IF branch is added to the template:
If no short text is entered in the product data, the first two {IF} conditions do not apply, i.e. the template will choose the {ELSE} case and display a defined text.
As off March 2018, item descriptions that do not contain HTTPS content are automatically hidden by eBay behind a button that leads to the complete product description. If this behavior occurs, adjust the template accordingly.
To check the template shown above for correctness, navigate to a product you have linked to eBay (Master data > Product). Go to the Online shop options tab and check if you have already set eBay as your shop. You can find more information here.
If you already have an eBay entry, click on for the entry.
The following overview appears, in which you select your previously created template from the Templates drop-down menu in the Template section. Then click on Show preview to test your template.
In the tab that opens in the browser you can view all entries. Finally click Save.
eBay recommends using frameworks for listings. The frameworks, as well as the use of these, can be set in the eBay account settings. Frameworks are used to standardize and simplify shipping, payment, and return information, as they no longer need to be set separately for each product but can be selected from a group of options in the product.
To be able to use framework conditions, select the Rahmenbedingungen verwenden check box (use framework conditions) for eBay in the Online shops module
You can download frameworks in the Rahmenbedingungen sub-tab. Select the required eBay shop from the Import interface drop-down menu. Once the frameworks have been downloaded, their names can be changed to have appropriate labels available for display in the product settings. Changing the actual content of the framework currently still needs be done directly in eBay.
When changes are made in eBay regarding shipping, payments, or returns, you can update the framework conditions by clicking Update general conditions.
If you've already traded on eBay before using the eBay Importer, you can access existing listings and thus continue to use existing product ratings. A prerequisite for the product mapping is that the unique product identification numbers are entered as foreign numbers. In the Actions section click Update item list to display the current status of the listings.
If the products are transferred with a SKU, Xentral will automatically try to create a mapping based on the EAN. All correct mappings found are subsequently displayed. You can edit the mappings by clicking in the Menü column.
When all mappings have been created, in the Actions section click Assign item manually to store the mapping in the foreign numbers. After saving the mappings will be functional.
In the Shipping sub-tab, shipping service providers can be mapped to individual shipping types.
Download the available shipping service providers by clicking Download Shipping Carrier in the Actions section. You can now create the mappings by clicking .
Make sure to create all the necessary mappings here, otherwise the tracking data is not transferred.
Important for the return of tracking data: When returning tracking data, Xentral will first try to report to eBay via the defined shipping method. However, if the shipping method does not match any known provider, shipping will fail. In this case it is necessary to adjust the shipping methods. Furthermore, it is possible that the providers transferred by eBay do not match the specified description, e.g. DHL is defined as the provider but DPD is mentioned in the description. In this case you have to overwrite the provider to get a correct return of tracking data.
Stock changes are sent to eBay at regular intervals. This can be tracked in the Jobs sub-tab. Jobs equal stock synchronizations.
The process starter summarizes the accrued changes/ requests in one job approximately every 30 minutes and sends them to eBay.
However, for a complete stock syncronization we need two cycles of that job:
In the first cycle Xentral requests a task ID from eBay. This is required for the stock synchronization. eBay will then return a task ID.
In the second cycle Xentral adds the data to the task ID and transfers it to eBay.
When a response from eBay is received, the stock synchronization will already have happened.