In Xentral, payment methods have the following features:
Unlocking payment methods
Set specific default texts for the respective payment method
Maintain multilingual texts for the payment methods
In addition, you can set the payment method "invoice" also the automatic payment date or discount can be calculated.
All settings for payment methods can be found under Administration → Settings → Accounting → Payment methods. The section Administration → Settings → System → Basic settings → Payment methods is still available in the system history, but should no longer be used for text maintenance.
Administration → Settings → Accounting → Payment methods
First click on the pencil icon to edit a payment method. Now you can define which texts should be printed on the receipts. The texts will then be displayed on quotes, orders, invoices and credit notes.
The discount amounts can be shown with the following variables for the "Invoice" payment method:
{ZAHLUNGSZIELSKONTO} → Percent how much cash discount is granted (Dynamically calculated On total amount → discount blocked items are offset)
{ZAHLUNGSZIELSKONTOTOTAL} → Percent, how much cash discount is granted (Fixed Value in the document, without discount, blocked items are taken into account)
{ZAHLUNGSZIELTAGESKONTO} → number of days, how long discount is granted
{ZAHLUNGSZIELSKONTODATUM} → Date until when discount will be granted
{SOLLMITSKONTO} → total amount less cash discount (discount-blocked items are taken into account)
{SKONTOBETRAG} → Amount that the customer must pay less due to cash discount
{SKONTOFAEHIG} → Total amount (gross) of the items that are eligible for cash discount (without skontogesperrte items)
{SKONTOFAEHIGNETTO} → Total amount (net) of the items that are eligible for cash discount eligible (without skontogesperrte items)
In addition, in the payment method with the module Invoice via a text field (see below) further texts can be specified, which in conjunction with discount → 0% come into effect. If the check mark is not set, standard texts are loaded.
Furthermore, the variables from the contact master data are available, whereby these must be made recognizable by the prefix "ADRESSE_", e.g., ADRESSE_INHABER.
Other variables you can use are {ZAHLUNGSSTATUS} and {BEZAHLT_AM}. {ZAHLUNGSSTATUS} displays the current status of the payment, i.e. if it has been paid or not and {BEZAHLT_AM} displays the date when the payment has been made.
You can use these variables like this, for example: {IF}{ZAHLUNGSSTATUS}="bezahlt"{THEN} The invoiced amount of {WAEHRUNG} {SOLL} was already settled with the down payment invoice on {BEZAHLT_AM}. {ELSE}The invoiced amount of {WAEHRUNG} {SOLL} has not yet been settled with the down payment invoice.{ENDIF}
Translations can also be maintained for the various texts. Via the gray globe icon, the desired entries can be made in a separate window.
In addition to the payment methods preset in the standard system, additional Payment methods can be added. This is done under Administration → Settings → Accounting → Payment methods → New
Behaviors can also be declared for the individual payment methods. Here, the selection can be made from three predefined options.
To choose from here:
Direct debit
Order light turns green for payment approval
Fields for cash discount and payment terms present
Discount is taken into account in the incoming payment
The invoice comes after expiry of the payment target in the dunning process
Additional information on workflow with payment methods and useful practical tips can be found in the article Payment Methods - Workflow.