With the Slack Notifications module, you can have events in Xentral sent as a message to a specific Slack channel. Right now, you can send an automatic notification to Slack every time a quote or order is sent away. This is especially useful when the sales team wants to stay up to date with all the quotes and orders that have been sent.
Slack: https://slack.com
Sample notification in the Slack channel:
In the "Settings" tab you can configure the notifications.
Fill in the fields in the corresponding area if you want to send a notification to Slack when an order or a proposal has been sent.
Webhook URL: The URL from the installed Slack app, see instructions below for creating a Slack app for Xentral.
Notification text: The text that will be displayed in the message in Slack.
Image URL (optional): A public URL of an image (not a local link). This is also displayed in the notification in Slack
Variables for the text: {VOUCHER NUMBER}, {CUSTOMER NAME}, {CUSTOMER NUMBER}, {PROCESSOR}, {AMOUNT} Formatting: *bold*, _italic_ and ~strikethrough~.
Creating an app in Slack for the webhook URL is relatively straightforward and is described in great detail below with a screenshot for each step.
Slack desktop app - settings icon + create new app
Slack Web Interface - Create
Slack Interface - Start Building
Slack web interface - Create App Name and select Slack Workspace for notifications.
Slack Interface - Incoming Webhooks
Slack Web Interface - Activate Incoming Webhooks Activate incoming webhooks at this point:
Slack Interface - Add new Webhook to Workspace
Slack Web Interface - Add new Webhook to Workspace Select a Slack channel to publish notifications to.
Slack web interface - Add new Webhook to Workspace After that you will get to the screen where you can copy the Webhook URL with the "Copy" button. You can enter it directly into the corresponding fields in the module's settings in Xentral.
Copy the webhook URL and paste it into the Slack setting in Xentral:
If you want to view / change the created app again, you would have to go via the URL https://api.slack.com/ and then "Your Apps" on the top right.
Once the appropriate settings are established, the corresponding message will be sent to the stored Slack channel as soon as a quote / order has been sent by email via the Submit dialog (action menu in the document).
Or directly when the order has been released with an e-mail: