By using the PDF Archive module (available in the Appstore as PDF Archiving) it is possible to collect all document types over a selected period of time in one archive and export them from xentral (zip file). The collection interval of which can be can be freely selected (Administration → Settings → System → Process starter pdfarchiv_app). Even after exporting, the stored files are still available in the PDF archive and cannot be deleted.
In the overview in the tab "Archiving" all PDF documents are listed, that have been archived.
Activation of the process starter (Administration → Settings → System → Process starter pdfarchive_app)
Call PDF archiving
Create a new PDF archive, select documents from date range (set check mark) and save
The download is displayed after running through the process starter and archiving the PDF documents for download
Only when the download icon appears, the process is completed, depending on the settings in the process launcher and the number of documents to be generated. Ideally, the cronjob can also run outside of the operating hours. For immediate provision of the data, the cronjob must then be set in a shorter period, e.g. every 10 minutes.
Via "+New" archiving processes can be created for the document types. After completion, the file is displayed as a download and can be downloaded.
By selecting the expert mode, additional settings to the default settings can be made.
Generate PDFs not yet archived: This is the default setting.
All PDF versions: If you check this box, all PDF versions will be generated.
Regenerate all documents: If you check this box, all documents will be regenerated.
Bundle PDFs into single days: Bundles the PDFs of single days
If your PDF Archive (My Area > My Apps > PDF Archiving) is not running or you can't download PDFs, you have the following option to solve the problem of splitting zip files by days:
Navigate to the PDF Archiving module.
Click on +NEW to create a new entry.
Select the Expert settings box under "Expert mode".
Select the Bundle PDFs into single days box.
Click on Save.
It is important that the process starter "pdfarchiv_app" is activated.